Quarantine Manager Support for Cell-to-Cell Offload Operations

Commencing with Oracle Exadata System Software, quarantine manager support is provided for cell-to-cell offload operations that support ASM rebalance and high throughput writes. If Exadata detects a crash during these operations, the offending operation is quarantined, and Exadata falls back to using non-offloaded operations.

These types of quarantines are most likely caused by incompatible versions of CELLSRV. If such quarantines occur on your system, contact Oracle Support Services.

To identify these types of quarantine, run the LIST QUARANTINE DETAIL command and check the value of the quarantineType attribute. Values associated with these quarantines are ASM_OFFLOAD_REBALANCE and HIGH_THROUGHPUT_WRITE.

Following are some examples of the output produced by the LIST QUARANTINE command.

For ASM rebalance:

CellCLI> list quarantine detail
 name:                   2
 asmClusterId:           b6063030c0ffef8dffcc99bd18b91a62
 cellsrvChecksum:        9f98483ef351a1352d567ebb1ca8aeab
 clientPID:              10308
 comment:                None
 crashReason:            ORA-600[CacheGet::process:C2C_OFFLOAD_CACHEGET_CRASH]
 creationTime:           2016-06-23T22:33:30-07:00
 dbUniqueID:             0
 dbUniqueName:           UnknownDBName
 incidentID:             1
 quarantineMode:         "FULL Quarantine"
 quarantinePlan:         SYSTEM
 quarantineReason:       Crash
 quarantineType:         ASM_OFFLOAD_REBALANCE
 remoteHostName:         slc10vwt
 rpmVersion:             OSS_MAIN_LINUX.X64_160623

For high throughput writes originating from a non-container database:

CellCLI> list quarantine detail
 name:                   10
 asmClusterId:           b6063030c0ffef8dffcc99bd18b91a62
 cellsrvChecksum:        9f98483ef351a1352d567ebb1ca8aeab
 clientPID:              8377
 comment:                None
 crashReason:            ORA-600[CacheGet::process:C2C_OFFLOAD_CACHEGET_CRASH]
 creationTime:           2016-06-23T23:47:01-07:00
 conDbUniqueID:          0
 conDbUniqueName:        UnknownDBName
 dbUniqueID:             4263312973
 dbUniqueName:           WRITES
 incidentID:             25
 quarantineMode:         "FULL Quarantine"
 quarantinePlan:         SYSTEM
 quarantineReason:       Crash
 quarantineType:         HIGH_THROUGHPUT_WRITE
 remoteHostName:         slc10vwt
 rpmVersion:             OSS_MAIN_LINUX.X64_160623

For high throughput writes originating from a container database (CDB):

CellCLI> list quarantine detail
 name:                   10
 asmClusterId:           eff096e82317ff87bfb2ee163731f7f7
 cellsrvChecksum:        9f98483ef351a1352d567ebb1ca8aeab
 clientPID:              17206
 comment:                None
 crashReason:            ORA-600[CacheGet::process:C2C_OFFLOAD_CACHEGET_CRASH]
 creationTime:           2016-06-24T12:59:06-07:00
 conDbUniqueID:          4263312973 
 conDbUniqueName:        WRITES 
 dbUniqueID:             0 
 dbUniqueName:           UnknownDBName 
 incidentID:             25
 quarantineMode:         "FULL Quarantine"
 quarantinePlan:         SYSTEM
 quarantineReason:       Crash
 quarantineType:         HIGH_THROUGHPUT_WRITE
 remoteHostName:         slc10vwt
 rpmVersion:             OSS_MAIN_LINUX.X64_160623