ahfctl compliance


The -setserviceupload, -unsetserviceupload, -getserviceupload, -checkserviceupload, -setdbupload, -unsetdbupload, -getdbupload, -checkdbupload, and -sanitize parameters have been deprecated and removed in 23.3. Oracle recommends using the following commands instead.

  • ahfctl setupload replaces -setserviceupload and -setdbupload
  • ahfctl unsetupload replaces -unsetserviceupload and -unsetdbupload
  • ahfctl getupload replaces -getserviceupload and -getdbupload
  • ahfctl checkupload replaces -checkserviceupload and -checkdbupload
  • ahfctl redact replaces -sanitize


ahfctl compliance -h
[-autostart reset]
[-autostop unset]


Table 9-39 ahfctl compliance Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Runs all checks, including the best practice checks and the recommended patch check. If you do not specify any options, then the tools run all checks by default.

-acchk Runs application continuity checks.
Set the following environment variable before using the -acchk option:
  • RAT_AC_ASMJAR=path to asm-all-5.0.3.jar
  • RAT_JAVA_HOME=path to jdk8
  • RAT_AC_JDBCVER=Version of the JDBC like 12 or 12.0.1 or 18 or 18.2 or 19 or 19.1
  • RAT_AC_JARDIR=Directory where jar files are present for concrete class
  • RAT_AC_TRCDIR=Directory where trace files are present for Database coverage tests

If the above environment variables are set, orachk can be run without any parameter to run acchk.

Passing values in command line instead of environment variables.
ahfctl compliance -acchk 
-javahome path to jdk8 
-asmhome path to asm-all-5.0.3.jar 
-jdbcver jdbc version  
-appjar directory where jar files are present for concrete class 
-apptrc directory where database trace files are present to measure database coverage

Optional variable RAT_ACTRACEFILE_WINDOW variable can be set to number of days. Based on this value, files older than the RAT_ACTRACEFILE_WINDOW days are ignored.


-acchk can be run either for both database coverage and concrete classes or can be run only for database coverage or concrete class separately.


Specify the directory where jar files are present.


Applies a new orachk patch for the specified bug ID when orachk_bug_id.zip is provided.

Applies a new orachk data patch for the specified data timestamp when orachk_data_timestamp.zip is provided.


Use -apptrc with -acchk. Used to specify the directory where trace files are present.

-asmhome path to asm jar

Specify to set asm home for acchk.


Used to send remote orachk run in background. Used -asynch in combination with command -remotehost.

-attachment filename

When specified with -testemail, sends a test email with attachment to validate email configuration. Attachment should be present on the local node.


Exits orachk if an autorun with same ID is already running.

-identitydir directory [-universal|-autoselect]

Used to specify identity files directory where identity files to all remote host are present.

-universal: Same identity file is applicable to all of the remote hosts.

-autoselect: Automatically selects the identity files for multiple remote hosts.

Identity file name must follow the naming convention as follows:
  • id_ENCRYPTION.*.* (with -universal)
  • id_ENCRYPTION.TAG.USER (with -autoselect)

For example: id_dsa.myhost67.root

RSA is the default SSH encryption. For DSA SSH encryption, set RAT_SSH_ENCR="dsa".


Autostart will automatically set and run the orachk daemon.

-autostart reset

Starts and loads the default schedulers.


Checks the status of the scheduler.


Use -autostop to remove autostart. It will stop the daemon and remove auto schedule entries from the wallet.


The daemon will start when AHF is restarted.

-autostop unset

Removes all default unmodified schedulers.


Runs only the best practice checks.


Use -baseline option with -fileattr to specify the baseline snapshot path.


Use -basic encrypt/decrypt using utf-8 character encoding.

-cellparallel n

Runs orachk on cells in parallel.

n: Specify the number of child processes to run on cells. Default is 25% of CPUs.


Runs orachk on cells in parallel.

Number of child processes will be equal to the minimum number of CPUs and number of cells.


Specify a comma-delimited storage server names or file containing storage server names separated by newline to run orachk only on the selected storage servers.


