tfactl directory

Use the tfactl directory command to add a directory to, or remove a directory from the list of directories to analyze their trace or log files.

Also, use the tfactl directory command to change the directory permissions. When automatic discovery adds a directory, the directory is added as public. Any user who has sufficient permissions to run the tfactl diagcollect command collects any file in that directory. This is only important when non-root or sudo users run tfactl commands.

If a directory is marked as private, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer, before allowing any files to be collected:

  • Determines which user is running tfactl commands

  • Verifies if the user has permissions to see the files in the directory


A user can only add a directory to Oracle Trace File Analyzer to which they have read access. If you have automatic diagnostic collections configured, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer runs as root, and can collect all available files.

The tfactl directory command includes three verbs with which you can manage directories: add, remove, and modify.


tfactl directory add directory [-public] [-exclusions | -noexclusions | -collectall] [-node all | n1,n2...]
tfactl directory remove directory [-node all | n1,n2...]
tfactl directory modify directory [-private | -public] [-exclusions | -noexclusions | -collectall]
tfactl directory list

For each of the three syntax models, you must specify a directory path where Oracle Trace File Analyzer stores collections.


Table 9-90 tfactl directory Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Use the -public parameter to make the files contained in the directory available for collection by any Oracle Trace File Analyzer user.


Use the -private parameter to prevent an Oracle Trace File Analyzer user who does not have permission to see the files in a directory (and any subdirectories) you are adding or modifying, from running a command to collect files from the specified directory.


Use the -exclusions parameter to specify that files in this directory are eligible for collection if the files satisfy type, name, and time range restrictions.


Use the -noexclusions parameter to specify that files in this directory are eligible for collection if the files satisfy time range restrictions.


Use the -collectall parameter to specify that files in this directory are eligible for collection irrespective of type and time range when the user specifies the -collectalldirs parameter with the tfactl diagcollect command.

-node all | n1,n2...

Add or remove directories from every node in the cluster or use a comma-delimited list to add or remove directories from specific nodes.

Usage Notes

You must add all trace directory names to the Berkeley DB (BDB) so that Oracle Trace File Analyzer can collect file metadata in that directory. The discovery process finds most directories, but if new or undiscovered directories are required, then you can add these manually using the tfactl directory command.

When you add a directory using tfactl, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer attempts to determine whether the directory is for

  • Oracle Database

  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure

  • Operating system logs

  • Some other component

  • Which database or instance

If Oracle Trace File Analyzer cannot determine this information, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer returns an error and requests that you enter the information, similar to the following:

# tfactl directory add /tmp

Failed to add directory to TFA. Unable to determine parameters for directory: /tmp
Please enter component for this Directory [RDBMS|CRS|ASM|INSTALL|OS|CFGTOOLS|TNS|DBWLM|ACFS|ALL] : RDBMS
Please enter database name for this Directory :MYDB
Please enter instance name for this Directory :MYDB1


For OS, CRS, CFGTOOLS, ACFS, ALL, or INSTALL files, only the component is requested and for Oracle ASM only the instance is created. No verification is done for these entries so use caution when entering this data.

Example 9-99 tfactl directory

To add a directory:

# tfactl directory add /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+ASM1/trace

To modify a directory and make the contents available for collection only to Oracle Trace File Analyzer users with sufficient permissions:

# tfactl directory modify /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+ASM1/trace -private

To remove a directory from all nodes in the cluster:

# tfactl directory remove /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+ASM1/trace -node all
To list all Oracle Trace File Analyzer directories:
tfactl directory list