Configuring the Endpoints for Automatic Metric Upload

You can automatically upload (push) the metric stream to one or more collection endpoints by setting the metricStreamEndPoint attribute as follows:


In the metricStreamEndPoint definition:

  • host: Specifies the URL for the collection endpoint. The URL can use HTTP or HTTPS.

  • type: Optionally specifies the format of the stream. Supported values are:

    • json: Provides the stream in a JSON format

    • plaintext: Provides the stream in a plain text format

    The default value is json.

  • token: Optionally specifies the authentication token for the collection endpoint. Consult the metric collection platform for details about generating the token.

  • httpProxy or httpsProxy: Optionally specifies a proxy server to facilitate network connectivity to the collection endpoint. A proxy server is required if a firewall resides between the Exadata system and the collection endpoint.

You can use the optional += operator to add collection endpoints to an existing metricStreamEndPoint definition. Otherwise, the = operator overwrites the previous attribute value.

Example 6-23 Setting Up a JSON Stream

This example shows how to set up a JSON stream. In the example command, the host and token values come from the collection platform and we assume that network connectivity is through the specified proxy.

CellCLI> ALTER CELL metricStreamEndPoint=((host="https://ingest.stream.example.com/v2/datapoint",type="json",token="wcfA_**********Z58QpKg",httpProxy="www-proxy.example.com:80"))

Example 6-24 Adding a Plain Text Endpoint

This example shows how to add a plain text endpoint to the existing metricStreamEndPoint. In the example command, the host and token values come from the collection platform. The example also assumes that the collection platform is within the corporate network requiring no network proxy.

CellCLI> ALTER CELL metricStreamEndPoint+=((host="http://idbsrv.example.com:8086/api/v2/write?org=Exadata&bucket=Metrics&precision=ns",type="plaintext",token="6unif**********rOXwtfkG0gWGENyePd6uN6OLR_deTZL4IuG9VTfDWwvpB-QvJcCcFs_NVjmpsyANz0Q8psA=="))