Deleting a Tenancy

Make sure that tenancy users have removed all their resources. The tenancy can only be deleted if it is empty.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Tenancies.

  2. In the tenancies table, click the name of the tenancy you want to delete.

    The tenancy detail page is displayed.

  3. In the top-right corner of the tenancy detail page, click Delete. Confirm the operation when prompted.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Look up the name and ID of the tenancy you want to delete.

    PCA-ADMIN> list Tenant
    Command: list Tenant
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-08 11:08:17,042 UTC
      id                            name
      --                            ----
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy1
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy2
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy3
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTestTenancy
  2. To delete the tenancy, use the delete Tenant command followed by the tenancy name or ID.

    PCA-ADMIN> delete Tenant name=myTestTenancy
    Command: delete Tenant name=myTestTenancy
    Status: Running
    Time: 2021-09-08 11:10:00,288 UTC
    JobId: 92b84ac2-1f2c-41d7-980e-d7549957ef93
  3. Verify that the deleted tenancy is no longer displayed in the tenancy list.

    PCA-ADMIN> list Tenant
    Command: list Tenant
    Status: Success
    Time: 2021-09-08 11:11:20,358 UTC
      id                            name
      --                            ----
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy1
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy2
      ocid1.tenancy.unique_ID   myTenancy3