Runs orachk in serial on storage servers.

-celltmpdir path

Sets RAT_CELL_TMPDIR internally. Creates orachk files on storage servers to non-default location.


Runs a specific set of checks. Specify check IDs at the command prompt.


Checks if orachk cache discovery exist or not.


Prints a list of collections for which upload failed.


Prints a list of collections for which service upload failed.

-ciphers list of ciphers

Specify ciphers for curl OSS upload.


Generates valid JSON files with results, exceptions, and recommendations.


Cleans up the temporary directory.


Specify a comma-delimited list of node names or file containing node names separated by newline to run only on a subset of nodes.


Upgrades the Collection Manager if a new version of Collection Manager is available and database upload parameters are set in the orachk wallet.

-configdir dir

Use to configure ORDS.


Creates a custom profile. Specify a custom profile name followed by a list of comma-delimited check IDs to populate.

-credfile credential file

Use to specify a credential file. You need this credential file to run in non-interactive mode.


You can specify a different Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) home with this parameter. When not specified, CVU from GRID home is run.


Runs only Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) related checks.

-db_config_name db name

Use to set the name of database upload configuration.


Runs the database checks on all databases discovered on the system. Does not prompt for database selection.


Specify a comma-delimited list of database homes with corresponding names to run only on a subset of databases. Does not prompt for database selection.

Database home and corresponding names are separated by '%' while dbnames corresponding to home are separated by ':'.

-dbnames db_names

Specify a comma-delimited list of database names to run only on a subset of databases.


Skips all the database checks. Does not prompt for database selection.

-dbparallel n

Runs SQL, SQL_COLLECT, and operating system checks in parallel.

n: Specify the number of child processes. Default is 25% of CPUs.


Runs SQL, SQL_COLLECT, and operating system checks in parallel.

Number of child processes will be equal to the minimum number of CPUs and number of databases.


Runs SQL, SQL_COLLECT, and operating system checks in serial.

-debug [-module]

Runs orachk in debug mode and generates debug log.

-decodezip zipfilename

Use to decrypt the encrypted collection.


Deletes the specified custom created profile.

-diagpath path

Specify the path where storage server diagnostic package will be copied.


Reports the difference between the two HTML reports.

For example: -diff old_report new_report [-outfile output_HTML] [-force]

Specify a directory name, or a ZIP file, or an HTML report file as old_report and new_report.


Disables database upload if database upload parameters are set in the wallet.

Default behavior of database upload is enabled.


Disables service upload if service upload parameters are set in the wallet.

Default behavior of service upload is enabled.


Cache discovery data, which can use for future orachk runs.

-discoverydir location

Specify orachk cache discovery location.


Downloads the orachk.zip file from the Oracle website.


Downloads the user_defined_checks.xml file from Oracle Trace File Analyzer.

-duration duration

The duration parameter specifies the number of hours of logs and traces to include in the storage server diagnostic package. Valid values are from 1 (default) to 6.


Runs orachk for EBS 32-bit database on Linux.


Use to specify that orachk is running from ECRA.

-email_debuglevel [1|2]

When specified, displays debug messages for email connection and for all messages sent to and received from the server.


Enables database upload if database upload parameters are set in the wallet.

Default behavior of database upload is enabled.


Enables service upload if service upload parameters are set in the wallet.

Default behavior of service upload is enabled.

-encodezip zipfilename

Encrypts the collection.

-env env type

Sets the environment type.

Specify NORMAL/AHF/ATP values as env type.


Use to specify that orachk is running from Exascale service management proxy.


The -escs_user option is applicable to Exascale.

Specify a user to run checks with user for which sudo has been configured on cells and has the ability to SSH to cells.

-event [filename:pattern:task[,filename:pattern:task]]|1

Applicable to daemon mode.

Sets RAT_SYS_EVENTS internally. Watches specified files for specified patterns to initiate orachk run per specified task.

1 : Watches default files for default pattern to initiate orachk run per corresponding default task.

filename:pattern,task: Watches filename for pattern to initiate orachk run per specified task.


