Activating Standard Daily Backup

System backups are not available by default. It is critical that you follow the instructions in this section to activate standard daily backups on your appliance.


Make sure that daily backups are activated after system initialization. If this procedure is omitted, you will not be able to restore a component or service from a last known good state.

To activate system backups, set up a Kubernetes CronJob by running the applicable script from the management node that owns the virtual IP of the cluster.

When the system initialization process is complete, execute the following procedure to activate system backups:

  1. Log on to one of the management nodes.

    # ssh root@pcamn01
  2. Retrieve the name of the Kubernetes pod that runs the backup and restore service. Use the following command:

    # kubectl get pods -A | grep brs
    default    brs-5bdc556546-gxtx9        3/3    Running    0    17d
  3. Execute the default-backup script as shown in the following example to set up the Kubernetes CronJob to make a daily backup.

    kubectl exec brs-5bdc556546-gxtx9 -c brs -- /usr/sbin/default-backup

    This backup runs every day at 00:00 local appliance time and is retained for 14 days.

  4. Verify that the CronJob has been added in the default namespace.

    # kubectl get cronjobs -A
    NAMESPACE      NAME                             SCHEDULE       SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
    default        brs-cronjob-1629969790-backup    0 0 * * *      False     0        <none>          32s
    health-check   cert-checker                     */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   etcd-checker                     */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   flannel-checker                  */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   kubernetes-checker               */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   l0-cluster-services-checker      */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   mysql-cluster-checker            */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   network-checker                  */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   registry-checker                 */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   sauron-checker                   */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    health-check   vault-checker                    */10 * * * *   False     0        4m6s            17d
    sauron         sauron-sauron-prometheus-gw-cj   30 19 * * *    False     0        18h             17d

    When this brs-cronjob-unique_ID-backup CronJob runs, any backups that were previously created by a brs manual system backup job that are more than 14 days old are deleted. See Executing a Backup Operation for information about manual system backup.

    Backups created by this CronJob are deleted regularly when they are more than 14 days old, as described in the previous step.

    ZFSSA manual snapshots are not deleted if they were not created by using any brs job, and their snapshot name is not in the following form (the brs snapshot naming convention):


    Backups are created on the ZFS Storage Appliance at the following location, as seen from the management node mount point:


    Each backup is identified by its unique path containing the job OCID and time stamp:
