Displaying Rack Component Details

In the Service Enclave, administrators can obtain details about the appliance and its installed components. This can be done using either the Service Web UI or the Service CLI. The two interfaces display the results in a slightly different way.

Viewing Appliance Details

The administrator can retrieve certain appliance properties, which may be required when communicating with Oracle, for troubleshooting purposes, or to configure or verify settings.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the PCA Config navigation menu, click Appliance Details.

    The detail page contains system properties such as realm, region and domain. The information is read-only, except for the name.

  2. To change the rack name and add an optional description, click the Edit button.

    The System Details window appears. Enter a Rack Name and Description. Click Save Changes.

The Service CLI provides additional information about hardware discovery and synchronization. Any faults are displayed at the end of the command output.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Display system parameters and global status with a single command: show PcaSystem.

    PCA-ADMIN> show PcaSystem
    Command: show PcaSystem
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 11:20:13,937 UTC
      Id = 934732b6-9f08-4f44-a4fc-fddcdb9967e4
      Type = PcaSystem
      System Config State = Complete
      Initial Hardware Discovery Time = 2021-07-31 00:37:49,763 UTC
      Initial Hardware Discovery Status = Resync Success
      Initial Hardware Discovery Details = Error retrieving hardware data from the hardware layer.
      Resync Hardware Time = 2021-08-10 14:32:13,020 UTC
      Resync Hardware Status = Success
      Resync Hardware Details = Resync succeeded.
      System Name = oraclepca
      Domain Name = my.example.com
      Availability Domain = AD-1
      Realm = 1742XC3024
      Region = oraclepca
      ASR Reminder = true
      Name = pca
      Work State = Normal
      FaultIds 1 = id:55f8de1e-ab25-4fc6-b6f4-a9ddd283605b  type:Fault  name:PcaSystemInitialHwDiscoveryStatusStatusFault(pca)
      FaultIds 2 = id:5c532489-6dad-45e1-a065-6c7649514ce1  type:Fault  name:PcaSystemReSyncHwStatusStatusFault(pca)
  2. Use the edit PcaSystem command to change these parameters:

    • description

    • name

    • ASR reminder (whether or not to display the Oracle Auto Service Request configuration screen when an administrator logs in to the Service Web UI)

    Note that the system name and domain name cannot be modified after the initial setup of the appliance.

    PCA-ADMIN> edit PcaSystem name=myPca description="My Private Cloud" domainName=my.example.com systemName=mycloud asrReminder=False
    Command: edit PcaSystem name=myPca description="My Private Cloud" domainName=my.example.com systemName=mycloud asrReminder=False
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 11:58:50,442 UTC
    JobId: 80cd1fb2-9328-42a0-89e2-7f3196246a28

    Use the job ID to check the status of your edit command.

    PCA-ADMIN> show Job id=80cd1fb2-9328-42a0-89e2-7f3196246a28

Using the Rack Units List

The Rack Units list provides an overview of installed hardware components, and lets you drill down into more detailed component information.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the PCA Config navigation menu, click Rack Units.

    The Rack Units table displays all hardware components installed in the rack and detected by the appliance software. For each component you see its host name, component type, global status information, and the rack unit number where the component is installed.

  2. To view more detailed information about a component, click its host name in the table.

    The detail pages for switches, storage controllers and management nodes are read-only. For compute nodes there are controls available to execute specific administrator tasks. For more information, see Performing Compute Node Operations.

The Service CLI allows you to list rack units by component type or category. It also includes an option to display information about the rack as a component.

Using the Service CLI

  1. To display a list of all rack units, use the list RackUnit command.

    PCA-ADMIN> list RackUnit
    Command: list RackUnit
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:23:55,300 UTC
      id                                     objtype            name
      --                                     -------            ----
      29f68a0e-4744-4a92-9545-7c48fa365d0a   ComputeNode        pcacn001
      7a0236f4-b00e-461d-93a0-b22673a18d9c   ComputeNode        pcacn003
      dc8ae567-b07f-48e0-89bd-e57069c20010   ComputeNode        pcacn002
      6fb5ed14-b242-4dd5-842c-532d1c94d43f   LeafSwitch         pcaswlf01
      279fe518-0dff-40cb-aa3a-fa0966adc946   LeafSwitch         pcaswlf02
      a13b5b83-0240-4014-b533-ef4a822e2a4b   ManagementNode     pcamn01
      c24f0d26-8c22-4b2b-b8f5-be98cb25c06e   ManagementNode     pcamn03
      c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396   ManagementNode     pcamn02
      23c35224-d01e-4185-9ec6-22b538f5a5e1   ManagementSwitch   pcaswmn01
      8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468   SpineSwitch        pcaswsp01
      231276bd-be1f-454f-923f-ffc09f68c294   SpineSwitch        pcaswsp02
      379690d6-4097-4637-9564-28ae890a20d2   ZFSAppliance       pcasn02
      ca637f6f-5269-48be-81b9-ceda76a90daf   ZFSAppliance       pcasn01
  2. To display only rack units of a specific type, use one of these commands instead:

    • list ManagementNode: displays a list of management nodes

    • list LeafSwitch: displays a list of leaf switches

    • list SpineSwitch: displays a list of spine switches

    • list ManagementSwitch: displays a list of 1Gbit management switches

    • list ZFSAppliance: displays a list of ZFS storage controllers

    • list ComputeNode: displays a list of compute nodes

    • list Rack: displays a list of racks that are part of the environment


    PCA-ADMIN> list ManagementNode
    Command: list ManagementNode
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:34:09,429 UTC
      id                                     name
      --                                     ----
      a13b5b83-0240-4014-b533-ef4a822e2a4b   pcamn01
      c24f0d26-8c22-4b2b-b8f5-be98cb25c06e   pcamn03
      c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396   pcamn02
  3. To view more detailed information about a component, use the show command with the component type and its name or ID.

  4. Syntax (entered on a single line):

    id=<component_id> OR name=<component_name>


    PCA-ADMIN> show SpineSwitch id=8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
    Command: show SpineSwitch id=8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:50:39,570 UTC
      Id = 8c4ecc55-7ac5-4704-bbd2-1023acf7c468
      Type = SpineSwitch
      HW Id = FDO24290PQC
      MAC Address = 3c:13:cc:bd:3a:7c
      Ip Address =
      Hostname = pcaswsp01
      Firmware Version = 9.3(2)
      Serial Number = FDO24290PQC
      State = OK
      Rack Elevation = 22
      Validation State = Validated
      RackId = id:dba2962d-c477-4a32-bdff-a3a256bf7972  type:Rack  name:PCA X9-2 Base1
      Name = pcaswsp01
      Work State = Normal
    PCA-ADMIN> show RackUnit name=pcamn02
    Command: show RackUnit name=pcamn02
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-08-19 12:48:51,852 UTC
      Id = c4e6bcc8-1e4c-44d5-8ca4-0ef9cd04d396
      Type = ManagementNode
      HW Id = 1749XC302R
      MAC Address = 00:10:e0:da:cb:7c
      Ip Address =
      Hostname = pcamn02
      Firmware Version = 3.0.1
      Serial Number = 1749XC302R
      State = running
      Rack Elevation = 6
      Validation State = Validated
      RackId = id:dba2962d-c477-4a32-bdff-a3a256bf7972  type:Rack  name:PCA X9-2 Base1
      Name = pcamn02
      Work State = Normal