What to Look For When Monitoring XRMEM Log

General Performance

Performance issues related to redo logging typically exhibit high latency for the log file sync wait event in the Oracle Database user and foreground processes, with corresponding high latency for log file parallel write in the Oracle Database log writer (LGWR) process. Because of the performance-critical nature of redo log writes, occasional long latencies for log file parallel write may cause fluctuations in database performance, even if the average log file parallel write wait time is acceptable.

If any of these are occurring, then it may be indicative of an issue with XRMEM log performance.

Bypassing XRMEM Log

Increased redo write latencies when using XRMEM log can occur when XRMEM log is bypassed. When XRMEM log is bypassed, the request is sent to the cellsrv, and Exadata Smart Flash Log is still used (if available). However, when the bypass request is sent, it has to ensure that there is no conflict with a previous XRMEM log request. This conflict checking, which requires scanning XRMEM log, makes bypass writes more expensive to process, and can result in higher than expected redo log write latencies.

There are several possible causes that result in a small number of XRMEM log bypasses. Under normal circumstances, the number of bypasses should be substantially less than 1% of the total number of XRMEM log requests. A high number of XRMEM log bypasses is likely to be a symptom of another problem, such as congestion on the RoCE Network Fabric.