The image shows four switches on the left, numbered 1 through 4 from top to bottom and three virtual machines on the right, named ODA_BASE, domu1, and domu2 from top to bottom. Connections to ODA_BASE are labeled eth0, eth1 and eth2. The connection to domu1 is named eth0. The connections to domu2 are labeled eth0 and eth1. Between the switches and the virtual machines are a series of connections. Switch1 is connected to eth2, switch2 to eth3, swich3 to eth4, and switch4 to eth5. Above these eth connections are eth0 and eth1 that are not connected to switches. To the right, eth0 and eth1 are connected to icbond0. icbond0 is connected to priv1 which is connected to eth0 in ODA_BASE. To the right, eth2 and eth3 are connected to bond0. bond0 is connected to net1, which is connected to eth1 in ODA_BASE and to eth0 in domu2. To the right, eth4 and eth 5 are connected to bond1. bond1 is connected to net2, which is connected to eth2 in ODA_BASE and to eth1 in domu2.