flashcache Attribute


The flashcache attribute controls use of Exadata Smart Flash Cache by a database. This ensures that cache space is reserved for mission-critical databases.


   dbplan=(( name=db_name, ... flashcache={on|off}  ... ) ... )

Usage Notes

  • By default, any database can use Exadata Smart Flash Cache unless it is affected by a directive that specifies flashcache=off.

  • flashcache=off is invalid in a directive that contains the flashcachemin, flashcachelimit, or flashcachesize attributes.

Example 7-46 Setting Flash Cache Use in a Database Plan

This example shows how to enable Flash Cache use in a database plan.

CellCLI> ALTER IORMPLAN                                        -
         dbplan=((name=sales_prod, flashcache=on),             -
                 (name=sales_dev, flashcache=on),              -
                 (name=sales_test, flashcache=off),            -
                 (name=DEFAULT, flashcache=off))