9.5.1 ahf

Use the ahf command to generate diagnostic analysis report, generate AHF Balance reports, and query the version of AHF running on the local node.


ahf category action [options]
category: {analysis,configuration,observer,software,data}
  • analysis: Use to analyze an environment for problems and provide recommendations for corrective actions.
  • configuration: Use to change AHF configuration.
  • observer: Use to interact with AHF processes.
  • software: Use to retrieve software information about AHF and Monthly Recommended Patches (MRP).
  • data: Use to retrieve information about AHF repositories.


Table 9-126 ahf Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-h, --help

--version, -v

--debug, -d

Show this help and exit.

Queries the version of AHF installed on the local node.

Show additional debug information in log file.

Category: software

  • Action: get-version
  • Options:
    • --component {ahf,tfa,compliance,all}
    • --local

Queries the version of AHF installed on the local node.

Category: software

  • Action:
    • get-mrp-level
    • compare-mrp-level
    • get-latest-mrp-level
    • apply-update
get-mrp-level: gets the Monthly Recommended Patches (MRP) level the Oracle home is at
  • Options:
    • --oracle-home ORACLE_HOME: gets the MRP level for the specified Oracle Home
    • -all: gets the MRP level for all Oracle Home on the system
compare-mrp-level: compares an Oracle home against a specific MRP level to retrieve installed and missing patches
  • Options:
    • --oracle-home ORACLE_HOME: Specify the Oracle home for which you want to query the information for
    • --mrp-level MRP_LEVEL: Specify the MRP level for which you want to check. Default: Latest applicable MRP level.
get-latest-mrp-level: gets the latest MRP level name
  • Option: --ru RU

    Specify the RU for which you want to query information.

apply-update: applies the update provided to the AHF installation on the local node
  • Option: --update-file <zip-file-name>

    Specify the zip file name.

Category: analysis

  • Action: create
  • AHF Insights Options: [--type insights] [--last n{m|h} | --for <DATETIME> | --from <DATETIME> --to <DATETIME>]

Generates AHF Insights analysis report.

Category: analysis

  • Action: create
  • AHF Balance Options: [--type impact] --scope [fleet|cluster|database] --name NAME

Generates AHF Balance reports: Fleet Report, Cluster Report, and Database Report.

Category: analysis

  • Action: explore
  • AHF Scope Options: [--with scope] [--from-file FILE]

Launches exploratory analysis with the specified tool.

Category: configuration

  • Action: set
  • AHF Balance Options: [--type impact][--connect-string CONNECT-STRING] [--user-name USER-NAME]

Configures a connection to an Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.

Category: data

  • Action: get-repository
  • Options: ,
    • --component {all,compliance,tfa}
    • --local

Retrieves information about AHF repositories.

--local: Retrieves information about AHF repositories only from the local node.

Category: observer

  • Action: status

Retrieves the status of AHF components.

Example 9-124 ahf software get-version --component all

ahf software get-version --component all
AHF version: 24.2.0
Build Timestamp: 20240224222447
TFA version: 24.2.0
Compliance version: 24.2.0
Compliance metadata version: 20240224