ahfctl statusahf

Use the ahfctl statusahf command to check the scheduler status for Oracle Autonomous Health Framework components.


ahfctl statusahf [-h] 


Table 9-24 ahfctl statusahf Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer and Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk) components daemons.


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon.


Checks and displays the status of Oracle Autonomous Health Framework compliance (Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk) components daemons.

Example 9-31 ahfctl statusahf

ahfctl statusahf

| Host    | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID              | Inventory Status |
| node1   | RUNNING       | 29745 | 5000 | | 240300020240306182236 | COMPLETE         |
| node2   | RUNNING       | 11544 | 5000 | | 240300020240306182236 | COMPLETE         |

|Parameter                                                              | Value                                                                                         |
|Master node                                                            | node2                                                                                       |
|orachk daemon version                                                  | 2403000                                                                                       |
|Install location                                                       | /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk                                                                        |
|Scheduled orachk collection location                                   | /opt/oracle.ahf/data/node2/orachk/user_root/output on Master node node2                   |
|Started at                                                             | Wed Mar 06 18:35:16 UTC 2024                                                                  |
|Scheduler type                                                         | TFA Scheduler                                                                                 |
|Scheduler PID                                                          | 29745                                                                                         |
|Scheduled runs                                                         |                                                                                               |
|Scheduler                                                              | orachk.autostart_client_oratier1                                                              |
|AUTORUN_FLAGS                                                          | -usediscovery -profile oratier1 -dball -showpass -tag autostart_client_oratier1 -readenvconfig|
|AUTORUN_SCHEDULE                                                       | 3 2 * * 1,2,3,4,5,6                                                                           |
|COLLECTION_RETENTION                                                   | 7                                                                                             |
|Scheduler                                                              | orachk.autostart_client                                                                       |
|AUTORUN_FLAGS                                                          | -usediscovery -tag autostart_client -readenvconfig                                            |
|AUTORUN_SCHEDULE                                                       | 3 3 * * 0                                                                                     |
|COLLECTION_RETENTION                                                   | 14                                                                                            |
|Previous runs                                                          |                                                                                               |
|No previous runs since last two runs from lucene index are manual runs |                                                                                               |
|Next auto run starts on                                                | Mar 07, 2024 02:03:00 ID:orachk.autostart_client_oratier1                                     |
System Health Monitor (SHM) is UP and Running (PID 10219)