


Update the specified instance. Avoid entering confidential information. Changes to metadata fields will be reflected in the instance metadata service. This might take up to a minute.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 64
    A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
Body ()
Update instance fields.
Root Schema : UpdateInstanceDetails
Type: object
Show Source
  • UpdateInstanceAgentConfigDetails
    Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.
  • UpdateInstanceAvailabilityConfigDetails
    Options for defining the availability of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware, including whether to live migrate supported VM instances when possible without sending a prior customer notification.
  • Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 255
    The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under. You can remove the instance from a reservation by specifying an empty string as input for this field.
  • definedTags
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • extendedMetadata
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in the metadata object. They are distinguished from metadata fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereas metadata fields are string/string maps only). The "user_data" field and the "ssh_authorized_keys" field cannot be changed after an instance has launched. Any request that updates, removes, or adds either of these fields will be rejected. You must provide the same values for "user_data" and "ssh_authorized_keys" that already exist on the instance. The combined size of the metadata and extendedMetadata objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains. To get a list of fault domains, use the ListFaultDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API. Example: FAULT-DOMAIN-1
  • freeformTags
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
  • InstanceOptions
    Optional mutable instance options
  • InstancePoolMetadataAction
    Metadata information to attach or detach instance to the instance pool
  • UpdateLaunchOptions
    Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes.
  • metadata
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Custom metadata key/value string pairs that you provide. Any set of key/value pairs provided here will completely replace the current set of key/value pairs in the metadata field on the instance. The "user_data" field and the "ssh_authorized_keys" field cannot be changed after an instance has launched. Any request that updates, removes, or adds either of these fields will be rejected. You must provide the same values for "user_data" and "ssh_authorized_keys" that already exist on the instance. The combined size of the metadata and extendedMetadata objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.
  • Allowed Values: [ "LIVE_MIGRATE", "REBOOT" ]
    The preferred maintenance action for an instance. The default is LIVE_MIGRATE, if live migration is supported. LIVE_MIGRATE - Run maintenance using a live migration. REBOOT - Run maintenance using a reboot.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The shape of the instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs and the amount of memory allocated to the instance. For details about the CPUs, memory, and other properties of each shape, see "Compute Shapes" (https://docs.oracle.com/en/engineered-systems/private-cloud-appliance/3.0-latest/concept/concept-standard-shapes.html#standard-shapes). The new shape must be compatible with the image that was used to launch the instance. You can enumerate all available shapes and determine image compatibility by calling ListShapes. If the instance is running when you change the shape, the instance is rebooted.
  • UpdateInstanceShapeConfigDetails
    The shape configuration requested for the instance. If provided, the instance will be updated with the resources specified. In the case where some properties are missing, the missing values will be set to the default for the provided shape. Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the shape is provided and the configuration values are invalid for that new shape, an error will be returned. If no shape is provided and the configuration values are invalid for the instance's existing shape, an error will be returned.
  • UpdateInstanceSourceDetails
    Discriminator: sourceType
    The details for updating the instance source.
  • The date and time the instance is expected to be stopped and restarted, in the format defined by [RFC3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339). If the instance hasn't been rebooted after this date, Oracle reboots the instance within 24 hours of the time and date that maintenance is due. Regardless of how the instance is stopped, this flag is reset to empty as soon as the instance reaches Stopped state. Example: 2018-05-25T21:10:29.600Z
Nested Schema : UpdateInstanceAgentConfigDetails
Type: object
Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.
Show Source
  • Default Value: false
    Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins. To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API.
  • Default Value: false
    Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command. The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the pluginsConfig object. - If isManagementDisabled is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If isManagementDisabled is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in the pluginsConfig object.
  • Default Value: false
    Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring. The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the pluginsConfig object. - If isMonitoringDisabled is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If isMonitoringDisabled is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in the pluginsConfig object.
  • pluginsConfig
    The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
Nested Schema : UpdateInstanceAvailabilityConfigDetails
Type: object
Options for defining the availability of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware, including whether to live migrate supported VM instances when possible without sending a prior customer notification.
Show Source
  • Whether to live migrate supported VM instances to a healthy physical VM host without disrupting running instances during infrastructure maintenance events. If null, Oracle chooses the best option for migrating the VM during infrastructure maintenance events.
  • Default Value: RESTORE_INSTANCE
    Allowed Values: [ "RESTORE_INSTANCE", "STOP_INSTANCE" ]
    The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance. RESTORE_INSTANCE - The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set. STOP_INSTANCE - The instance is recovered in the stopped state.
