
Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • 25-GbE network interface 1


  • ACFS 1, 2, 3
  • ACFS mount points 1
  • add repositories 1
  • administrative accounts 1
  • administrative account users 1
  • agent
    • update 1
  • agent proxy setting 1
  • ASM Cluster File System
    • See: Oracle ACFS
  • ASR
    • See: Oracle ASR (Auto Service Request)
    • configure 1
    • delete 1
    • details 1
    • test 1
    • update 1
  • Automatic Storage Management
    • See: Oracle ASM


  • backup and recovery
    • CLI commands 1
    • RMAN 1
  • back up database 1
  • backup databases 1
  • backup location
    • disk group 1
  • backup policy 1, 2
    • update 1
  • backup to external FRA 1
  • backup to internal FRA 1
  • backup to NFS location 1
  • backup to Object Store 1
  • bill of materials 1
  • bond
    • network interface 1
  • bridge
    • network interface 1


  • cabling 1
    • validate 1
  • checklist
    • for system requirements 1
    • tasks to complete before deployment 1
  • 1, 2
  • cleanup utility 1
  • cli commands
    • configure 1
  • CLI commands
    • configure 1
  • cloning database 1
  • cloudfs
    • display file systems 1
  • Cluster Health Monitor
    • collect diagnostic data 1
  • Cluster Time Synchronization Service
    • See: CTSS
  • component version
    • display 1
  • configuration
    • type 1
  • Configuration Audit Tool (ORAchk) 1
  • configuration file 1
  • configure cli commands 1
  • configure CLI commands
    • configure-firstnet 1
  • configure-firstnet 1
  • configure virtual machine 1
  • container database 1
  • controllers
    • display details 1
  • cooling
    • show status 1
  • cores
    • display how allocated to virtual machines 1
  • CPU
    • caging 1
    • commands 1
    • display details 1
    • display processor details 1
  • CPU core
    • current configuration 1
    • enable 1
    • update 1
  • CPU cores
    • configuration history 1
    • list 1
  • CPU pool 1
    • default-unpinned-pool 1
    • over-subscribed 1
  • create appliance 1
  • CTSS (Cluster Time Synchronization Service) 1


  • database
    • See: template, database
    • backup policy 1
    • block size 1
    • clone from backup 1
    • consolidate multiple 1, 2
    • create 1
    • delete 1, 2
    • details 1
    • display file systems 1
    • home 1
      • create multiple 1
      • multiple 1
    • language 1
    • list 1
    • register 1
    • template
      • See: template, database
    • territory 1
    • upgrade 1
  • database, register 1
  • database class 1
  • database configuration
    • display parameters 1
  • database configuration file
    • create 1
    • delete 1
  • database home
    • create 1
    • details 1
    • display details 1
    • list 1
  • database homes
    • display details 1
  • database language 1
  • database snapshot
    • create 1
  • database storage 1, 2
    • commands 1
    • create 1
    • display details 1, 2
    • list 1
  • database template
    • See: template, database
  • database templates 1, 2
  • database type 1
  • DATA disk group 1, 2
  • dbhome
    • delete 1
  • default groups and users 1
  • deleting backups 1
  • deploying 1
  • deployment options
    • virtualized platform 1
  • deployment plan 1
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
    • connect to Oracle ILOM 1
    • initial network 1
    • Oracle ILOM configuration 1
  • directory paths 1
  • disk
    • display details 1
  • disk controllers
    • display details 1
  • disk group sizes 1
  • disk group storage
    • describe 1
    • list 1
  • disk storage
    • display details 1
  • DNS
    • See: domain name system
  • domain
    • definition 1
  • Domain 0 (Dom0)
    • definition 1
  • domain name system 1
  • Domain U
    • definition 1
  • downloading software 1
  • driver domain virtual machine
    • about 1
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
    • See: DHCP


  • electrical connections
    • attach power cords 1
  • electrical power cords
    • connecting 1
  • EM Express 1
  • environment
    • display 1
  • errors
    • display validation 1
  • expander
    • display information 1
    • error detection 1
  • expanders
    • display details 1
  • external FRA 1


  • failures
    • display validation 1
  • fiber connections 1
  • firmware
    • display version 1
    • invalid version failure 1, 2
    • patching 1
  • flex diskgroup 1


  • Grid user 1
  • groups and users defaults 1
  • group user
    • change name or ID 1
  • Guest Domains (Domain U)
    • definition 1
  • guest virtual machine
    • definition 1


