The database parameter CELL_OFFLOAD_PLAN_DISPLAY determines whether the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN command displays the predicates that can be evaluated by Oracle Exadata System Software as STORAGE predicates for a given SQL command.

The values for the CELL_OFFLOAD_PLAN_DISPLAY parameter are AUTO, ALWAYS, or NEVER. The default value is AUTO.

  • AUTO instructs the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN command to display the predicates that can be evaluated as STORAGE only if a cell is present and if a table is on the cell.

  • ALWAYS produces changes to the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN command based on Oracle Exadata System Software, whether or not Oracle Exadata System Software is present or the table is on the cell. You can use this setting to see what can be offloaded to Oracle Exadata Storage Server before migrating to Oracle Exadata Storage Server.

  • NEVER produces no changes to the SQL EXPLAIN PLAN command for Oracle Exadata System Software.

You can set the CELL_OFFLOAD_PLAN_DISPLAY parameter dynamically with the SQL ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION commands. For example:

SQL> ALTER SESSION SET cell_offload_plan_display = ALWAYS;