Managing Disaster Recovery Configurations

This section explains how to configure disaster recovery settings on two Oracle Private Cloud Appliance systems such that each system is the fallback for the other system.

Rules and Conditions

When populating DR configurations, respect the following rules regarding compute and storage resources.

  • A compute instance must be stopped before it can be added to a DR configuration. There is one exception: when all volumes attached to the instance are also attached to one or more instances already included in the same DR configuration.

  • A compute instance must be stopped before it can be removed from a DR configuration. There is one exception: when all volumes attached to the instance are also attached to one or more instances still included in the same DR configuration.

  • All compute instances in a DR configuration must be stopped before the DR configuration can be deleted.

  • A volume attached to a compute instance might be created from another source volume or volume backup. Such an instance (instance T) can be added to a DR configuration on condition that the source volume is not attached to any instance in any DR configuration. Note that source volume also refers to the volume used for the volume backup, and its direct or indirect source.

    Alternatively, the instance with the source volume attached can be added to a DR configuration on condition that instance T is not added to any DR configuration. Due to the volume source/target relationship, only one of the instances involved can be part of a DR configuration, not both.

  • Refreshing a DR configuration results in a failure in case a volume and the source from which it was created, are both attached to one or more compute instances in any DR configuration.

Creating a DR Configuration

A DR configuration is the parent object to which you add compute instances that you want to protect against system outages.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • a unique name for the DR configuration

    • a unique name for the associated ZFS storage project

  2. Create an empty DR configuration with the drCreateConfig command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drCreateConfig configName=drConfig1 project=drProject1
    Command: drCreateConfig configName=drConfig1 project=drProject1
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:19:33,163 UTC
      Message = Successfully started job to create config drConfig1
      Job Id = 252041b1-ff44-4c8e-a3de-11c1e47d9217
  3. Use the job ID to check the status of the operation you started.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetJob jobid=252041b1-ff44-4c8e-a3de-11c1e47d9217
    Command: drGetJob jobid=252041b1-ff44-4c8e-a3de-11c1e47d9217
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:21:07,021 UTC
      Type = create_config
      Job Id = 252041b1-ff44-4c8e-a3de-11c1e47d9217
      Status = finished
      Start Time = 2021-08-17 07:19:33.507048
      End Time = 2021-08-17 07:20:16.783743
      Result = success
      Message = job successfully retrieved
      Response = Successfully created DR config drConfig1: 439ad078-7e6a-4908-affa-ac89210d76ac
  4. When the DR configuration is created, the storage project for data replication is set up on the ZFS Storage Appliances.

    Note the DR configuration ID. You need it for all subsequent commands to modify the configuration.

  5. To display a list of existing DR configurations, use the drGetConfigs command.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetConfigs
    Command: drGetConfigs
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:44:54,443 UTC
      id configName
      -- ----------
      439ad078-7e6a-4908-affa-ac89210d76ac drConfig1
      e8291afa-a413-4932-880a-abb8ac22c85d drConfig2
      7ad05d9f-731c-41b8-b477-35da4b999071 drConfig3
  6. To display the status and details of a DR configuration, use the drGetConfig command.


    drGetConfig drConfigId=<DR_configuration_id>


    PCA-ADMIN> drGetConfig drConfigId=439ad078-7e6a-4908-affa-ac89210d76ac
    Command: drGetConfig drConfigId=439ad078-7e6a-4908-affa-ac89210d76ac
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:47:53,401 UTC
      Type = DrConfig
      Config State = ENABLED
      Config Name = drConfig1
      Config Id = 439ad078-7e6a-4908-affa-ac89210d76ac
      Project Id = drProject1

Adding Site Mappings to a DR Configuration

Site mappings are added to determine how and where on the replica system the instances should be brought back up in case the primary system experiences an outage and a failover is triggered. Each site mapping contains a source object for the primary system and a corresponding target object for the replica system. Make sure that these resources exist on both the primary and replica system before you add the site mappings to the DR configuration.

These are the site mapping types you can add to a DR configuration:

  • Compartment: specifies that, if a failover occurs, instances from the source compartment must be brought up in the target compartment on the replica system

  • Subnet: specifies that, if a failover occurs, instances connected to the source subnet must be connected to the target subnet on the replica system

  • Network security group: specifies that, if a failover occurs, instances that belong to the source network security group must be included in the target security group on the replica system

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • DR configuration ID (drGetConfigs)

    • Mapping source and target object OCIDs

      Use the Compute Enclave UI or CLI on the primary and replica system respectively. CLI commands:

      • oci iam compartment list

      • oci network subnet list --compartment-id "ocid1.compartment.....uniqueID"

      • oci network nsg list --compartment-id "ocid1.compartment.....uniqueID"

  2. Add a site mapping to the DR configuration with the drAddSiteMapping command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):

    objType=[compartment | subnet | networksecuritygroup]


