Oracle® Database Appliance

Welcome Kit


February 2020

Oracle Database Appliance Welcome Kit

This document contains pre-deployment checklists and links to resources to get started with your Oracle Database Appliance deployment.

Welcome to Oracle Database Appliance

Thank you for purchasing Oracle Database Appliance, an Oracle engineered system that greatly simplifies configuring and deploying Oracle Databases.

Your preparation tasks depend on whether you purchased Oracle installation services, where Oracle assists you onsite with your installation, or if you plan to deploy the appliance yourself.

  • Step 1: Make sure that you register your appliance with Oracle Support. When you purchase Oracle Database Appliance, you receive a hardware customer support identifier (CSI) number. You also need a software CSI number to download the software deployment files. If you do not have a hardware or software CSI number, then check with your Oracle sales representative or Oracle reseller from whom you purchased the appliance. After you register your appliance, you can download the deployment files and obtain support. If you purchased Oracle installation services, then an Oracle field engineer provides the deployment files. For more information about how to register your appliance, see the My Oracle Support Quick Reference Guide at, or visit My Oracle Support at
  • Step 2: Review the Oracle Database Appliance Documentation Library at Select the latest Oracle Database Appliance Release and review the following key deployment documents:
    • Release Notes: Provides details about all available patches for a release, new features, the component versions, and the known issues for a release. It also provides links to procedures for applying patches for your hardware model.
    • Deployment and User’s Guide for your hardware model: Provides detailed instructions for setting up your appliance, deploying the software, and managing the appliance.
    • Owner’s Guide: Provides detailed information about mounting the rack, cabling, and setting up your Oracle Database Appliance hardware.
  • Step 3: Complete the Oracle Database Appliance Pre-Deployment Checklist that is included with this letter. Use the checklist to record key deployment information, such as host names, IP addresses, and other network and database configuration information. Work with your network engineers to gather network configuration information and to populate your DNS tables, which are critical for successful deployments. If Oracle installs your appliance, then send the completed checklist to the Oracle field engineer before they arrive onsite. You can also access the checklist at
  • Step 4: To deploy Oracle Database Appliance yourself, download the latest software as described in the Oracle Database Appliance documentation at

If Oracle is installing the appliance for you and you have not received a call from Oracle to schedule your installation, then contact Oracle Support at 1-800-223-1711.

If you have any questions about your appliance or its deployment, then please contact your Oracle sales representative.

Checklist for System Requirements

Before you begin the deployment, ensure that you have the system information described in this checklist ready. This checklist applies to baremetal and virtualized platform deployments.

Table - Checklist for System Configuration Information for Oracle Database Appliance

Component Information Required Comments

Host Name

The name for the Oracle Database Appliance System. The name must conform with the RFC 952 standard, which allows alphanumeric characters and hyphens ( - ), but does not allow underscores ( _ ). The name should not begin with a numeral or hyphen and should not end in a hyphen. Oracle recommends that you use all lowercase characters for the host name.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Host Name:

Domain Name

Your domain name.

For example:

Domain Name:


The region where you plan to operate the Oracle Database Appliance system.



The time zone where you plan to operate the Oracle Database Appliance system.


Diskgroup Redundancy

Determine the redundancy level for DATA, RECO, and FLASH:

If there are up to two disks, then you can select the disk group redundancy as Normal or Flex. If there are more than two disk drives, then you can select the redundancy as Normal (two way mirror), High (three way mirror), or Flex. If you select High redundancy, then DATA, RECO, and FLASH are all High Redundancy.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.
Number of Enabled CPU Cores

Based on your capacity-on-demand (CoD) license, this value specifies the number of enabled CPU cores

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.


Determine the backup location. For external backup, you need an NFS device.

Backup location:

Percentage of Storage Reserved for Data

Determine the amount of reserves for DATA storage. The percentage must be a whole number between 10 and 90, and determines how the disks are partitioned between DATA and RECO. For example, if you specify 80, then 80% of storage is reserved for DATA and the remaining 20% is for RECO.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

System Password

The password set for the root user of the system, operating system users, database users, and pdbadmin. The password is also used to set the database SYS and SYSTEM passwords. Ensure that the password you provide is in compliance with common security practices.

