tfactl analyze

Use the tfactl analyze command to obtain analysis of your system by parsing the database, Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), and Oracle Grid Infrastructure alert logs, system message logs, OSWatcher Top, and OSWatcher Slabinfo files.

Filter the output of the command by component, error type, and time.

With the tfactl analyze command, you can choose from the following types of log file analysis:

  • Show the most common messages within the logs: This analysis provides a quick indication of where larger issues are occurring. Oracle Trace File Analyzer takes important messages out of the alert logs and strips the extraneous information from the log messages, organizes the most commonly occurring messages, and displays them in the order from most common to least common. By default, Oracle Trace File Analyzer analyzes error messages, but you can specify a particular type of message for analysis.

  • Search for text within log messages: This is similar to using the grep utility to search, only faster because Oracle Trace File Analyzer checks the time of each message and only shows those matching the last x number of minutes or any interval of time.

  • Analyze the Oracle OSWatcher log statistics: Oracle Trace File Analyzer reads the various statistics available in the OSWatcher log files and provides detailed analysis showing first, highest, lowest, average, and the last three readings of each statistic. Choose any interval down to a specific minute or second. Oracle Trace File Analyzer optionally provides the original data from the OSWatcher logs for each value reported on (data point).


tfactl analyze 
[-search "pattern"] 
[-comp db|asm|crs|acfs|os|osw|oswslabinfo|oratop|all] 
[-type error|warning|generic] 
[-last n[h|d]] 
[-from time] 
[-to time] 
[-for time] 
[-node all|local|n1,n2,...] 
[-o file]
[timeline [-l n] f1 f2...fn] 


Table 9-79 tfactl analyze Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-search "pattern"

Searches for a pattern enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in system and alert logs within a specified time range. This parameter supports both case-sensitive and case-insensitive search in alert and system message files across the cluster within the specified filters. Default is case insensitive.

If you do not specify the -search parameter, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer provides a summary of messages within specified filters from alert and system log messages across the cluster.

Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays message counts grouped by type (error, warning, and generic) and shows unique messages in a table organized by message type selected for analysis. The generic message type is assigned to all messages which are not either an error or warning message type.

[-comp db|asm|crs|acfs|os|osw|oswslabinfo|oratop|all]

Select which components you want Oracle Trace File Analyzer to analyze. Default is all.

  • db: Database alert logs

  • asm: Oracle ASM alert logs

  • crs: Oracle Grid Infrastructure alert logs

  • acfs: Oracle ACFS alert logs

  • os: System message files

  • osw: OSW Top output

  • oswlabinfo: OSW Slabinfo output

When OSWatcher data is available, OSW and OSWSLABINFO components provide summary views of OSWatcher data.

-type error | warning | generic

Select what type of messages Oracle Trace File Analyzer analyzes. Default is error.

[-last n[h|d]]

Specify an amount of time, in hours or days, before current time that you want Oracle Trace File Analyzer to analyze.

-from | -to | -for time

Specify a time interval, using the -from and -to parameters together.

Supported time formats:
"Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

Or, a specific time using the -for parameter that you want Oracle Trace File Analyzer to analyze.

Supported time formats:

[-node all|local|n1, n2,...]

Specify a comma-separated list of host names. Use -local to analyze files on the local node. Default is all.


Displays verbose output.

–o file

Specify a file where Oracle Trace File Analyzer writes the output instead of displaying on the screen.


Displays timeline for the specified trace or alert log files.

-ln: Specify debug level, for example, l 3.

Debug levels:
  • 1 – FATAL
  • 2 – ERROR
  • 3 – WARNING
  • 4 – INFO (default)
  • 5 – DEBUG
  • 6 – TRACE

f1 f2...fn: Specify a space-delimited list of file names.


Specify this parameter to view analyze usage examples.

-type Parameter Arguments

The tfactl analyze command classifies all the messages into different categories when you specify the -type parameter. The analysis component provides count of messages by the message type you configure and lists all unique messages grouped by count within specified filters. The message type patterns for each argument are listed in the following table.

