tfactl print

Use the tfactl print command to print information from the Berkeley DB (BDB).


tfactl print command [options]
Commands: status|components|config|directories|hosts|actions|repository|runmode|suspendedips|protocols|smtp|collections
tfactl print status
tfactl print components [ [component_name1] [component_name2] ... [component_nameN] ]
tfactl print config [ -node all | local | n1,n2,...  -name param]
tfactl print directories [ -node all | local | n1,n2,... ] [ -comp component_name1,component_name2,... ] [ -policy exclusions | noexclusions ] 
[ -permission public | private ]
tfactl print collections [ -status status ] [ -last <n><m|h|d> ] [-id] [ -json ]
tfactl print hosts
tfactl print actions [ -status status ] [ -since nh|d ]
tfactl print repository
tfactl print runmode
tfactl print suspendedips
tfactl print protocols
tfactl print smtp
tfactl print collections -status QUEUED
tfactl print collections -status COMPLETED


Table 9-57 tfactl print Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Displays the status of Oracle Trace File Analyzer across all nodes in the cluster. Also, displays the Oracle Trace File Analyzer version and the port on which it is running.


Displays the desired components in the configuration.


Displays the current Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration settings.


Lists all the directories that Oracle Trace File Analyzer scans for trace or log file data. Also, displays the location of the trace directories allocated for the database, Oracle ASM, and instance.


Lists the hosts that are part of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer cluster, and that can receive cluster-wide commands.


Lists all the actions submitted to Oracle Trace File Analyzer, such as diagnostic collection. By default, tfactl print commands only display actions that are running or that have completed in the last hour.


Displays the current location and amount of used space of the repository directory. Initially, the maximum size of the repository directory is the smaller of either 10 GB or 50% of available file system space. If the maximum size is exceeded or the file system space gets to 1 GB or less, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer suspends operations and closes the repository. Use the tfactl purge command to clear collections from the repository.


Lists all paused Oracle Trace File Analyzer IPS collections.


Lists all available and restricted protocols.


Displays the SMTP server configuration


tfactl print collections [ -status status ] [ -last <n><m|h|d> ] [ -json ]
Option Description

-status status

Collection status can be:
  • running
  • queued
  • completed

-last nh|d


Specify to print collections since the past n days or n hours.

Same as -last. Kept for backward compatibility.


Specify the collection ID to view its details.


Specify to generate the output in JSON format.

Example 9-63 tfactl print runmode

tfactl print runmode

Example 9-64 tfactl print smtp

tfactl print smtp
| SMTP Server Configuration |
| Parameter     | Value     |
| smtp.auth     | false     |
| smtp.from     | tfa       |
| smtp.user     | -         |
| smtp.cc       | -         |
| smtp.port     |        25 |
| smtp.bcc      | -         |
| smtp.password | *******   |
| smtp.host     | localhost |
| smtp.to       | -         |
| smtp.debug    | true      |
| smtp.ssl      | false     |

Example 9-65 tfactl print protocols

tfactl print protocols
|                    node1                         |
| Protocols                                        |
| Available : [TLSv1.2]                            |
| Restricted : [SSLv3, SSLv2Hello, TLSv1, TLSv1.1] |

Example 9-66 tfactl print components ASM

$ tfactl print components ASM
|                  XML Components                  |
| Field         | Value                            |
| Name          | ASM                              |
| Description   | ASM logs                         |
| Comp. Types   | collection action                |
| Configuration | all                              |
| Subcomponents | name:instance required: default: |
| Also collect  | TNS                              |
|               | AFD                              |
|               | ASMPROXY                         |
|               | ASMIO                            |

Example 9-67 tfactl print components ODASTORAGE

$ tfactl print components ODASTORAGE
|               XML Components              |
| Field         | Value                     |
| Name          | ODASTORAGE                |
| Description   | ODA Storage logs and Data |
| Comp. Types   | action                    |
| Configuration | ODA                       |
| Also collect  | OS                        |
|               | ODA                       |
|               | ASM                       |
|               | DCS                       |