Nested Schema : definedTags
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
Nested Schema : extendedMetadata
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in the metadata object. They are distinguished from metadata fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereas metadata fields are string/string maps only). The "user_data" field and the "ssh_authorized_keys" field cannot be changed after an instance has launched. Any request that updates, removes, or adds either of these fields will be rejected. You must provide the same values for "user_data" and "ssh_authorized_keys" that already exist on the instance. The combined size of the metadata and extendedMetadata objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.
Nested Schema : freeformTags
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
Nested Schema : InstanceOptions
Type: object
Optional mutable instance options
Show Source
  • Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false.
Nested Schema : InstancePoolMetadataAction
Type: object
Metadata information to attach or detach instance to the instance pool
Show Source
Nested Schema : UpdateLaunchOptions
Type: object
Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "ISCSI", "PARAVIRTUALIZED" ]
    Emulation type for the boot volume. ISCSI - ISCSI attached block storage device. PARAVIRTUALIZED - Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images. Before you change the boot volume attachment type, detach all block volumes and VNICs except for the boot volume and the primary VNIC. If the instance is running when you change the boot volume attachment type, it will be rebooted. Note: Some instances might not function properly if you change the boot volume attachment type. After the instance reboots and is running, connect to it. If the connection fails or the OS doesn't behave as expected, the changes are not supported. Revert the instance to the original boot volume attachment type.
  • Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the volume's paravirtualized attachment. To enable in-transit encryption for block volumes and boot volumes, this field must be set to true. Data in transit is transferred over an internal and highly secure network. If you have specific compliance requirements related to the encryption of the data while it is moving between the instance and the boot volume or the block volume, you can enable in-transit encryption. In-transit encryption is not enabled by default. All boot volumes and block volumes are encrypted at rest.
  • Allowed Values: [ "VFIO", "PARAVIRTUALIZED" ]
    Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC). VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking. PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers. Before you change the networking type, detach all VNICs and block volumes except for the primary VNIC and the boot volume. The image must have paravirtualized drivers installed. If the instance is running when you change the network type, it will be rebooted. Note: Some instances might not function properly if you change the networking type. After the instance reboots and is running, connect to it. If the connection fails or the OS doesn't behave as expected, the changes are not supported. Revert the instance to the original networking type.
Nested Schema : metadata
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Custom metadata key/value string pairs that you provide. Any set of key/value pairs provided here will completely replace the current set of key/value pairs in the metadata field on the instance. The "user_data" field and the "ssh_authorized_keys" field cannot be changed after an instance has launched. Any request that updates, removes, or adds either of these fields will be rejected. You must provide the same values for "user_data" and "ssh_authorized_keys" that already exist on the instance. The combined size of the metadata and extendedMetadata objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.
Nested Schema : UpdateInstanceShapeConfigDetails
Type: object
The shape configuration requested for the instance. If provided, the instance will be updated with the resources specified. In the case where some properties are missing, the missing values will be set to the default for the provided shape. Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the shape is provided and the configuration values are invalid for that new shape, an error will be returned. If no shape is provided and the configuration values are invalid for the instance's existing shape, an error will be returned.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "BASELINE_1_8", "BASELINE_1_2", "BASELINE_1_1" ]
    The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable with BASELINE_1_1. The following values are supported: - BASELINE_1_8 - baseline usage is 1/8 of an OCPU. - BASELINE_1_2 - baseline usage is 1/2 of an OCPU. - BASELINE_1_1 - baseline usage is an entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes.
  • Minimum Value: 1
    Maximum Value: 4
    The number of NVMe drives to be used for storage. A single drive has 6.8 TB available.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    The total number of OCPUs available to the instance.
Nested Schema : UpdateInstanceSourceDetails
Type: object
Discriminator: sourceType
The details for updating the instance source.
Show Source
  • Default Value: true
    Whether to preserve the boot volume that was previously attached to the instance after a successful replacement of that boot volume.
  • The source type for the instance. Use image when specifying the image OCID. Use bootVolume when specifying the boot volume OCID.
Nested Schema : pluginsConfig
Type: array
Maximum Length: 128
The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
Show Source
Nested Schema : InstanceAgentPluginConfigDetails
Type: object
The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ]
    Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled. To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the isMonitoringDisabled and isManagementDisabled attributes must also be set to false.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API.
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The instance was updated.
  • For optimistic concurrency control. See if-match.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
  • The OCID of the work request. Use GetWorkRequest with this OCID to track the status of the request.
Body ()
Root Schema : Instance
Type: object
A compute host. The image used to launch the instance determines its operating system and other software. The shape specified during the launch process determines the number of CPUs and memory allocated to the instance. Avoid entering confidential information when you supply string values using the API.