Excludes specific set of checks, enter check IDs at the command prompt.


When specified, excludes Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) related checks.

-excludedbnames db_names

Specify a comma-delimited list of database names to exclude.


Excludes the discovered directories.

Use with -fileattr [start|check] option.


Excludes Maximum Available Architecture.

-excludeprofile profile1,profile2,...

Excludes specified profiles.


Specify a comma-delimited external ZFS storage appliance names to run orachk only on the selected external storage appliances.


Use to run FAIL, or INFO, or WARNING checks from a previous run.

Specify an HTML file, or collections, or an output directory containing the HTML file.


Checks file attribute changes.

  • start: Takes file attributes snapshot of discovered directories.
  • check: Takes a recent snapshot of discovered directories and compares with the previous snapshot.
  • remove: Removes file attribute snapshots and related files.
  • -includedir: Includes directories specified at the command-line to check file attributes.
  • -excludediscovery: Excludes the discovered directories.
  • -baseline baseline snapshot path
  • -fileattronly: Performs file attributes check only and exits orachk.


Performs file attributes check and exits orachk.

Use with -fileattr option.


Use -force with either -diff or -merge.

With -diff, the -force option is used to compare different profiles collections or profile with non-profile collection.

With -merge, the -force option is used to merge collections from dom0 and domu, or global and local zones.

-from time

Specify when to start collecting the logs and traces for storage server diagnostic package.

The format of cell diagpack start time is as follows:
  • Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-dd
  • now

-get parameter or all [-id ID]

Displays the value of the specified daemon parameter or all the parameters.

Use with -id ID to get values for specified autorun schedule ID.

Supported parameters are:
  • autorun_schedule
  • autorun_flags
  • notification_email
  • collection_retention


Gets user-defined checks for execution. User-defined checks are written in XML format.


Gets an entry for a key in the wallet.


Prints the output directory.

-hardwaretype generation-socket

Specify hardware generation and socket for a system so that orachk can run a correct set of checks. Socket is mandatory only for Exadata.

-header header

Stores the executionId in the ahf.properties file.


Specify a comma-delimited InfiniBand switch names to run orachk only on the selected InfiniBand switches.

-ibtmpdir path

Sets RAT_IB_TMPDIR internally.

Creates orachk files on the switches to a non-default location.

-identifier SR or BUG Number

Specify an SR or a BUG number.

-identitydir directory [-universal|-autoselect]

Specify identity files directory where identity files to all remote host are present.

  • -universal: Same identity file is applicable to all of the remote hosts.
  • -autoselect: Automatically selects the identity files for multiple remote hosts.


Includes Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) related check.


Includes the directories specified at the command-line to check file attributes.

Use with -fileattr option.


Specify a comma-delimited list of profiles to the existing checks list.

ahfctl compliance -includeprofile profile1, profile2...


You cannot:

  • use -includeprofile and -profile options together
  • use -includeprofile and -excludeprofile options together

-insecure <True/False>

Enables or disables security.


Use -javahome option with -acchk. -javahome option is used to specify the JAVA_HOME directory for a JDK8 installation.

-jdbcver jdbc version

Use to specify JDBC version for acchk.


Use to generate valid JSON files.

-key key

When specified, use this key for encryption or decryption.


Runs checks only on the local node.


The -localuser option allows the user to run root checks with user for which sudo has been configured and has ability to SSH on the remote node.

-lockcells all | -cells [cell names or cell IPs separated by comma][file containing cell names or IPs separated by newline]

Locks the storage cells. Applicable only to Exadata and SuperCluster.

-logconf filename

Specify the file containing logging configuration.


Sets the logging level.


Excludes checks for Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) scorecards.

-merge [-force]

Merges reports by providing a comma-delimited list of directories or zip files.

  • -force: Merges collections from dom0 and domu or global and local zones.


Modifies a custom profile.

Specify the profile name followed by a comma-delimited check IDs. If the checks are present in the profile, they will be removed. If not, check would be added.

-debug [-module]

Runs orachk in debug mode and generates debug log for the specified region.