Table 9-80 tfactl analyze -type Parameter Arguments

Argument Description

Error message patterns for Oracle Database and Oracle ASM alert logs:

.*IPC Send timeout detected. Sender: ospid.*
.*Direct NFS: channel id .* path .* to filer .* PING timeout.*
.*Direct NFS: channel id .* path .* to filer .* is DOWN.*
.*ospid: .* has not called a wait for .* secs.*
.*IPC Send timeout to .* inc .* for msg type .* from opid.*
.*IPC Send timeout: Terminating pid.*
.*Receiver: inst .* binc .* ospid.*
.* terminating instance due to error.*
.*: terminating the instance due to error.*
.*Global Enqueue Services Deadlock detected
Error message patterns for Oracle Grid Infrastructure alert logs:
.*PANIC. CRSD exiting:.*
.*Fatal Error from AGFW Proxy:.*

Warning message patterns for database and Oracle ASM alert logs:

NOTE: process .* initiating offline of disk .*
.*WARNING: cache read a corrupted block group.*
.*NOTE: a corrupted block from group FRA was dumped to

Any messages that do not match any of the preceding patterns.

oratop options

The options available when using -comp oratop:
-database dbname oratop options logon

Table 9-81 tfactl analyze -comp oratop options

Argument Description

-database dbname

Specify the name of the Oracle Database to run oratop.


Default is / as sysdba.

Specify a different user using,

{username[/password][@connect_identifier] | / } [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}]

Connect Identifier:


Table 9-82 oratop options

Argument Description


Specify the batch mode. Default: text-based user interface.


Specify the maximum number of iterations.


Writes console output to a file (in batch mode).


Specify the interval delay in seconds. Default: 5 seconds.


Real-time (RT) wait events. (sec 3, default: Cumulative)


Specify MODULE/ACTION (section 4). Default: USERNAME/PROGRAM.


Specify the SQL mode (section 4). Default: process mode.


Specify the detailed format (132 columns). Default: standard (80 columns).


Displays oratop release version number.


The following command examples demonstrate how to use Oracle Trace File Analyzer to search collected data:

  • tfactl analyze -search "error" -last 2d

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer searches database alert and system log files collected since the past two days for messages that contain case-insensitive string "error".

  • tfactl analyze -comp os -for "Jul/01/2021 11" -search "."

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays all system log messages collected at the date and time specified, that is, July 1, 2021 at 11 am.

  • tfactl analyze -search "/ORA-/c" -comp db -last 2d

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer searches database alert and system log files collected since the past two days for messages that contain case-sensitive string "ORA-".

  • tfactl analyze -search "ORA-00600" -last 8h

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer searches database alert and system log files collected since the last eight hours for the messages that contain case-insensitive string "ORA-00600".

The following command examples demonstrate how to use Oracle Trace File Analyzer to analyze collected data:

  • tfactl analyze -last 5h

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays a summary of events from all alert logs and system messages collected since the past five hours.

  • tfactl analyze -comp os -last 1d

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays a summary of events from system messages collected since the past day.

  • tfactl analyze -last 1h -type generic

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer analyzes all generic messages collected since the last hour.

  • tfactl analyze -type generic -last 1d

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer analyzes all generic messages collected since the past day.

  • tfactl analyze -last 1d -node $HOSTNAME

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays a summary of events for the past day from all database alert and system log files collected on the node specified.

  • tfactl analyze -database $ORACLE_SID

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays a summary of events from all database alert and system log files for the database instance specified.

The following command examples demonstrate how to use Oracle Trace File Analyzer to analyze OSWatcher Top and Slabinfo:

  • tfactl analyze -comp osw -last 6h

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays OSWatcher Top summary for the past six hours.

  • tfactl analyze -comp oswslabinfo -from "2021-07-01" -to "2021-07-03"

    Oracle Trace File Analyzer displays OSWatcher Slabinfo summary for time period specified.