9.5.6 ahf data

Use the ahf data command to retrieve information about AHF repositories.

Syntax: ahf data

ahf data action [options]
Action: get-repository
Option: --component {all,compliance,tfa}, --local, --to-json
Action Description


Gets the repository information.

Options Description


Prints the output in JSON format.


Gets information about the repositories for the local AHF installation.

--component {all,tfa,compliance}

Gets repository information for a component {tfa|compliance|all}

ahf data get-repository --component all
--------------------    -----
Repository parameter    Value
location                /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository
max_size                6171
size                    7
free_size               6164
status                  OPEN

--------------------    -----
Repository parameter    Value
location                /opt/oracle.ahf/data/<host_name>/orachk/user_root/output
ahf data get-repository --component tfa
--------------------    -----
Repository parameter    Value
location                /scratch/repository
max_size                15000
size                    0
free_size               15000
status                  OPEN
ahf data get-repository --component compliance
--------------------    -----
Repository parameter    Value
location                /opt/oracle.ahf/data/<host_name>/orachk/user_root/output