Example 9-68 tfactl print collections -id -json

tfactl print collections -id 20240104010433stbm000004-vm18 -json
        “CollectionId”: “20240104010433stbm000004-vm18",
        “InitiatedNode”: “stbm000004-vm18",
        “CollectionType”: “Manual Collection”,
        “RequestUser”: “root”,
        “NodeList”: “[stbm000004-vm17, stbm000004-vm18]“,
        “StartTime”: “2024-01-04T00:04:30.000-0600",
        “EndTime”: “2024-01-04T01:04:30.000-0600",
        “ComponentList”: “[omsi, emagent, acfs, asmproxy, sosreport, crsclient,
emagenti, oms, qos, dbwlm, ocm, cha, cfgtools, afd, avs, dbclient, rdbms, cvu,
os, crs, syslens, hami, em, chmos, goldengate, asmio, dataguard, install,
compliance, tns, asm, rhp, emplugins, wls]“,
        “UploadStatus”: “FAILED”,
        “CollectionStatus”: “COMPLETED”,
        “NodeCollection”: [
                “Host”: “stbm000004-vm18”,
                “ZipFileSize”: “38896",
                “CollectionTime”: “183",
                “checksum_algo”: “sha256"
                “Host”: “stbm000004-vm17",
                “ZipFileSize”: “42759",
                “CollectionTime”: “186",
                “checksum_algo”: “sha256"

Example 9-69 tfactl print config

tfactl print config
|                                      node1                                         |
| Configuration Parameter                                               | Value      |
| TFA Version                                                           | |
| Java Version                                                          | 1.8        |
| Public IP Network                                                     | false      |
| Automatic Diagnostic Collection                                       | true       |
| Alert Log Scan                                                        | true       |
| Disk Usage Monitor                                                    | true       |
| Managelogs Auto Purge                                                 | false      |
| Trimming of files during diagcollection                               | true       |
| Inventory Trace level                                                 | 1          |
| Collection Trace level                                                | 1          |
| Scan Trace level                                                      | 1          |
| Other Trace level                                                     | 1          |
| Granular Tracing                                                      | false      |
| Debug Mask (Hex)                                                      | 0          |
| Repository current size (MB)                                          | 146        |
| Repository maximum size (MB)                                          | 10240      |
| Max Size of TFA Log (MB)                                              | 50         |
| Max Number of TFA Logs                                                | 10         |
| Max Size of Core File (MB)                                            | 50         |
| Max Collection Size of Core Files (MB)                                | 500        |
| Max File Collection Size (MB)                                         | 5120       |
| Minimum Free Space to enable Alert Log Scan (MB)                      | 500        |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes)        | 60         |
| Time interval between consecutive Managelogs Auto Purge(minutes)      | 60         |
| Logs older than the time period will be auto purged(days[d]|hours[h]) | 30d        |
| Automatic Purging                                                     | true       |
| Age of Purging Collections (Hours)                                    | 12         |
| TFA IPS Pool Size                                                     | 5          |
| TFA ISA Purge Age (seconds)                                           | 604800     |
| TFA ISA Purge Mode                                                    | profile    |
| TFA ISA Purge Thread Delay (minutes)                                  | 60         |
| Setting for ACR redaction (none|SANITIZE|MASK)                        | none       |
| Email Notification will be sent for CHA EVENTS if address is set      | false      |
| AUTO Collection will be generated for CHA EVENTS                      | false      |

In the preceding sample output:

  • Automatic diagnostic collection: When ON (default is OFF), if scanning an alert log, then finding specific events in those logs triggers diagnostic collection.

  • Trimming of files during diagcollection: Determines if Oracle Trace File Analyzer trims large files to contain only data that is within the specified time ranges. When trimming is OFF, no trimming of trace files occurs for automatic diagnostic collection.

  • Repository current size in MB: How much space in the repository is used.

  • Repository maximum size in MB: The maximum size of storage space in the repository. Initially, the maximum size is set to the smaller of either 10 GB or 50% of free space in the file system.

  • Trace Level: 1 is the default, and the values 2, 3, and 4 have increasing verbosity. While you can set the trace level dynamically for running the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon, increasing the trace level significantly impacts the performance of Oracle Trace File Analyzer. Increase the trace level only at the request of My Oracle Support.

  • Automatic Purging: Automatic purging of Oracle Trace File Analyzer collections is enabled by default. Oracle Trace File Analyzer collections are purged if their age exceeds the value of Minimum Age of Collections to Purge, and the repository space is exhausted.

  • Minimum Age of Collections to Purge (Hours): The minimum number of hours that Oracle Trace File Analyzer keeps a collection, after which Oracle Trace File Analyzer purges the collection. You can set the number of hours using the tfactl set minagetopurge=hours command.

  • Minimum Space free to enable Alert Log Scan (MB): The space limit, in MB, at which Oracle Trace File Analyzer temporarily suspends alert log scanning until space becomes free. Oracle Trace File Analyzer does not store alert log events if space on the file system used for the metadata database falls below the limit.