
Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • 25-GbE network interface 13.3



  • backup and recovery
  • back up database 11.7
  • backup databases 11.1
  • backup location
  • backup policy 11.12.1, 11.12.2
  • backup to external FRA 11.4
  • backup to internal FRA 11.4
  • backup to NFS location 11.4
  • backup to Object Store 11.4
  • bare metal patching 7.4, 7.6
  • bill of materials 16.1
  • bond
    • network interface 13.3
  • bridge
    • network interface 13.3
  • Browser User Interface C.1


  • cabling 3.2
  • checklist
    • for system requirements 2.3
    • tasks to complete before deployment 2
  • cleanup 7.11
  • 8.1, 16.3
  • cleanup utility 8.1
  • CLI commands
  • cloning database 9.4.5, 9.4.6
  • cloudfs
  • Cluster Health Monitor
    • collect diagnostic data 15.12
  • Cluster Time Synchronization Service
    • See: CTSS
  • component version
  • configuration
  • Configuration Audit Tool (ORAchk) 16.8.2
  • configuration file 5.4.1
  • configure CLI commands
  • configure-firstnet 4.1
  • configure virtual machine 13.14
  • container database 5.4.2
  • controllers
  • cooling
  • cores
    • display how allocated to virtual machines 15.19.4
  • CPU
  • CPU core
  • CPU cores
  • CPU pool 13.15.1
  • create additional networks 13.4
  • create appliance 4.5
  • CTSS (Cluster Time Synchronization Service) 2.3.1



  • electrical connections
    • attach power cords 3.5
  • electrical power cords
  • EM Express 9.8
  • environment
  • errors
  • expander
  • expanders
  • external FRA 11.1



  • Grid user 9.1
  • groups and users defaults A.3
  • group user
    • change name or ID 15.8
  • Guest Domains (Domain U)
  • guest virtual machine





  • kernel parameters
    • adjust after memory upgrade 15.16
  • keyboard


  • LED
    • physical disk identifier 15.11
    • status when blinking 3.5.2
    • status when steady 3.5.2
    • status when steady on 3.5.2
  • Linux
    • and virtualization 13.1
  • listener.ora, configure 9.6.2
  • load configuration C.1
  • local repository 13.10.1
  • log files A.2
    • sending to Oracle Support Services 16.13
  • logs
  • log switch


  • memory module
  • migration
    • from an existing database 9.2
  • monitor
  • mouse
  • multiple database instances
    • instance caging 9.7
  • multiple Oracle homes 9.5.1
  • My Oracle Support
    • hardware SI 2.1
    • send log files for troubleshooting 16.13


  • network
  • network infrastructure 13.3
  • network interface
  • network planning 2.3.1
  • network time protocol service (NTP service) 2.3.2
  • network validation 5.4.2
  • NFS backup 11.2
  • NTP service
    • See: network time protocol service



  • patches
    • software inventory 1.2
  • patching
    • appliance 7.1
    • using Browser User Interface 7.5, 7.7
  • patching Oracle Database Appliance 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, 7.9
  • patching Virtualized Platform 7.8
  • performance tuning 13.15.2, 13.15.6
  • physical disk
  • plumb network 4.1
  • power cords
  • power supply
  • proxy setting 11.3


  • raidsyncstatus
  • readme C.2
  • recover database 11.12.5
  • recovering database 11.9
  • reimage appliance 8.2
  • reimaging 5.2
    • virtualized platform 5.2
  • resource management
    • CPU pools 13.15.2
    • Oracle VM 13.1
    • supported virtual operating systems 13.1
  • restore baremetal system 8.2
  • restore database 11.12.6
  • RMAN (Recovery Manager utility)
    • database management 9.2
  • RPM drift 16.1


  • sanitize diagnostics 16.8.5
  • SAP Application 5.4.2
  • SAS expander
  • save configuration C.1
  • SCAN (single client access name) 2.3.1
  • scheduler
  • Scheduling Database Backups 11.12.4
  • secure erase tool 8.3
    • 8.3
  • sending log files to Oracle Support Services 16.13
  • server
  • shared repositories
  • shared repository
  • SI (Support Identifier)
    • add to profile 2.1
    • register 2.1
  • software
    • license registration 2.1
  • Solaris x86
    • and virtualization 13.1
  • space management B.1.1, B.3
  • SQL*Loader 9.2
  • Standard Edition High Availability 9.3
  • start up the system 3.5.2
  • static listener, configure 9.6.2
  • storage 10.1, 10.2, B.1.2, B.2
  • storage expansion
  • storage expansion shelf
  • storage planning 2.3.1
  • support identifier
    • See: SI
  • system requirements
    • checklist 2.3



  • uninstall 8.1
  • update pre-checks 7.3
  • upgrade
  • upgrading operating system Oracle Database Appliance 16.4
  • usable storage B.1.2, B.2



  • web interface
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 9.8
  • Windows
    • and virtualization 13.1