Controlling the Automatic Metric Upload Frequency

The metricStreamIntvlInSec attribute sets the upload interval (in seconds) for automatic uploads to the metric streaming endpoints specified by the metricStreamEndPoint attribute.

  • To enable automatic metric uploads, set the metricStreamIntvlInSec attribute to a non-zero value.

    For example:

    CellCLI> ALTER CELL metricStreamIntvlInSec=25

    The metricStreamIntvlInSec setting is related to the fine-grained collection frequency specified in the metricFGCollIntvlInSec attribute:

    • When automatic metric upload and fine-grained collection are both enabled (metricStreamIntvlInSec>0 and metricFGCollIntvlInSec>0), metricStreamIntvlInSec must be between 5 and 30 times metricFGCollIntvlInSec. For example, if metricFGCollIntvlInSec is set to 5, then metricStreamIntvlInSec must be between 25 and 150.

    • When automatic metric upload is enabled and fine-grained collection is disabled (metricStreamIntvlInSec>0 and metricFGCollIntvlInSec=0), the automatic upload frequency must be between 5 and 30 minutes (metricStreamIntvlInSec must be between 300 and 1800).

  • To disable automatic metric uploads, set metricStreamIntvlInSec=0.

    For example:

    CellCLI> ALTER CELL metricStreamIntvlInSec=0