4.7.1 The CheckHWnFWProfile Utility

The CheckHWnFWProfile utility checks that the system meets the required hardware and firmware specifications, and reports any mismatches.

Table 4-3 CheckHWnFWProfile Utility Commands

Command Description


When run without options, the utility checks the existing hardware and firmware components against the expected values.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action list

View the existing hardware and firmware versions on the system.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action alter_config -property HWFW_Checker_Updater_Status -value Disabled

Disable the CheckHWnFWProfile utility.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action alter_config -property HWFW_Checker_Updater_Status -value Enabled

Enable the CheckHWnFWProfile utility.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action check -component list_of_components

Check specified components against the expected values.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action list -component list_of_components

View the hardware and firmware versions of specified components on the system.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action list -mode serial_numbers

List serial numbers. The list includes the following serial numbers:

  • System
  • Disk controller
  • Each disk
  • RDMA Network Fabric host channel adapter (HCA)

Depending on the system, serial numbers for all the memory (RAM) modules may be included.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -action list -mode supported_info

View the expected hardware and firmware.

./CheckHWnFWProfile -h

./CheckHWnFWProfile --help

View help and utility usage.