Creating a Sparse Grid Disk

To create the sparse ASM grid disk, log in to each cell (or use dcli) in CellCLI and run a command similar to the following, changing size values where appropriate:

CellCLI> create griddisk all harddisk prefix=SPARSE, size=56G, virtualsize=560G

This creates a grid disk of physical size 56 GB but presents to ASM as a 560 GB grid disk. The size parameter should match the actual physical size of the ASM grid disk while the virtualsize parameter should be at least the physical size of the ASM grid disk.

Attributes for the ASM grid disk created above would look like the following from the "LIST GRIDDISK DETAIL" command:

size:        56G
sparse:      TRUE
virtualSize: 560G

size displays the actual physical size of the grid disk.

sparse has a value of TRUE.

virtualSize displays the virtual size of the grid disk.