tfactl set

Use the tfactl set command to enable or disable, or modify various Oracle Trace File Analyzer functions.


tfactl set [ 
| autodiagcollect=<ON|OFF> 
| autoinsights=<ON|OFF> 
| cron=<ON|OFF> 
| trimfiles=<ON|OFF> 
| reposizeMB=<n> [repositorydir=<dir>] [-force] 
| repositorydir=<dir> [reposizeMB=<n>] [-force] 
| maxlogsize=<n> [-local] 
| maxlogcount=<n> [-local] 
| maxcorefilesize=<n> [-local] 
| maxcorecollectionsize=<n> [-local] 
| maxfilecollectionsize=<n> 
| maxZipSize=<n> 
| autopurge=<ON|OFF> 
| purgestrategy=<SIZE|LRU|ALL> 
| autosynccertificates=<ON|OFF> 
| publicip=<ON|OFF> 
| minSpaceForRTScan=<n> 
| maxcompliancesize=<n> 
| maxcomplianceruns=<n> 
| rtscan=<ON|OFF> 
| diskUsageMon=<ON|OFF> 
| diskUsage.snapshot.save=<ON|OFF> 
| diskUsage.snapshot.interval=<n> 
| diskUsage.snapshot.purgeInterval=<n> 
| unreachableNodeSleepTime 
| unreachableNodeTimeOut 
| ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB 
| diskUsageMonInterval=<n> 
| manageLogsAutoPurge=<ON|OFF> 
| manageLogsAutoPurgeInterval=<n> 
| manageLogsAutoPurgePolicyAge=<d|h> 
| managelogs.adump=<ON|OFF> 
| minfileagetopurge=<n> 
| maxCollectionRetentionPeriod=<n> 
| tfaIpsPoolSize=<n> 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeAge=<n> 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeMode=<simple|resource|profile> 
| tfaDbUtlPurgeThreadDelay=<n> 
| tfaDbUtlCrsProfileDelay=<n> 
| indexRecoveryMode=<recreate|restore> 
| rediscoveryInterval=<m|d|h> 
| applin_incidents=<ON|OFF> 
| scandiskmon=ON|OFF] 
| collection.smallfiles.filter
| collection.smallfile.sizefilter


Table 9-66 tfactl set Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Problem Classification feature for diagcollect (default ON)


When set to OFF (default) automatic diagnostic collection is disabled. If set to ON, then Oracle Trace File Analyzer automatically collects diagnostics when certain patterns occur while Oracle Trace File Analyzer scans the alert logs.

To set automatic collection for all nodes of the Oracle Trace File Analyzer cluster, you must specify the -c parameter.


Specifies to include automatic AHF Insights report generation in the diagnostic collection. Default: ON.


Enables or disables Oracle Trace File Analyzer cron. Default: OFF.


When set to ON, Oracle Trace File Analyzer trims the files to have only the relevant data when diagnostic collection is done as part of a scan.

Note: When using tfactl diagcollect, you determine the time range for trimming with the parameters you specify. Oracle recommends that you not set this parameter to OFF, because untrimmed data can consume much space.


Controls the trace level of log files.

Note: Do not change the tracing level unless you are directed to do so by My Oracle Support.


Sets the maximum size in MB of the collection repository.

repositorydir=directory [-force]

Specify the collection repository directory.

Use the -force option to skip initial checks while changing the repository (Not Recommended)

logsize=n [-local]

Sets the maximum size, in MB, of each log before Oracle Trace File Analyzer rotates to a new log.

  • Default: 50 MB
  • Minimum: 10 MB
  • Maximum: 500 MB

Use the -local parameter to apply the change only to the local node.

logcount=n [-local]

Sets the maximum number of logs of specified size that Oracle Trace File Analyzer retains.

  • Default: 10
  • Minimum: 5
  • Maximum: 50

Use the -local option to apply the change only to the local node.


Specify the Oracle Trace File Analyzer port.

maxcorefilesize=n [-local]

Sets the maximum size of the core files to the size specified in MB.

Default: 50 MB


Sets the maximum collection size of the core files to the size specified in MB.

Default: 500 MB


Specify the file size in MB (5 GB by default).

When you run the tfactl diagcollect command, it adds only the last 200 KB of the files that exceed the maximum file size to the diagnostic collection. The tfactl diagcollect command adds a new file, skipped_files.txt with the list of skipped files that are too large to add to the diagnostic collection.


Sets the maximum size of Compliance Index directory in MB.

Default: 150 MB


Sets the maximum number of compliance runs to be stored.

Default: 30


Sets the maximum size of single zip file in MB.

Default: 1.8 GB


When set to ON, enables automatic purging of collections when Oracle Trace File Analyzer observes less space in the repository (ON by default).


Specify to turn on or off auto-syncing TFA certificates.


Set the paths and passwords for the new SSL certificates to be used for TFA.


Set cipher suite(s) for TLS communication between TFA client and daemon.


Allows Oracle Trace File Analyzer to run on public network.


Specify to set ACR redaction.


Specify the configuration details for the SMTP server to use for email notifications when prompted.


Specify the minimum space required to run RT scan (500 by default).


Specify to allow Oracle Trace File Analyzer to perform alert log scanning.


Turns ON or OFF monitoring disk usage and recording snapshots (ON by default).

Oracle Trace File Analyzer stores the snapshots under tfa/repository/suptools/node/managelogs/usage_snapshot/.


Specify the time interval between snapshots.

Default: 60 minutes


Enables or disbales disk usage snapshots.


Set the time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot reports (minutes).

Default: 60 minutes


Set the time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot Auto purge (hours).