You must provide a system password when you deploy your appliance.

DNS Server

(Optional) DNS server details. If configuring DNS, a minimum of one DNS Server IP is required.

DNS Server details:

NTP Server

(Optional) Network Time Protocol (NTP) server details.

NTP Server details:

Network Information for the client access network

Obtain the following network information:

  • Node 0 Name: such as example0

  • Node 0 Public IP Address

  • Node 1 Name (For HA Models): such as example1

  • Node 1 Public IP Address (For HA Models)

  • Node 0 Virtual IP Name (For HA Models): for example, example0-vip

  • Node 0 Public Virtual IP Address (For HA Models)

  • Node 1 Virtual IP Name (For HA Models): for example, example1-vip

  • Node 1 Public Virtual IP Address (For HA Models)

  • SCAN Name (For HA Models): for example, example-scan

  • SCAN IP Addresses: Two SCAN IP addresses are required

  • Netmask

  • Gateway IP

Obtain the following additional network information for virtualized platforms:

  • OVM Node0 Dom0 Host Name

  • OVM Node0 Dom0 IP Address

  • OVM Node1 Dom0 Host Name

  • OVM Node1 Dom0 IP Address

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Network Information for the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) network

Obtain the following ILOM network information:

  • ILOM host name

  • ILOM IP address

  • Subnet mask

  • Gateway IP

  • ILOM Password: default is changeme.

For HA systems, ensure that you have the information to configure two ILOM networks.

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

User and group information

Determine how you want to configure your users and groups and whether or not you want to allow operating system role separation. The default is two users with six groups.

Operating System Role Separation: Yes/No

Customization of Users and Groups: Yes/No

Groups and IDs:
  • Grid Infrastructure User
  • Grid Infrastructure User ID
  • Database User
  • Database User ID
  • Install Group
  • Install Group ID
  • DBA Operating System Group
  • DBA Operating System Group ID
  • ASM Admin Group
  • ASM Admin Group ID
  • ASM Operating System Group
  • ASM Operating System Group ID
  • ASM DBA Group
  • ASM DBA Group ID

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Initial Database Details (if you want to create one during deployment)

(Optional) If you choose to create an initial database during deployment, determine the following configuration details:

  • Database name

  • Database unique name

  • Database version (based on the database clones that are registered with the Oracle Database Appliance)

  • Determine the Oracle Database edition licensing that you have, either Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition. You cannot mix editions.

  • Database deployment, whether Oracle RAC or single-instance database
  • CDB (Container Database): Yes or No

  • PDB name
  • Shape (for example, odb1, odb2, and so on)

  • Database Class: Enterprise Edition, OLTP, DSS, or IMDB. Standard Edition OLTP only.

  • Data files on Flash storage: Yes/No
  • Database file size
  • Database characterset

  • National characterset
  • Database language

  • Storage (Oracle ASM or Oracle ACFS). databases are supported only on Oracle ACFS storage.

  • Database redundancy
  • Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager console. If you are using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with this appliance, do not choose this option.

  • Password for the database

The DB Name and DB Unique name can contain alphanumeric characters and must start with an alphabet. It can contain underscores ( _ ), but cannot contain characters such as "!@%^&*()+=\\|`~[{]};:'\",<>/?".

Use this space to note the values for your appliance.

Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) information

(Optional) Do you want to configure and enable Oracle ASR at deployment or later? If required, then ensure that you have the following information.
  • ASR Type
  • ASR User Name
  • ASR Password
  • SNMP Version
  • Proxy Server Name
  • Proxy Port
  • Proxy User Name
  • Proxy Password
Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) information for your appliance
Information for Virtualized Platform Deployments Only

Base Memory: Memory allocated to the ODA_BASE domain.

Use this space to note your values.

About Contacting Oracle Support

If you face any issues during your implementation and use of Oracle products, you can contact Oracle Support to assist in the troubleshooting and diagnosis of problems.

Check the Oracle Database Appliance documentation library, for resolution of your issue, before contacting Oracle Support.

See the My Oracle Support Quick Reference Guide for detailed steps to register with Oracle Support, and create and update service requests at:

For guidelines on optimizing your experience with Oracle Support, see the following Support Documents:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Appliance Welcome Kit


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