    PCA-ADMIN> drAddSiteMapping \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    objType=compartment \
    sourceId="ocid1.compartment.....<region1>...uniqueID" \
    Command: drAddSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d objType=compartment sourceId="ocid1.compartment.....<region1>...uniqueID" targetId="ocid1.compartment.....<region2>...uniqueID"
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:07:24,957 UTC
    PCA-ADMIN> drAddSiteMapping \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    objType=subnet \
    sourceId="ocid1.subnet.....<region1>...uniqueID" \
    Command: drAddSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d objType=subnet sourceId="ocid1.subnet.....<region1>...uniqueID" targetId="ocid1.subnet.....<region2>...uniqueID"
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:07:24,957 UTC
    PCA-ADMIN> drAddSiteMapping \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    objType=networksecuritygroup \
    sourceId="ocid1.nsg.....<region1>...uniqueID" \
    Command: drAddSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d objType=networksecuritygroup sourceId="ocid1.nsg.....<region1>...uniqueID" targetId="ocid1.nsg.....<region2>...uniqueID"
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:07:24,957 UTC
  3. Repeat the command with the OCIDs of all the source and target objects that you want to include in the site mappings of the DR configuration.


    Mappings for compartments and subnets are always required in order to perform a failover or switchover. Missing mappings will be detected by the Oracle Site Guard scripts during a precheck on the replica system.
  4. To display the list of site mappings included in the DR configuration, use the drGetSiteMappings command. The DR configuration ID is a required parameter.


    drGetSiteMappings drConfigId=<DR_configuration_id>


    PCA-ADMIN> drGetSiteMappings drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Command: drGetSiteMappings drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:19:22,580 UTC
      id                                     name
      --                                     ----
      d1bf2cf2-d8c7-4271-b8b6-cdf757648175   null
      9244634e-431f-43a1-89ab-5d25905d43f9   null
      422f8892-ba0a-4a89-bc37-61b5c0fbbbaa   null
  5. To display the status and details of a site mapping included in the DR configuration, use the drGetSiteMapping command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drGetSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d mappingId=d1bf2cf2-d8c7-4271-b8b6-cdf757648175
    Command: drGetSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d mappingId=d1bf2cf2-d8c7-4271-b8b6-cdf757648175
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:25:53,148 UTC
      Type = DrSiteMapping
      Object Type = subnet
      Source Id = ocid1.nsg.....<region1>...uniqueID
      Target Id = ocid1.nsg.....<region2>...uniqueID
      Work State = Normal

Removing Site Mappings from a DR Configuration

You can remove a site mapping from the DR configuration if it is no longer required.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • DR configuration ID (drGetConfigs)

    • Site mapping ID (drGetSiteMappings)

  2. Remove the selected site mapping from the DR configuration with the drRemoveSiteMapping command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drRemoveSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d mappingId=422f8892-ba0a-4a89-bc37-61b5c0fbbbaa
    Command: drRemoveSiteMapping drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d mappingId=422f8892-ba0a-4a89-bc37-61b5c0fbbbaa
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 09:41:43,319 UTC
  3. Repeat the command with the IDs of all the site mappings that you want to remove from the DR configuration.

Adding Instances to a DR Configuration

Once a DR configuration has been created and the relevant site mappings have been set up, you add the required compute instances. Their data and disks are stored in the ZFS storage project associated with the DR configuration, and replicated over the network connection between the ZFS Storage Appliances of both Private Cloud Appliance systems.

If your system contains optional high-performance disk shelves, you must set up peering accordingly between the ZFS Storage Appliances. As a result, two ZFS projects are created for each DR configuration: one in the standard pool and one in the high-performance pool. When you add instances to the DR configuration that have disks running on standard as well as high-performance storage, those storage resources are automatically added to the ZFS project in the appropriate pool.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • DR configuration ID (drGetConfigs)

    • Instance OCIDs from the Compute Enclave UI or CLI (oci compute instance list --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>)

  2. Add a compute instance to the DR configuration with the drAddComputeInstance command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drAddComputeInstance \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    Command: drAddComputeInstance drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d instanceId=ocid1.instance.....<region1>...uniqueID
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:24:35,186 UTC
      Message = Successfully started job to add instance ocid1.instance.....<region1>...uniqueID to DR config 63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
      Job Id = 8dcbd22d-69b0-4319-b09f-1a4df847e9df
  3. Use the job ID to check the status of the operation you started.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetJob jobId=8dcbd22d-69b0-4319-b09f-1a4df847e9df
    Command: drGetJob jobId=8dcbd22d-69b0-4319-b09f-1a4df847e9df
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 07:36:27,719 UTC
      Type = add_computeinstance
      Job Id = 8dcbd22d-69b0-4319-b09f-1a4df847e9df
      Status = finished
      Start Time = 2021-08-17 07:24:36.776193
      End Time = 2021-08-17 07:26:59.406929
      Result = success
      Message = job successfully retrieved
      Response = Successfully added instance [ocid1.instance.....<region1>...uniqueID] to DR config [63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d]
  4. Repeat the drAddComputeInstance command with the OCIDs of all the compute instances that you want to add to the DR configuration.