Valid modules are:
  • setup
  • discovery
  • execution
  • output

-mos_config_name mos config name

Specify the name of MOS upload configuration.

-mserver_conf hostname[port,debuglevel]

Email server configuration details.

  • hostname: SMTP host server name or IP address.
  • port: SMTP host server port.
  • debuglevel: It can either be 0 or 1. Displays email verbose output


Specify not to clean the temporary directory.


Excludes Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) related checks.


Does not send commands to the daemon, usage is interactive.

-nodeparallel n

Run orachk on remote nodes in parallel.

n: Specify the number of child processes to run on the remote node. Default is 25% of CPUs.


Runs orachk on remote nodes in parallel.

Number of child processes will be equal to the minimum number of CPUs and the number of remote nodes.


Runs orachk in serial on compute nodes.


Skips PASSed checks to print in orachk report and uploads to the database.

-noproxy <True/False>

Use to disable or enable proxy.


If CRS is installed, but Oracle Database is not installed and still the user wants to run orachk then user can specify this option.


Specify not to generate HTML report.


Specify not to print healthscore in the orachk HTML report.


Specify -noupgrade option if you do not want to be prompted for an upgrade even if a later version is available under the location specified by RAT_UPGRADE_LOC.


Lets you know if ORDS is setup or not.

If ORDS is setup, then it prints the URL to be used to submit runs using REST APIs.


Removes ORDS setup. It stops the daemon running and deletes the ORDS user's home directory if no collections are found . If collections from previous runs are found, then it prompts the user before a decision is made to remove the setup or not.

-ordssetup [dir where ords.war is present [-configdir dir used for configuring ORDS]] [-ordshomedir Any directory which has write permission]

Sets up ORDS on a system.

  • -configdir is optional. If -configdir is not specified, then the dir where ords.war is present is considered as configdir.
  • -ordshomedir is optional. This directory needs to be specified if root does not have privilege to run useradd to create the default home directory. When -ordshomedir is specified, then user home will be the path passed along with the -ordshomedir.

-oss_config_name ossconfigname

Specify the name of OSS upload configuration.


Use -outfile option with -diff. Used to manually provide a name for the output file.

-output path

Sets RAT_OUTPUT internally. Creates an orachk collection zip file and output directory to non-default (current) location.


Runs patch checks only.

-packpollingtimeout timeout(in secs)

Specify the amount of time for which orachk will wait for submitted storage server diagnostic package generation to finish.


Runs post-upgrade best practice checks for databases and above.


Runs pre-upgrade best practice checks for databases and above .


Generates probe XML for Enterprise Manager.

-profile profile1, profile2,...

Specify a comma-delimited list of profiles to run only the checks in the specified profiles.


Specify to purge compliance data larger than a certain size.


Lists the details of all of the installed orachk patches, or for the specified bug ID, or data timestamp.


Reads configuration file. This file contains parameters previously which were set using RAT environment variables.


Refreshes cache discovery data, which can be used for future orachk runs.


Specify the remote destination directory so that orachk run can take place from that location.


Use to launch orachk on a remote system. Once the run on remote system is over, orachk brings back collection zip into local host. This feature requires identity file to make connection to remote system


Specify the remote user to run orachk. -remoteuser is used in combination with -remotehost.

-repair file|checkids|all

Repairs checks.

  • file: File containing check ids that need to be repaired.
  • checkids: Comma-delimited check IDs that need to be repaired.
  • all: Repairs all checks.


Prints reverse map for sanitized elements.


Removes cache discovery data.


Rolls back the applied patch orachk_bug_id.zip to it is previous state at which the patch was applied.

Rolls back the applied data patch orachk_data_timestamp.zip to the released production version.

-rpackpollingtimeout timeout(in secs)

Specify the amount of time for which orachk will wait for previously submitted (within the timeframe) storage server diagnostic package generation to finish.


Runs as root user by a promoted user. User can be promoted by running ahfctl access promote -user username as root user.

-sendemail "notification_email=emailaddress[,emailaddress]"

Emails orachk run report.

