2.3.4 Determining Which Oracle ASM Disk Group Contains an Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid Disk

If a grid disk name matches the Oracle ASM disk name, and the name contains the Oracle ASM disk group name, then you can determine the Oracle ASM disk group to which the grid disk belongs.

You can also use SQL commands on the Oracle ASM instance to find the Oracle ASM disk group that matches part of the specific grid disk name. This can help you to determine which Oracle ASM disk group contains a specific grid disk.

Example 2-6 Determining Grid Disks in an Oracle ASM Disk Group

This example shows how to find the Oracle ASM disk group that contains grid disks that begin with DATA0, for example DATA0_CD_03_CELL04.

SQL> SELECT d.label AS asmdisk, dg.name AS diskgroup
     WHERE dg.name LIKE 'DATA0%'
           AND d.group_number = dg.group_number;

ASMDISK                DISKGROUP
---------------------- -------------
DATA0_CD_00_CELL04      DATA0
DATA0_CD_01_CELL04      DATA0
DATA0_CD_02_CELL04      DATA0
DATA0_CD_03_CELL04      DATA0