Checking Component Health

You can get a quick health check for compute nodes and management nodes by using the Service CLI getcomputeIlomHealth and getmgmtIlomHealth commands. These commands return data from ILOM that shows, for example, the component health is OK, service is required, or faults need to be addressed.

See also Viewing Admin Service Health Data for information about the list fault and show fault commands.

Using the Service CLI

To get basic health information from ILOM for compute nodes and management nodes, use the following commands.

Compute Nodes

PCA-ADMIN> getcomputeIlomHealth

Status: Success
Time: 2022-08-16 11:24:42,961 EDT
  Health Nodes 1 - macaddr = a8:69:8c:05:e8:c7
  Health Nodes 1 - health = OK
  Health Nodes 1 - time checked = 22-07-21T20:06:34
  Health Nodes 2 - macaddr = a8:69:8c:05:e8:73
  Health Nodes 2 - health = OK
  Health Nodes 2 - time checked = 22-07-21T20:06:34
  Health Nodes 3 - macaddr = 00:10:e0:fe:82:1b
  Health Nodes 3 - health = OK
  Health Nodes 3 - time checked = 22-07-21T20:06:34

Management Nodes

PCA-ADMIN> getmgmtIlomHealth

Status: Success
Time: 2022-08-16 11:25:19,486 EDT
  Health Nodes 1 - macaddr = A8:69:8C:05:EC:C7
  Health Nodes 1 - health = OK
  Health Nodes 1 - time checked = 22-07-15T18:50:50
  Health Nodes 2 - macaddr = A8:69:8C:05:EA:AB
  Health Nodes 2 - health = OK
  Health Nodes 2 - time checked = 22-07-15T18:50:50
  Health Nodes 3 - macaddr = A8:69:8C:06:0F:A3
  Health Nodes 3 - health = Service Required
  Health Nodes 3 - time checked = 22-07-15T18:50:50
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - messageId = SPENV-8000-A7
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - fault type = fault
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - classId =
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - uuid = c6986589-07b5-ceb0-edfc-a8535eb2f442/115ed970-a382-668c-a50a-9e854dc8479f
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - time reported = 2022-07-14T22:24:36+0000
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - severity = Major
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - description = Fan module has a fan that is rotating too slowly.
  Health Nodes 3 - node Faults 1 - action = Please refer to the associat