-set parameter or all [-id ID]

Sets parameter(s) for autorun.

Configures the orachk daemon parameter like param1=value1;param2=value2....

If -id ID is specified, then it will configure orachk daemon parameter(s) for specified autorun schedule ID.

-setasm path to asm home


-setcrs crs home

Sets crs home.

-setemagent path to em agent home

Sets EM Agent home.

-setinvloc path to inventory location

Sets inventory location.

-setinwallet wallet_key1,wallet_key2,...

Sets an entry for the key:value pair in the wallet.

-setjava path to java home

Sets Java home.

-setjdbcver jdbc version

Sets JDBC version.

-setwls path to wls home

Sets Weblogic server home.


Prints short version.


Shows critical checks in the orachk report by default.


Shows AHF home directory.


Shows orachk data directory.


Shows PASSed checks in the orachk report by default.

-showrepair checkid

Displays check repair command.

checkid : Shows repair command for the given check ID.


Runs orachk in non-interactive mode. Run will not prompt for inputs and hence consider default values.


Skips security validation.


Does not run the checks specified in the user-defined XML file.

-switches switch1, switch2,....

Specify a comma-delimited switch names to run orachk on switches.

-switchparallel n

Runs orachk on switches in parallel.

n: Specify the number of child processes to run on switches. Default is 25% of CPUs.


Runs orachk on switches in parallel.

Number of child processes will be equal to the minimum number of CPUs and number of switches.


Runs orachk in serial on switches.


Sets RAT_SEND_TO_RSYSLOG internally. orachk will write the JSON results to syslog.

-tag tagname

Appends tagname to the report name. Tagname must contain only alphanumeric characters.


Use -targetversion with -preupgrade in order to specify the target version of the database. Specify a valid database target version and re-run again.

-testemail "notification_email=emailaddress[,emailaddress]"

Sends a test email to validate email configuration.

-timeframe timeframe (in secs)

orachk will pick storage server diagnostic package if start time is within the timeframe.

-tls tlsversion

Specify the version of TLS for curl OSS upload.

-tmpdir path

Sets RAT_TMPDIR internally. Creates orachk temporary files to non-default (current user home) location.


Specify a comma-delimited Top of Rack switch names to run orachk only on the selected Top of Rack switches.

-identitydir directory [-universal|-autoselect]

Specify identity files directory where identity files to all remote host are present.

  • -universal: Same identity file is applicable to all of the remote hosts.
  • -autoselect: Automatically selects the identity files for multiple remote hosts.

-unlockcells all | -cells [cell names or cell IPs separated by comma][file containing cell names or IPs separated by newline]

Unlocks the storage cells. Applicable only for Exadata and SuperCluster.

  • all: Unlocks all of the available cells.
  • -cells: Comma-delimited list of cell names or cell IP addresses.

-unset parameter or all [-id ID]

Unsets set parameter(s).

If -id ID is specified, it will unset the parameter for specified autorun schedule ID.


Deletes an entry for the key:value pair in the wallet.


Updates orachk.zip wallet with the wallet of unzipped toolkit.


Force upgrades the version of orachk being run if a newer version is available under the location specified by RAT_UPGRADE_LOC.

-uploadfailed all | [comma-delimited list of collections]

Uploads collections to the database.

-uploadservicefailed all | [comma-delimited list of collections]

Uploads collections to the service.


Specify to use cache discovery data for the orachk run.

-username username

Specify a user name. User name is required for retrieving URL.


Specify to use Oracle Trace File Analyzer socket to run.


In full AHF installation, orachk uses socket connection to communicate with remote compute nodes. usessh will force orachk to use SSH protocol to communicate with remote compute nodes.


Displays version.


Specify the custom location of the wallet. Setting this would override the default location of the wallet.


Specify a comma-delimited list of ZFS storage appliance names to run orachk only on the selected storage appliances.


Specify a comma-delimited list of ZFS storage appliance names to run orachk.

-zipfile zipfile for MOS upload

Sets zip for MOS upload.