  • hardware
    • display version 1
  • high availability 1


  • InfiniBand 1
  • InfiniBand interconnect cabling 1
  • installed version
  • install software 1
  • instance caging 1
    • enable 1
    • template 1, 2
  • Integrated Lights Out Manager
    • See: Oracle ILOM
  • interconnect cables
    • attach 1
    • storage expansion shelf 1
  • internal FRA 1
  • ISO image
    • virtualized 1, 2


  • JSON file 1, 2, 3


  • kernel parameters
    • adjust after memory upgrade 1
  • keyboard
    • adding 1


  • LED
    • physical disk identifier 1
    • status when blinking 1
    • status when steady 1
    • status when steady on 1
  • Linux
    • and virtualization 1
  • listener.ora, configure 1
  • load configuration 1
  • local repository 1
  • log files 1
    • sending to Oracle Support Services 1
  • logs
    • storage diagnostic 1
  • log switch
    • select template 1, 2


  • master node
    • command 1
  • memory module
    • display details 1
  • migration
    • from an existing database 1
  • monitor
    • adding 1
  • mouse
    • adding 1
  • multiple database instances
    • instance caging 1
  • multiple Oracle homes 1
    • create 1
  • My Oracle Support
    • hardware SI 1
    • send log files for troubleshooting 1


  • network
    • configure 1
    • display details 1
  • network infrastructure 1
  • network interface
    • default values 1
  • network planning 1
  • network time protocol service (NTP service) 1
  • network validation 1
  • NFS backup 1
  • NTP service
    • See: network time protocol service


