9.6.1 oclumon analyze

Use the oclumon analyze command to analyze CHM metrics.


oclumon analyze [-h] [-i CHM_METRICS_DIR] -o OUT_DIR [-l LOG_DIR] [--log_level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] [-s START_TIME] [-e END_TIME] [-f FORMAT] [--version]


Table 9-131 oclumon analyze Command Parameters

Parameter Description


--chm_metrics_dir CHM_METRICS_DIR

Specify the directory containing CHM metrics.


--out_dir OUT_DIR

Specify the output directory for the results.


--log_dir LOG_DIR

Specify the log directory.


Specify the log level.


--start_time START_TIME

Specify the start time for analysis in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.


--end_time END_TIME

Specify the end time for analysis in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.


--format FORMAT

Specify a comma-delimited report format (text,html). Defaults to text format if not specified. Can either text or html or both


Displays the program's version number and exits.

Example 9-128 oclumon analyze Examples

To generate text analysis report for the entire CHM repository:
oclumon analyze -o /<outpur-dir>
To generate text analysis report from 2024-03-14T05:00:00 to 2024-03-14T05:15:00 duration:
oclumon analyze -o /<output-dir> -s 2024-03-14T05:00:00 -e 2024-03-14T05:15:00
To generate an HTML analysis report for the entire CHM repository:
oclumon analyze -o /<output-dir> -f html
To generate the analysis report from an archived CHM dataset:
oclumon analyze -i /<chm-data-dir> -o /<output-dir>

Example 9-129 Sample CHM Analysis Report

CHM analysis report contains following sections:

  • Header section: Contains info about the node, analysis time period, system configuration and system resource stats.

    Figure 9-3 System Configuration and System resource stats

    This image illustrates system configuration and system resource stats

  • Observed findings and findings summary timeline section: Contains the list of observed problems, along with a summary timeline of the problems.

    Figure 9-4 Problematic findings and summary timeline

    This image illustrates problematic findings and summary timeline

  • Findings details section: Contains detailed contextual information for each of the problems observed above.

    Figure 9-5 Problematic findings - details

    This image illustrates problematic findings details