Browser User Interface

FAQs on Browser User Interface (BUI).

Why do I get an error when I try to access the BUI at port 7093?

Oracle Database Appliance uses self-signed certificates. Depending on the browser and browser version, you may receive a warning or error that the certificate is invalid or not trusted because it is self-signed, or that the connection is not private. Ensure that you accept the self-signed certificate for the agent and Browser User Interface. For more information about configuring the self-signed certificates, see the Oracle Database Appliance Deployment and User's Guide for your hardware model.

Why does the browser show Not Secure warning when I access the BUI?

Oracle Database Appliance BUI uses self-signed certificates. For custom certificates, unless configure, a warning is displayed.For more information about configuring custom certificates, see the Oracle Database Appliance Deployment and User's Guide for your hardware model.

Can I change the port number for accessing the BUI?

The BUI runs on port 7093 by default. You can manually change the port number following these steps:
  1. Update the entry corresponding to "port" in /opt/oracle/dcs/conf/dcs-controller.json:
      "server": {
        "applicationConnectors": [
            "type": "https",
            "port": 7093,
            "keyStorePath": "/opt/oracle/dcs/conf/dcsKey.jks",
            "trustStorePath": "/opt/oracle/dcs/conf/cacerts",
            "keyStorePassword": "OBF:1vn21ugu1saj1v9i1v941sar1ugw1vo0",
            "certAlias": "selfsigned",
  2. Restart DCS controller after making the changes:
    systemctl restart initdcscontroller

Bill of Materials in the BUI does not show up-to-date information. Why does this happen?

The Bill of Materials Information shown in the BUI is based on the last collection on Oracle Database Appliance. The collection can be triggered using the command odacli describe-system -b. The BUI does not trigger the collection. If you notice that the information shown in the BUI is not up-to-date, run the command odacli describe-system -b and refresh the BUI to see the latest collection. The collection also runs as part of a weekly automatic scheduler on Oracle Database Appliance.

What are the supported browsers for running the BUI?

Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. The BUI may not display correctly in an Internet Explorer browser.

Is the Oracle Database Appliance documentation in the BUI up-to-date with the release?

The Oracle Database Appliance documentation shown in the BUI contains the latest documentation for the release.

Does BUI support all of the functionality that is available in the CLI?

While the BUI does support most of the functionality, there may be some functionality that is available only using ODACLI commands.

Does BUI support Oracle Data Guard?

BUI does not support Oracle Data Guard currently. Use ODACLI commands to configure and manage Oracle Data Guard on Oracle Database Appliance.

Is Backup Policy same as Backup Config?

Yes. The BUI uses the term Backup Policy which corresponds to backupconfig used by the ODACLI commands. They both mean the same.

Can I update DCS admin and DCS agent using BUI?

The BUI does not provide support to update the DCS admin. The DCS agent is updated when updating the server in the BUI. When you select the option to update the server in the BUI, the DCS agent is first updated, if it is an earlier version.

Can the BUI be used to run odacli configure-firstnet?

No. In order to access the BUI, odacli configure-firstnet has to be run first. The BUI can then be accessed using the host name or public IP.

If a BUI page fails to load, are there any logs that can be checked?

Different browsers have different ways for accessing the console logs. In most of the browsers, you can right-click and select Inspect or Inspect Element. This opens a window where you can check the console logs and look for errors or exception traces.