  • oakcli
    • show cooling 1
  • oakcli commands
    • add disk -local 1
    • clones and snap clones 1
    • clone vdisk 1, 2
    • clone vm 1, 3, 4, 5
    • configure 1
    • configure additionalnet 1
    • configure ASR 1
    • configure cpupool 1, 2
    • configure firstnet 1
    • configure network 1
    • configure networks 1
    • configure oda_base 1
    • configure repo 1, 2
    • configure vm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • configure vmtemplate 1, 2, 3
    • copy 1
    • create 1
      • db_config_params 1
    • create cpupool 1, 2
    • create database 1
    • create dbhome 1
    • create dbstorage 1
    • create repo 1, 2
    • create vdisk 1
    • create vlan 1
    • delete 1
    • delete cpupool 1
    • delete database 1
    • delete db_config_params 1
    • delete dbhome 1
    • delete dbstorage 1
    • delete repo 1, 2
    • delete vdisk 1
    • delete vlan 1
    • delete vm 1
    • delete vmtemplate 1, 3
    • deploy
      • change group name and ID 1
      • log file 1
    • describe-system 1
    • diskwritecache 1
    • expand storage 1
    • import vmtemplate 1, 2
    • locate 1
    • manage diagcollect 1
    • migrate vm 1
    • modify database 1
    • modify vm 1, 2
    • modify vmtemplate 1
    • oakcli create db_config_params 1
    • oakcli create snapshotdb 1
    • oakcli create vdisk 1
    • oakcli delete vdisk 1
    • oakcli show dbstorage 1
    • oakcli show fs 1
    • oakcli show vmconsole 1
    • orachk 1
    • reconfigure kernel parameters 1
    • reconfigure memlock 1
    • reconfigure osparams 1
    • reconfigure vm.nearhugepage 1
    • -repo parameter 1
    • resize dbstorage 1
    • restart oda_base 1
    • show 1
    • show asr 1
    • show controller 1
    • show cpupool 1, 2
    • show databases 1
    • show db_config_params 1
    • show dbhomes 1
    • show disk 1
    • show diskgroup 1
    • show enclosure 1
    • show env_hw 1
    • show expander 1
    • show ismaster 1
    • show memory 1
    • show network 1
    • show power 1
      • example 1
    • show processor 1
    • show raidsyncstatus 1
    • show repo 1, 2
    • show server 1
    • show storage 1
    • show validation storage 1
    • show validation storage errors 1
    • show validation storage failures 1
    • show vdisk 1, 2
    • show version 1
    • show vlan 1
    • show vm 1
    • show vmtemplate 1, 2, 3
    • -snap 1, 2
    • start 1
    • start oda_base 1
    • start repo 1, 2
    • start vm 1, 2
    • stop 1
    • stop repo 1
    • stop vm 1
    • stordiag 1
    • test asr 1
    • unpack 1
    • update 1
    • update-cpucore 1
    • upgrade 1
    • validate 1
    • vdisk 1
    • virtual machine 1
    • -vm 1
    • vm template 1
    • -vmtemplate 1
  • oakcli deploy 1
  • oakcli virtualization commands
    • VLAN 1
  • Object Store 1
    • credentials 1, 2, 3, 4
    • caging 1
    • definition 1
    • domain 1
  • odaadmcli commands
    • expand storage 1
    • hardware configuration 1
    • hardware monitoring 1
    • manage diagcollect 1, 2
    • power disk 1
    • show controller 1
    • show cooling 1
    • show disk 1
    • show diskgroup 1
    • show env_hw 1
    • show fs 1
    • show memory 1
    • show network 1
    • show power 1
    • show processor 1
    • show raidsyncstatus 1
    • show server 1
    • show storage 1
    • storage 1
    • stordiag 1
  • odacli-adm commands
    • set-credential 1
  • odacli commands
    • appliance 1
    • apply patch 1
    • backup 1
    • clone-database 1
    • configure-asr 1
    • CPU core 1
    • create-appliance 1
    • create-auto-logclean-policy 1
    • create-backup 1
    • create-backupconfig 1
    • create database 1
    • create-database 1
    • create-dbhome 1
    • create-dbstorage 1
    • create-logcleanjob 1
    • create-network 1
    • create-objectstoreswift 1
    • create-prepatchreport 1
    • database 1
    • database storage 1
    • DBHome 1
    • delete-asr 1
    • delete-backup 1
    • delete-backupconfig 1
    • delete-database 1
    • delete-dbhome 1
    • delete-dbstorage 1
    • delete-network 1
    • delete-objectstoreswift 1
    • delete-prepatchreport 1
    • describe-appliance 1
    • describe-asr 1
    • describe-backupreport 1
    • describe-component 1
    • describe-cpucore 1
    • describe-database 1
    • describe-dbhome 1
    • describe-dbstorage 1
    • describe-dgstorage 1
    • describe-job 1
    • describe-latestpatch 1
    • describe-logcleanjob 1
    • describe-network 1
    • describe-networkinterface 1
    • describe-prepatchreport 1
    • describe-schedule 1
    • describe-system 1
    • irestore-database 1
    • jobs 1
    • list-auto-logclean-policy 1
    • list-backupconfig 1
    • list-backupreports 1
    • list-cpucores 1
    • list-databases 1
    • list-dbhomes 1
    • list-dbstorages 1
    • list-featuretracking 1
    • list-jobs 1
    • list-logcleanjobs 1
    • list-logspaceusage 1
    • list-networkinterfaces 1
    • list-networks 1
    • list-osconfigurations 1
    • list-prepatchreports 1
    • list-scheduled-executions 1
    • list scheduler jobs 1
    • list-schedules 1
    • modify-database 1
    • network 1
    • odacli create-appliance 1, 2, 3
    • odacli list-agentconfig-parameters 1
    • odacli list-availablepatches 1
    • odacli list-dgstorages 1
    • odacli list-objectstoreswifts 1
    • odacli update-agentconfig-parameters 1
    • Oracle ASR 1
    • OS 1
    • recover-database 1
    • recovery 1
    • register-database 1
    • show -h
      • with Oracle Database Appliance Hardware Monitoring Tool 1
    • test-asr 1
    • update 1
    • update-asr 1
    • update-backupconfig 1
    • update-cpucore 1
    • update-database 1
    • update database home 1
    • update-dcsagent 1
    • update-network 1
    • update-objectstoreswift 1
    • update-osconfigurations 1
    • update repository 1
    • update-schedule 1
    • update-server 1
    • update-storage 1
    • upgrade-database 1
    • validate storage topology 1
    • validate-storagetopology 1
  • odacli create-appliance
    • example JSON files 1, 2, 3
    • readme 1
  • 1
  • odarepo1
    • local repository 1
  • odarepo2
    • local repository 1
  • OINSTALL group 1
  • Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • and Oracle homes 1
  • ORAchk Health Check Tool 1
    • reinstall 1
  • Oracle ACFS 1
    • display database storage information 1
  • Oracle ACFS (Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System)
    • shared repository 1
  • Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface
    • alphabetical list of commands 1
    • help for 1
    • location of 1
    • uses for 1
  • Oracle Appliance Manager command-line-interface
    • operational notes 1
  • Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator
    • about 1
    • network validation errors 1
    • using 1
  • Oracle ASM (Oracle Automatic Storage Management)
    • add storage expansion shelf 1
    • data migration 1
    • physical disk identifier 1
    • shared repositories 1
    • trace file analyzer diagnostics 1
    • user group 1
  • Oracle ASM disk group
    • display details 1
  • Oracle ASR
    • commands 1
    • configure 1
  • Oracle ASR (Auto Service Request)
    • configure 1
    • display configuration details 1
    • test asr 1
  • Oracle ASR (Oracle Auto Service Request) 1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • See: Oracle ASM
  • Oracle Database
    • See: database
  • Oracle Database Appliance Hardware Monitoring Tool 1
  • Oracle Database Appliance Manager
    • software inventory 1
  • Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform
    • and oakcli 1
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
    • overview 1
  • Oracle Database Resource Manager
    • instance caging 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 1
  • Oracle home
    • multiple 1
  • Oracle ILOM (Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager) 1
    • configure 1
  • Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager
    • See: Oracle ILOM
  • Oracle ORAchk Health Check Tool 1
  • Oracle RAC (Oracle Real Application Clusters) 1
    • See also: Oracle RAC One Node
    • deployment option 1
    • trace file analyzer 1
    • VIP address requirement 1
  • Oracle RAC One Node 1
    • deployment option 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • See: Oracle RAC
  • Oracle Support Services
    • See: My Oracle Support
  • Oracle user 1
  • Oracle VM 1
  • OSASM group 1
  • OS configuration
    • current 1, 2
    • suggested 1, 2
  • OSDBA 1
  • OSDBA for ASM group 1
  • OSDBA group 1
  • OSOPER groups 1
  • over-subscribed CPU pool 1


