4.4 Using the ipconf Utility

The ipconf utility is used to set and change the following parameters on Oracle Exadata servers.

During initial configuration of Oracle Exadata Database Machine, the utility also configures the database servers.

  • IP address
  • Host name
  • NTP server
  • Time zone
  • DNS name servers
  • RDMA Network Fabric addresses

The ipconf utility makes a back up copy of the files it modifies. When the utility is rerun, it overwrites the existing backup file. The log file maintains the complete history of every ipconf operation performed.

Table 4-1 ipconf Options

Option Description

no option

Utility starts in main editing mode.

-check-consistency [-pkey-file pkey.conf]

Determine if pkey is configured on current host by looking into cell.conf. If pkey is configured, this command reversely checks the sub interfaces and the ifcfg config files, compares them with the pkey.conf, and reports any inconsistencies it finds.


Starts utility in main editing mode when there is a mismatch between the stored cell configuration and the running configuration.

-ilom print

Prints basic ILOM settings.

-ilom set

Sets basic ILOM settings.

-pkey-add $PKEY.CONF -pkey-apply [-force]

Apply the pkey configuration to an unconfigured system or add a new pkey configuration to the current pkey configured host (without changing the current pkey settings). If the interface specified in the pkey file is already, the command exits with an error.

If you include the -force option, then the current pkey configuration for the already configured interface is deleted, and the configuration based on the new pkey.conf file is applied.

-pkey-delete $PKEY.CONF -pkey-apply

To delete some pkeys on the current pkey configured host, where $PKEY.CONF is a simple pkey file that includes only the pkey and physical devices in the entries. If the system is not already configured with pkeys, the command exits with an error.


Get the InfiniBand partitioning pkey configuration for the current system.

-pkey-matchruntime [-pkey-file pkey.conf]

Get the run-time pkey configuration, and match it with the file specified with the -pkey-file option. If a file is not specified, then /opt/oracle.cellos/pkey.conf is used as the default.

-preconf preconf.scv [-pkey-file pkey.conf] {-generate | -generateall | -verify}

Verifies the pkey.conf file and preconf.scv, then generates cell.conf, and finally cross-validates pkey.conf and cell.conf.


Checks only the DNS and NTP configuration.


Checks for access to at least one NTP and one DNS server.

-update [-dns dns_ip_list] [-ntp ntp_ip_list] [-ilom-dns ilom_dns_list] [-ilom-ntp ilom_ntp_list] [-force | -dry]

Update DNS and NTP servers for Linux and ILOM. For the DNS and NTP servers, specify a list of IP addresses separated by commas.

A maximum of three DNS servers are allowed with -ilom-dns. A maximum of two NTP servers are allowed with -ilom-ntp.

If the timestamp obtained from the new NTP server differs from the current time known to the system by more than 1 second (time step), then the command errors out and does not update the NTP settings. The -force flag on command line overrides this check.

The -dry option indicates the command should check all settings, but not apply them.


The -verbose option shows all details. If -verbose is not used, then only errors are displayed.


Verifies the consistency between the stored cell configuration and the running configuration. Success returns zero errors.

You can use the following options with -verify: -pkey-file, -semantic, -semantic-min

The following example shows the display for the ipconf utility when setting the Sun ILOM interface.

Example 4-1 Using the ipconf Utility to Set the Sun ILOM Interface

# ipconf
Logging started to /var/log/cellos/ipconf.log
Interface ib0 is Linked. hca: mxx4_0
Interface ib1 is Linked. mxx4_0
Interface eth0 is Linked. driver/mac: igb/00:00:00:01:cd:01
Interface eth1 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: igb/00:00:00:01:cd:02
Interface eth2 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: igb/00:00:00:01:cd:03
Interface eth3 is ... Unlinked. driver/mac: igb/00:00:00:01:cd:04
Network interfaces
Name  State      IP address      Netmask         Gateway         Hostname       
ib0   Linked                                                                    
ib1   Linked                                                                    
eth0  Linked                                                                    
eth1  Unlinked                                                                  
eth2  Unlinked                                                                  
eth3  Unlinked                                                                  
Warning. Some network interface(s) are disconnected. Check cables and switches
         and retry
Do you want to retry (y/n) [y]: n
The current nameserver(s):
Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: 
The current timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: 
The current NTP server(s): 1192.0.2.13
Do you want to change it (y/n) [n]: 
Network interfaces
Name  State   IP address      Netmask       Gateway        Hostname       
eth0  Linked  Managment myg.example.com
eth1  Unlinked
eth2  Unlinked
eth3  Unlinked
bond0 ib0,ib1        Private myg.example.com 

Select interface name to configure or press Enter to continue: 
Select canonical hostname from the list below
1: myg.example.com
2: myg-private.example.com
Canonical fully qualified domain name [1]: 
Select default gateway interface from the list below
1: eth01
Default gateway interface [1]:

Canonical hostname: myg.example.com
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
NTP servers:
Network interfaces
Name  State  IP address      Netmask        Gateway        Hostname       
eth0  Linked  myg.example.com
eth1  Unlinked
eth2  Unlinked
eth3  Unlinked
bond0 ib0,ib1 Private  myg-priv.example.com
Is this correct (y/n) [y]: 
Do you want to configure basic ILOM settings (y/n) [y]: y
Loading configuration settings from ILOM ...
ILOM Fully qualified hostname [myg_ilom.example.com]:
ILOM IP discovery (static/dhcp) [static]:
ILOM IP address []: 
ILOM Netmask []: 
ILOM Gateway or none []: 
ILOM Nameserver or none: []:
ILOM Use NTP Servers (enabled/disabled) [enabled]: 
ILOM First NTP server. Fully qualified hostname or ip address or none []:
ILOM Second NTP server. Fully qualified hostname or ip address or none [none]:

Basic ILOM configuration settings:
Hostname             : myg.example.com
IP Discovery         : static
IP Address           :
Netmask              :
Gateway              :
DNS servers          :
Use NTP servers      : enabled
First NTP server     :
Second NTP server    : none
Timezone (read-only) : America/Los Angeles
Is this correct (y/n) [y]: