
The IMPORT CELLDISK command reinstates all exported cell disks or an exported cell disk on a cell where you moved the physical drives that contain the cell disks.

The cell disk is typically imported to a different cell than the one from which the cell disk was exported. For example, the physical drive that contains the exported cell disk was moved to a different cell.

When you move a disk with cell disks and grid disks on it from one machine to another, be careful to ensure that the data on it is rebalanced, as per the ASM failure groups. If all disks from one cell are moved to another cell, then there is no need to perform a ASM rebalance, since the entire failure group is moved.


IMPORT CELLDISK  { ALL  |  cdisk_name  LUN=lun_id  | cdisk_name |  LUN=lun_id }
    [, comment=comment_text] [FORCE]

Usage Notes

To move a cell disk from one cell to another, use the EXPORT CELLDISK and IMPORT CELLDISK commands. Usually, all disks are moved to a new cell if the current cell is failing. First, export the cell disk on one cell. Then, import the exported cell disk using the CellCLI utility on the cell where you moved the physical drive that contains the cell disk.

Using cell disk export and import does not preserve the security configuration details associated with ASM-scoped or DB-scoped security. Consequently, after a successful cell disk export and import, you must remove and reconfigure ASM-scoped or DB-scoped security.

When the IMPORT CELLDISK command is run:

  • Either ALL, the cell disk name, the LUN ID, or the cell disk name and LUN ID must be specified.

    • ALL imports cell disks that have ImportRequired status.

    • If the cell disk name is provided and the LUN ID is not provided, then you can import a cell disk by the specified name in cases where Management Server recognizes this cell disk. A recognized cell disk is displayed in the output of LIST CELLDISK with status equal to ImportRequired.

    • If the LUN ID is provided and the cell disk name is not provided, then the LUN is scanned, and the cell disk is imported. This variation of the command can be used to import a newly-inserted cell disk that was not recognized by Management Server and Cell Server.

    • If the LUN ID and cell disk name are both provided, then the LUN ID is used to import the cell disk, and the name is used to rename the imported cell disk.

  • A new value can be entered for the comment attribute to update the existing cell disk comment.

  • The cell disk name is verified to ensure that the name is unique within the cell. Cell disks can be renamed before import to ensure uniqueness.

  • The grid disk names within a cell must be unique. If a physical disk is moved from one cell (cell_A) to another cell (cell_B) using the EXPORT and IMPORT commands, then there is a chance that the target cell (cell_B) could have two grid disks with identical names. In this case, the cell software automatically resolves the naming conflict by adding a temporary suffix (_duplicate_name, _duplicate_name2, _duplicate_name3, and so on) to the name of one of the grid disks. This additional suffix enables you to refer to a grid disk unambiguously in the CellCLI commands.

    It is recommended that you rename a duplicate grid disk on a cell (cell_B) with a new permanent unique name using the following command:

    ALTER GRIDDISK gdname_duplicate_name NAME=new_unique_name

    If you return the physical disk to the original cell (cell_A) or move the disk to another cell rather than renaming the disk, then the grid disk displays its original name.

  • The LIST CELLDISK command shows which cell disks need to be imported. The command displays output similar to the following:

    CellCLI> list celldisk
             CD_01_cell00     normal
             CD_01_cell01     normal
             CD_01_cell02     importRequired
             CD_01_cell03     importForceRequired
             CD_01_cell04     importRequired
             CD_01_flash0     normal
             CD_01_flash1     normal
             CD_01_flash2     normal
             CD_01_log00      normal
             CD_01_log01      normal
  • If the cell disk was not successfully exported and moved between cells, then the FORCE option must be specified with IMPORT or an error occurs. Oracle recommends contacting Oracle Support Services before using the FORCE option.

  • The IMPORT command checks the disk to determine if it was exported. If it was exported, then the IMPORT command makes the grid disk visible to Oracle ASM. If the disk was not exported, then the FORCE option should be used with the IMPORT command to reconstruct the grid disks on the disk, and make them visible to Oracle ASM.

Example 7-145 Importing a Cell Disk

This example shows the IMPORT CELLDISK command. The LUN ID is provided with the IMPORT command to identify the cell disk, and the cell disk name is used to rename the cell disk on the cell where it was imported.

CellCLI> IMPORT CELLDISK CD_7_cell04 lun=3