  • patches
    • software inventory 1
  • patching 1
    • appliance 1
    • using web console 1, 2
  • patching Oracle Database Appliance 1, 2
  • patching Virtualized Platform 1
  • performance tuning 1, 2
  • physical disk
    • LED identifier 1
  • plumb network 1
  • power cords
    • connecting 1
  • power supply
    • display details 1
  • proxy setting 1


  • raidsyncstatus
    • display 1
  • readme 1
  • recover database 1
  • recovering database 1
  • reimage appliance 1
  • reimaging 1
    • virtualized platform 1
  • resource management
    • CPU pools 1
    • Oracle VM 1
    • supported virtual operating systems 1
  • restore baremetal system 1
  • restore database 1
  • RMAN (Recovery Manager utility)
    • database management 1
  • RPM drift 1


  • SAP Application 1
  • SAS expander
    • display details 1
  • save configuration 1
  • SCAN (single client access name) 1
    • IP address 1
    • no NIS support 1
  • scheduler
    • jobs 1
  • Scheduling Database Backups 1
  • secure erase tool 1
    • 1
  • sending log files to Oracle Support Services 1
  • server
    • display details 1
  • shared repositories
    • about 1
    • architecture 1
  • shared repository
    • creating and managing 1
    • delete 1
    • deleting 1
    • increasing the size 1
    • show status 1
    • starting 1
    • stopping 1
  • SI (Support Identifier)
    • add to profile 1
    • register 1
  • software
    • license registration 1
  • Solaris x86
    • and virtualization 1
  • space management 1, 2
  • SQL*Loader 1
  • start up the system 1
  • static listener, configure 1
  • storage 1, 2, 3, 4
    • show enclosure subsystem 1
  • storage expansion
    • command 1
  • storage expansion shelf
    • about 1
    • adding 1
  • storage planning 1
  • support identifier
    • See: SI
  • system requirements
    • checklist 1


  • template
    • database
      • choosing 1
      • select 1
    • virtual machine
      • automatic unique naming 1
      • unique name for each node 1
  • templates 1
    • database
      • choosing 1
  • TFA command 1
  • TFA options 1
  • Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector 1
  • Trace File Analyzer utility 1
  • troubleshooting 1
    • expander 1
    • hrd disk diagnostic tool 1
    • log files for Oracle Support Services 1
    • network validation 1
    • trace file analyzer 1
  • turning on Oracle Database Appliance 1


  • uninstall 1
  • update pre-checks 1
  • update rpms 1
  • usable storage 1, 3


  • validation errors
    • display 1
    • names and addresses on the DNS 1
  • validation failures
    • display 1
  • vdisk
    • CLI commands 1
  • viewing backup reports 1
  • virtual disk
    • attaching to a virtual machine 1
    • cloning 1
    • create 1
    • creating 1
    • delete 1
    • deleting 1
    • display details 1
    • viewing information about 1
  • virtual disks 1
  • virtual IP address (virtual Internet Protocol address)
    • Oracle RAC requirement 1
    • subnet 1
  • virtualization 1, 2
  • virtualized platform
    • deployment options 1
  • virtual local area network 1
  • virtual machine
    • about 1, 2
    • assemblies 1
    • caging 1
    • CLI commands 1
    • display repository details 1
    • high availability 1
    • ODA_BASE caging 1
    • open console 1
    • pin 1
    • template 1
    • templates 1, 2
  • virtual machine templates
    • importing 1
    • listing 1
  • VLAN
    • CLI commands 1
    • display details 1
  • vm templates
    • CLI commands 1
    • display details 1


  • web console 1
  • Web Console
    • about 1
    • actions 1
  • web interface
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 1
  • Windows
    • and virtualization 1