9.5.3 ahf configuration

Use the ahf configuration command to change AHF configuration.

Syntax: ahf configuration

ahf configuration action [options]
Actions Description


Sets configuration property and value.


Gets configuration property and value.


Unsets configuration property and value.


Checks configuration.

ahf configuration set

ahf configuration set --type CONFIGURATION_TYPE [OPTIONS]
Parameter Description

-h, --help

Show this help and exit.


Specify to display the output in JSON format.

--type TYPE

Specify the type of configuration to access.

--name NAME

Specify the name of the component or configuration.

--property NAME

Specify the name of the property to set.

--value VALUE

Specify the value of the property.

--type impact

--user-name USER_NAME: Specify the user name which the command requires.

--connect-string CONNECT_STRING: Specify the connect string for the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.

--type fleet-insights

--url URL: Specify the full fleet insights registration URL.

--user-name USER_NAME: Specify the user name which the command requires.

--type repository

--location LOCATION: Specify a new location for the repository.

--size SIZE: Specify the maximum size of repository (MB).

--type goldengate

--all: Specify to set all parameters interactively.

--host-name HOST_NAME: Specify the fully qualified host name with domain name.

--db-name DB_NAME: Specify the database name.

--port PORT: Specify GoldenGate Service Manager port.

--type upload

--endpoint-type {https,bugdb,sqlnet,sftp}: Specify the upload endpoint type.

--all: Specify to set all parameters interactively.

--host-name HOST_NAME: Specify the fully qualified host name with domain name

--user-name USER_NAME: Specify the user name which the command requires.

--password: Specify to prompt for password.

--url URL: Specify the full registration or upload URL

--port PORT: Specify the service port number.

--store-type STORE_TYPE: Specify the store type.

--proxy PROXY: Specify the proxy URL

--connect-string CONNECT_STRING: Specify the Connect string for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository

--upload-table UPLOAD_TABLE: Spefiy the upload table name.

--no-authentication: Specify if no authentication is required.

--https-token HTTPS_TOKEN: Specify the HTTPS token to log in.

--https-header HTTPS_HEADER: Specify the HTTPS header string.

--request-type REQUEST_TYPE: Specify the HTTPS request type.


  • --user-name is the Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository user name if --type impact
  • --user-name is the API registration user if --type fleet-insights
  • --user-name is the upload configuration user if --type upload
  • --user-name is the login user if --type impact
  • --user-name is the GoldenGate service manager user if --type goldengate
  • --name is the component name if --type repository
  • --name is the configuration name if --type goldengate

Values supported for --property:

  • Repository properties:
    • reposizeMB
    • repositorydir
  • Global properties: gather_ahf_feature_usage
  • User properties:
    • ahf.insights.max-collection-interval
    • ahf.collectors.enhanced_os_metrics

Syntax: ahf configuration get

ahf configuration get [OPTIONS]
Parameter Description

--type TYPE

Specify the type of configuration to get.

Valid values:

  • GoldenGate microservice: goldengate
  • Upload configuration: upload


Specify unique configuration name for --type goldengate or --type upload.

--property PROPERTY_NAME

Specify the name of the property.

--type upload

--endpoint-type {https,bugdb,sqlnet,sftp}: Specify the upload endpoint type.

--all: Specify to set all parameters interactively.

--host-name HOST_NAME: Specify the fully qualified host name with domain name

--user-name USER_NAME: Specify the user name which the command requires.

--password: Specify to prompt for password.

--url URL: Specify the full registration or upload URL

--port PORT: Specify the service port number.

--store-type STORE_TYPE: Specify the store type.

--proxy PROXY: Specify the proxy URL

--connect-string CONNECT_STRING: Specify the Connect string for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository

--upload-table UPLOAD_TABLE: Spefiy the upload table name.

--no-authentication: Specify if no authentication is required.

--https-token HTTPS_TOKEN: Specify the HTTPS token to log in.

--https-header HTTPS_HEADER: Specify the HTTPS header string.

--request-type REQUEST_TYPE: Specify the HTTPS request type.

Syntax: ahf configuration check

ahf configuration check [OPTIONS]
Parameter Description

--type TYPE

Specify the type of configuration to check.


Specify to display the output in JSON format.


Specify configuration name to check if --type goldengate or --type upload.

Syntax: ahf configuration unset

ahf configuration unset [OPTIONS]
Parameter Description

--type TYPE

Specify the type of configuration to unset.

--type fleet-insights

--user-name USER_NAME: API registration user.

--url URL: Full fleet insights registration URL.

--type goldengate

--name CONFIG_NAME: Configuration name.

--type upload

--endpoint-type {https,bugdb,sqlnet,sftp}: Specify the upload endpoint type.

--all: Specify to set all parameters interactively.

--host-name HOST_NAME: Specify the fully qualified host name with domain name

--user-name USER_NAME: Specify the user name which the command requires.

--password: Specify to prompt for password.

--url URL: Specify the full registration or upload URL

--port PORT: Specify the service port number.

--store-type STORE_TYPE: Specify the store type.

--proxy PROXY: Specify the proxy URL

--connect-string CONNECT_STRING: Specify the Connect string for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository

--upload-table UPLOAD_TABLE: Spefiy the upload table name.

--no-authentication: Specify if no authentication is required.

--https-token HTTPS_TOKEN: Specify the HTTPS token to log in.

--https-header HTTPS_HEADER: Specify the HTTPS header string.

--request-type REQUEST_TYPE: Specify the HTTPS request type.

Syntax: AHF Balance

ahf configuration set --type CONFIGURATION_TYPE [OPTIONS]


Table 9-130 ahf configuration set Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-h, --help

Show this help and exit.


Specify the type of configuration (impact) to access.

--connect-string CONNECT-STRING

Specify the connect string for the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.


Ensure that the connect string does not contain any spaces.

--user-name USER-NAME

Specify Oracle Enterprise Manager repository user name.


Running this command will prompt you to enter the password for the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository user. The Oracle Enterprise Manager repository user can be any Enterprise Manager (EM) user with Target Privilege: View any Target. AHF Balance connects to an EM repository instance as the specified user.