7.7.16 SPOOL


The SPOOL command writes (spools) the results of commands to the specified file on the cell file system.


SPO[OL] [file_name [ CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END] ] | OFF]

If you issue SPOOL file_name with no option, then the output is spooled to that file whether or not the file already exists. The REPLACE option is the default behavior.

The SPOOL options are described in the following table.

Table 7-4 SPOOL Options

Option Description


Adds the results to the end of the file specified.


Creates a new file with the name specified, and raises an error if the file exists.


Names the file to which the results are written. It can be specified with a fully-qualified path name, or with a partially-qualified path name relative to the current directory.

no option

Displays the name of the current spool target file, if any.


Stops writing (spooling) output to the file.


Replaces the contents of an existing specified file. If the file does not exist, then REPLACE creates the file. This is the default behavior.