Maximum Availability with Oracle ASM

Oracle recommends high redundancy Oracle ASM disk groups, and file placement configuration which can be automatically deployed using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant.

High redundancy can be configured for DATA, RECO, or any other Oracle ASM disk group with a minimum of 3 storage cells. Starting with Exadata Software release, the voting disks can reside in a high redundancy disk group, and additional quorum disks (essentially equivalent to voting disks) can reside on database servers if there are fewer than 5 Exadata storage cells.

Maximum availability architecture (MAA) best practice uses two main Oracle ASM disk groups: DATA and RECO. The disk groups are organized as follows:

  • The disk groups are striped across all disks and Oracle Exadata Storage Servers to maximize I/O bandwidth and performance, and to simplify management.
  • The DATA and RECO disk groups are configured for high (3-way) redundancy.

The benefits of high redundancy disk groups are illustrated by the following outage scenarios:

  • Double partner disk failure: Protection against loss of the database and Oracle ASM disk group due to a disk failure followed by a second partner disk failure.
  • Disk failure when Oracle Exadata Storage Server is offline: Protection against loss of the database and Oracle ASM disk group when a storage server is offline and one of the storage server's partner disks fails. The storage server may be offline because of Exadata storage planned maintenance, such as Exadata rolling storage server patching.
  • Disk failure followed by disk sector corruption: Protection against data loss and I/O errors when latent disk sector corruptions exist and a partner storage disk is unavailable either due to planned maintenance or disk failure.

If the voting disk resides in a high redundancy disk group that is part of the default Exadata high redundancy deployment, the cluster and database will remain available for the above failure scenarios. If the voting disk resides on a normal redundancy disk group, then the database cluster will fail and the database has to be restarted. You can eliminate that risk by moving the voting disks to a high redundancy disk group and creating additional quorum disks on database servers.

Oracle recommends high redundancy for ALL (DATA and RECO) disk groups because it provides maximum application availability against storage failures and operational simplicity during a storage outage. In contrast, if all disk groups were configured with normal redundancy and two partner disks fail, all clusters and databases on Exadata will fail and you will lose all your data (normal redundancy does not tolerate double partner disk failures). Other than better storage protection, the major difference between high redundancy and normal redundancy is the amount of usable storage and write I/Os. High redundancy requires more space, and has three write I/Os instead of two. The additional write I/O normally has negligible impact with Exadata smart write-back flash cache.

The following table describes that redundancy option, as well as others, and the relative availability trade-offs. The table assumes that voting disks reside in high redundancy disk group. Refer to Oracle Exadata Database Machine Maintenance Guide to migrate voting disks to high redundancy disk group for existing high redundancy disk group configurations.

Redundancy Option Availability Implications Recommendation

High redundancy for ALL (DATA and RECO)

Zero application downtime and zero data loss for the preceding storage outage scenarios if voting disks reside in high redundancy disk group.

If voting disks currently reside in normal redundancy disk group, refer to Oracle Exadata Database Machine Maintenance Guide to migrate them to high redundancy disk group.

Use this option for best storage protection and operational simplicity for mission-critical applications. Requires more space for higher redundancy.

High redundancy for DATA only

Zero application downtime and zero data loss for preceding storage outage scenarios. This option requires an alternative archive destination.

Use this option for best storage protection for DATA with slightly higher operational complexity. More available space than high redundancy for ALL.

Refer to My Oracle Support note 2059780.1 for details.

High redundancy for RECO only

Zero data loss for the preceding storage outage scenarios.

Use this option when longer recovery times are acceptable for the preceding storage outage scenarios. Recovery options include the following:

  • Restore and recover:

    - Recreate DATA disk group

    - Restore from RECO and tape-based backups, if required

    - Recover database

  • Switch and recover:

    - Use RMAN switch to copy

    Recover database

Normal Redundancy for ALL (DATA and RECO)

Note: Cross-disk mirror isolation by using ASM disk group content type limits an outage to a single disk group when two disk partners are lost in a normal redundancy group that share physical disks and storage servers.

The preceding storage outage scenarios resulted in failure of all Oracle ASM disk groups. However, using cross-disk group mirror isolation the outage is limited to one disk group.

Note: This option is not available for eighth or quarter racks.

Oracle recommends a minimum of high redundancy for DATA only.

Use the Normal Redundancy for ALL option when the primary database is protected by an Oracle Data Guard standby database deployed on a separate Oracle Exadata Database Machine or when the Exadata Database Machine is servicing only development or test databases. Oracle Data Guard provides real-time data protection and fast failover for storage failures.

If Oracle Data Guard is not available and the DATA or RECO disk groups are lost, then leverage recovery options described in My Oracle Support note 1339373.1.

The optimal file placement for setup for MAA is:

  • Oracle Database files — DATA disk group
  • Flashback log files, archived redo files, and backup files — RECO disk group
  • Redo log files — First high redundancy disk group. If no high redundancy disk group exists, then redo log files are multiplexed across the DATA and RECO disk groups.
  • Control files — First high redundancy disk group. If no high redundancy disk groups exist, the use one control file in the DATA disk group. The backup control files should reside in the RECO disk group, and RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON should be set.
  • Server parameter files (SPFILE) — First high redundancy disk group. If no high redundancy disk group exists, then SPFILE should reside in the DATA disk group. SPFILE backups should reside in the RECO disk group.
  • Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and voting disks for Oracle Exadata Database Machine Full Rack and Oracle Exadata Database Machine Half Rack — First high redundancy disk group. If no high redundancy disk group exists, then the files should reside in the DATA disk group.
  • Voting disks for Oracle Exadata Database Machine Quarter Rack or Eighth Rack — First high redundancy disk group, otherwise in normal redundancy disk group. If there are fewer than 5 Exadata storage cells with high redundancy disk group, additional quorum disks will be stored on Exadata database servers during OEDA deployment. Refer to Oracle Exadata Database Machine Maintenance Guide to migrate voting disks to high redundancy disk group for existing high redundancy disk group configurations.
  • Temporary files — First normal redundancy disk group. If the high redundancy for ALL option is used, then the use the first high redundancy disk group.
  • Staging and non-database files — DBFS disk group or ACFS volume
  • Oracle software (including audit and diagnostic destinations) — Exadata database server local file system locations configured during OEDA deployment