  5. To display the list of instances included in the DR configuration, use the drGetComputeInstances command. The DR configuration ID is a required parameter.


    drGetComputeInstances drConfigId=<DR_configuration_id>


    PCA-ADMIN> drGetComputeInstances drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Command: drGetComputeInstances drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 08:33:39,586 UTC
      id                                                           name
      --                                                           ----
      ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance1_uniqueID            null
      ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance2_uniqueID            null
      ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance3_uniqueID            null
  6. To display the status and details of an instance included in the DR configuration, use the drGetComputeInstance command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drGetComputeInstance \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    Command: drGetComputeInstance drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d instanceId=ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance1_uniqueID
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 08:34:42,413 UTC
      Type = ComputeInstance
      Compartment Id = ocid1.compartment........uniqueID
      Boot Volume Id = ocid1.bootvolume........uniqueID
      Compute Instance Shape = VM.PCAStandard1.8
      Work State = Normal

Removing Instances from a DR Configuration

Instances can only be part of a single DR configuration. You can remove a compute instance from the DR configuration to which it was added.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command:

    • DR configuration ID (drGetConfigs)

    • Instance OCID (drGetComputeInstances)

  2. Remove the selected compute instance from the DR configuration with the drRemoveComputeInstance command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):



    PCA-ADMIN> drRemoveComputeInstance \
    drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d \
    Command: drRemoveComputeInstance drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d instanceId=ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance3_uniqueID
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 08:45:59,718 UTC
      Message = Successfully started job to remove instance ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance3_uniqueID from DR config 63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
      Job Id = 303b42ff-077c-4504-ac73-25930652f73a
  3. Use the job ID to check the status of the operation you started.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetJob jobId=303b42ff-077c-4504-ac73-25930652f73a
    Command: drGetJob jobId=303b42ff-077c-4504-ac73-25930652f73a
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 08:56:27,719 UTC
      Type = remove_computeinstance
      Job Id = 303b42ff-077c-4504-ac73-25930652f73a
      Status = finished
      Start Time = 2021-08-17 08:46:00.641212
      End Time = 2021-08-17 07:47:19.142262
      Result = success
      Message = job successfully retrieved
      Response = Successfully removed instance [ocid1.instance.....<region1>...instance3_uniqueID] from DR config [63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d]
  4. Repeat the drRemoveComputeInstance command with the OCIDs of all the compute instances that you want to remove from the DR configuration.

Refreshing a DR Configuration

To ensure that the replication information stored in a DR configuration is updated with all the latest changes in your environment, you can refresh the DR configuration.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Look up the ID of the DR configuration you want to refresh (drGetConfigs).

  2. Refresh the data stored in the selected DR configuration with the drRefreshConfig command.


    drRefreshConfig drConfigId=<DR_configuration_id>


    PCA-ADMIN> drRefreshConfig drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Command: drRefreshConfig drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 10:43:33,241 UTC 
      Message = Successfully started job to refresh DR config 63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
      Job Id = 205eb34e-f416-41d3-95a5-506a1d891fdb
  3. Use the job ID to check the status of the operation you started.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetJob jobId=205eb34e-f416-41d3-95a5-506a1d891fdb
    Command: drGetJob jobId=205eb34e-f416-41d3-95a5-506a1d891fdb
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 10:51:27,719 UTC
      Type = refresh_config
      Job Id = 205eb34e-f416-41d3-95a5-506a1d891fdb
      Status = finished
      Start Time = 2021-08-17 10:43:34.264828
      End Time = 2021-08-17 10:45:12.718561
      Result = success
      Message = job successfully retrieved
      Response = Successfully refreshed DR config [63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d]

Deleting a DR Configuration

When you no longer need a DR configuration, you can remove it with a single command. It also removes all site mappings and cleans up the associated storage projects on the ZFS Storage Appliances of the primary and replica system. However, you must stop all compute instances that are part of the DR configuration before you can delete it.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Stop all the compute instances that are part of the DR configuration you want to delete.

  2. Look up the ID of the DR configuration you want to delete (drGetConfigs).

  3. Delete the selected DR configuration with the drDeleteConfig command.


    drDeleteConfig drConfigId=<DR_configuration_id>


    PCA-ADMIN> drDeleteConfig drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Command: drDeleteConfig drConfigId=63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 14:45:19,634 UTC 
      Message = Successfully started job to delete DR config 63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d
      Job Id = d2c1198d-f521-4b8d-a9f1-c36c7965d567
  4. Use the job ID to check the status of the operation you started.

    PCA-ADMIN> drGetJob jobId=d2c1198d-f521-4b8d-a9f1-c36c7965d567
    Command: drGetJob jobId=d2c1198d-f521-4b8d-a9f1-c36c7965d567
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-17 16:18:33,462 UTC
      Type = delete_config
      Job Id = d2c1198d-f521-4b8d-a9f1-c36c7965d567
      Status = finished
      Start Time = 2021-08-17 14:45:20.105569
      End Time = 2021-08-17 14:53:32.405569
      Result = success
      Message = job successfully retrieved
      Response = Successfully deleted DR config [63b36a80-7047-42bd-8b97-8235269e240d]