ahftcl redact

Use the ahftcl redact command to sanitize sensitive data in regular files, zip files and directories.



  • The ahftcl redact command is not supported on Microsoft Windows.
  • Automatic Service Request Data Collections are not redacted.
ahfctl redact 
[-i I] 
[-o O] 
[-m {mask,sanitize}] [-l {system,database,userdata,all} [{system,database,userdata,all} ...]]


ahfctl redact -i file_name -o out_dir -m mask
ahfctl redact -i dir_name -m sanitize -l system database


Table 9-40 ahfctl redact Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-i I

Redacts the specified file or directory.

Specify a regular file, zip file, or directory. Works with targets in the working directory or full path to the target.

-o O

Full path to output directory (If not specified, then defaults to in-place redaction)

-m {mask,sanitize}

Specify a redaction mode.

Redaction modes:
  • mask: Replaces the entity instance with asterisk, for example, 'hrdb' with '****'
  • sanitize: (Default) Replaces the entity instance with substitution map value, for example, 'PDB1' with '2zq2'.

-l {system, database, userdata, all} [{system, database, userdata, all} ...]

Redact only the subset of entities based on the level specified.
  • system: hostname, IP address, port, username
  • database: dbname, tbsname, svcname, sqlstmt
  • userdata: userdata in block and redo dumps
  • all: (Default) All levels

Example 9-37 Redacting a regular file

ahfctl redact -i stbm000004-vm15.tfa_Thu_Jul_22_13_24_56_UTC_2021.zip.txt -m mask

AHF is redacting


Successfully redacted file


Example 9-38 Redacting a zip file

ahfctl redact -i testzip.zip -o dirtest -l system database

AHF is redacting /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository/testcollection/testzip.zip

Successfully redacted zip


Example 9-39 Redacting a directory

ahfctl redact -i test -m mask -l system userdata

AHF is redacting /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository/testcollection/test

Successfully redacted dir /opt/oracle.ahf/data/repository/testcollection/test