3.3.1 Determining If a Table Is Compressed

Query the *_TABLES or *_TAB_PARTITIONS data dictionary views to determine whether a table or partitioned is compressed.

  • Query the *_TABLES data dictionary views to determine table compression.

    In the *_TABLES data dictionary views, compressed tables have ENABLED in the COMPRESSION column.

    SQL> SELECT table_name, compression, compress_for FROM user_tables;
    ---------------- ------------  -----------------
    T1               DISABLED
    T2               ENABLED       BASIC
    T3               ENABLED       OLTP
    T4               ENABLED       QUERY HIGH
    T5               ENABLED       ARCHIVE LOW
    For partitioned tables, the COMPRESSION column is NULL in the *_TABLES data dictionary views.
  • For partitioned tables, query the *_TAB_PARTITIONS data dictionary views.

    The COMPRESSION column of the *_TAB_PARTITIONS views indicates the table partitions that are compressed. The COMPRESS_FOR column indicates the compression method in use for the table or partition.

    SQL> SELECT table_name, partition_name, compression, compress_for
      FROM user_tab_partitions;
    ----------- ---------------- -----------   ------------------------------
    SALES       Q4_2004          ENABLED       ARCHIVE HIGH
    SALES       Q3_2008          ENABLED       QUERY HIGH
    SALES       Q4_2008          ENABLED       QUERY HIGH
    SALES       Q1_2009          ENABLED       OLTP
    SALES       Q2_2009          ENABLED       OLTP