3.1.13 Using the exadcli Utility to Collect Cell Metric Data for Guest VMs (domUs)

exadcli enables you to run an ExaCLI command on multiple remote nodes. Remote nodes are referenced by their host name or IP address.


  • Before using exadcli, you must use ExaCLI to accept the identity certificate of cell or database nodes. This needs to be done only once per cell (unless the cell is upgraded or a new certificate is uploaded to the remote database or cell node).

    You must accept the certificate on every cell or database node and save the cookies. The cookie-jar file is valid for 24 hours.

    For more information, see Using exadcli for the First Time.

  • Java version 1.8 or later

    You can determine the version of Java by running the java -version command. In addition, the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to point to the installation directory of the proper version of Java.

How to run exachk to collect cell metric data


You can collect cell metrics only from cloud systems.
exachk -profile  workload-capacity

The output is stored in the capacity_exadcli.out file.

ls -ltra 