Default: 72 hours


Trims IpsAlertLog files to a specified size.

manageLogsAutoPurge=ON | OFF

Turns automatic purging on or off (ON by default in DSC and OFF by default elsewhere).


Specify the purge frequency.

Default: 60 minutes


Age of logs to be purged.

Default: 30 days


Allow managelogs to purge audit dump destination.


Set the minimum age, in hours, for a collection before Oracle Trace File Analyzer considers it for purging.

  • Default: 12 hours
  • Minimum: 12 hours
  • Maximum: 168 hours


Maximum number of days a TFA collection will be retained.

Default: 30 days


Sets the Incident Packaging Service (IPS) purge size.


Sets the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA purge age in seconds.

Default: 604800 seconds, that is, 7 days

Range: 86400 (1 day) - 2592000 (1 month)


Sets the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA purge mode.


Set the Oracle Trace Fils Analyzer ISA purge thread delay in minutes.

Default: 60 minutes

Range: 1 - 1440 (24 hours) minutes


Set the Oracle Trace File Analyzer ISA CRS profile delay in minutes.

Default: 30 minutes

Range: 1 - 60 minutes


Set the Lucene index recovery mode to recreate or restore.

Recreate: If there's corruption, then index will be recreated with no recovery.

Restore: If there's corruption, then index will be recovered from last backup and the latest changes are reapplied


Sets the time interval for running lite rediscovery.

Minimum: 10 minutes

Maximum: 1 day


Sets the trimsize for diagnostic collection. The files of length lesser than the set trimsize will be excluded from trimming.

Default: 488.28 KB

Range: 100 KB - 50 MB


Propagates the settings to all nodes in the Oracle Trace File Analyzer configuration.


Sets the value on the local node. If this option is not included, then the value will be set on all the nodes.


Enables or disables monitoring diskmon.trc file.


Enables or disables filtering out database foreground and background logs and CRS client logs. This filter is set to 'OFF' by default. You can enable it by setting it to 'ON' to start filtering out small trace files.

For example:
tfactl set collection.smallfiles.filter=ON 
tfactl set collection.smallfiles.filter=OFF


Specify to customize the size threshold for the small trace files.

Default: 8 KB

Range: 8 KB - 1 MB

Example 9-80 tfactl set

$ tfactl set autodiagcollect=ON reposizeMB=20480
$ tfactl set autodiagcollect=ON
$ tfactl set autopurge=ON
$ tfactl set tracelevel=INVENTORY:DEBUG
$ tfactl set reposizeMB=20480
$ tfactl set logsize=100
$ tfactl set port=5000

Example 9-81 tfactl set rediscoveryInterval

tfa/bin/tfactl set rediscoveryInterval=1m1h1d
Successfully set rediscoveryInterval=1m1h1d
|                        node1                          |
| Configuration Parameter                      | Value  |
| Rediscovery Interval ( rediscoveryInterval ) | 1m1h1d |

Example 9-82 tfactl set clustereventmonitor

tfactl set clustereventmonitor=on
Successfully set clustereventmonitor=ON
Changes will take effect at next restart.
|                        node1                          |
| Configuration Parameter                       | Value |
| Cluster Event Monitor ( clustereventmonitor ) | ON    |
tfactl set clustereventmonitor=off
Successfully set clustereventmonitor=OFF
Changes will take effect at next restart.
|                        node1                          |
| Configuration Parameter                       | Value |
| Cluster Event Monitor ( clustereventmonitor ) | OFF   |

Example 9-83 tfactl set ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB

tfactl set ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB=10
Successfully set ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB=10
|                                          node1                                             |
| Configuration Parameter                                                            | Value |
| Maximum Size in MB allowed for alert file inside IPS Zip ( ipsAlertlogTrimsizeMB ) | 10    |

Example 9-84 tfactl set trimsize

tfactl set trimsize=10M
Successfully set trimsize=10M
| node1                              |
| Configuration Parameter | Value    |
| Trim Size ( trimsize ) | 10.00 MB  |

Example 9-85 tfactl set diskUsageMon

tfactl set diskUsageMon=ON
Successfully set diskUsageMon=ON
|                testserver                   |
| Configuration Parameter             | Value |
| Disk Usage Monitor ( diskUsageMon ) | ON    |

Example 9-86 tfactl set diskUsageMonInterval

tfactl set diskUsageMonInterval=0
Invalid value specified: 0
diskUsageMonInterval value should not be less than 1
tfactl set diskUsageMonInterval=5
Successfully set diskUsageMonInterval=5
|                                          testserver                                             |
| Configuration Parameter                                                                 | Value |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes) ( diskUsageMonInterval ) | 5     |

Example 9-87 tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.save

tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.save=ON
Successfully set diskUsage.snapshot.save=ON
|                         testserver                            |
| Configuration Parameter                               | Value |
| Save Disk Usage Snapshots ( diskUsage.snapshot.save ) | ON    |

Example 9-88 tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.interval

tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.interval=30
Successfully set diskUsage.snapshot.interval=30
|                                                  testserver                                                    |
| Configuration Parameter                                                                                | Value |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot(minutes) reports ( diskUsage.snapshot.interval ) | 30    |

Example 9-89 tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.purgeInterval

tfactl set diskUsage.snapshot.purgeInterval=70
Successfully set diskUsage.snapshot.purgeInterval=70
|                                                     testserver                                                       |
| Configuration Parameter                                                                                      | Value |
| Time interval between consecutive Disk Usage Snapshot Auto Purge(Hours) ( diskUsage.snapshot.purgeInterval ) | 70    |

Example 9-90 tfactl set scandiskmon=ON

tfactl set scandiskmon=ON 
Successfully set scandiskmon=ON
|           testserver            |
| Configuration Parameter | Value |
| scandiskmon             | ON    |