Show Source
  • InstanceAgentConfig
    Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.
  • InstanceAvailabilityConfig
    Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The availability domain the instance is running in. Oracle Private Cloud Appliance has one availability domain: AD-1
  • Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 255
    The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under. When this field contains an empty string or is null, the instance is not currently in a capacity reservation.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The OCID of the compartment that contains the instance.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The OCID of dedicated VM host.
  • definedTags
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
  • extendedMetadata
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in the metadata object. They are distinguished from metadata fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereas metadata fields are string/string maps only).
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the fault domain the instance is running in. A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains. If you do not specify the fault domain, the system selects one for you. Example: FAULT-DOMAIN-1
  • freeformTags
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The OCID of the instance.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    Deprecated. Use sourceDetails instead.
  • InstanceOptions
    Optional mutable instance options
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 10240
    When a bare metal or virtual machine instance boots, the iPXE firmware that runs on the instance is configured to run an iPXE script to continue the boot process. If you want more control over the boot process, you can provide your own custom iPXE script that will run when the instance boots.

    Note: The same iPXE script will run every time an instance boots, not only after the initial LaunchInstance call.

    The default iPXE script connects to the instance's local boot volume over iSCSI and performs a network boot. If you use a custom iPXE script and want to network-boot from the instance's local boot volume over iSCSI the same way as the default iPXE script, use the following iSCSI IP address:, and boot volume IQN: iqn.2015-02.oracle.boot. If your instance boot volume type is paravirtualized, the boot volume is attached to the instance through virtio-scsi and no iPXE script is used. If your instance boot volume type is paravirtualized and you use custom iPXE to network boot into your instance, the primary boot volume is attached as a data volume through virtio-scsi drive. For more information about iPXE, see http://ipxe.org.

    Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are:
  • NATIVE - VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for platform images.
  • EMULATED - VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller.
  • PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.
  • CUSTOM - VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in the LaunchOptions parameter.
  • LaunchOptions
    Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values.
    The current state of the instance.
  • metadata
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    Custom metadata that you provide.
  • PlatformConfig
    Discriminator: type
    The platform configuration for the instance.
  • PreemptibleInstanceConfigDetails
    Configuration options for preemptible instances.
  • Allowed Values: [ "LIVE_MIGRATE", "REBOOT" ]
    The preferred maintenance action for an instance. LIVE_MIGRATE - Run maintenance using a live migration. REBOOT - Run maintenance using a reboot.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The region that contains the availability domain the instance is running in. For Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, the region name is pca_name.domain. Example: mypca.example.com. The region contains one availability domain, which is named AD-1.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The shape of the instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs and the amount of memory allocated to the instance. You can enumerate all available shapes by calling ListShapes.
  • InstanceShapeConfig
    The shape configuration for an instance. The shape configuration determines the resources allocated to an instance.
  • InstanceSourceDetails
    Discriminator: sourceType
  • systemTags
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
  • The date and time the instance was created, in the format defined by [RFC3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339). Example: 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z
  • The date and time the instance is expected to be stopped / started, in the format defined by [RFC3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339). After that time if instance hasn't been rebooted, Oracle will reboot the instance within 24 hours of the due time. Regardless of how the instance was stopped, the flag will be reset to empty as soon as instance reaches Stopped state. Example: 2018-05-25T21:10:29.600Z
  • The date and time the instance is scheduled to be stopped. After that time if instance hasn't been stopped or terminated, Oracle will stop the instance automatically. Regardless of how the instance was stopped, the flag will be reset to empty as soon as instance reaches Stopped state. Example: 2018-05-25T21:10:29.600Z
  • Nested Schema : InstanceAgentConfig
    Type: object
    Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.
    Show Source
    • Default Value: false
      Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all of the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins.
    • Default Value: false
      Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command. The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the pluginsConfig object. - If isManagementDisabled is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If isManagementDisabled is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in the pluginsConfig object.
    • Default Value: false
      Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring. The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the pluginsConfig object. - If isMonitoringDisabled is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If isMonitoringDisabled is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in the pluginsConfig object.
    • pluginsConfig
      The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
    Nested Schema : InstanceAvailabilityConfig
    Type: object
    Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware.
    Show Source
    • Whether to live migrate supported VM instances to a healthy physical VM host without disrupting running instances during infrastructure maintenance events. If null, Oracle chooses the best option for migrating the VM during infrastructure maintenance events.
    • Default Value: RESTORE_INSTANCE
      Allowed Values: [ "RESTORE_INSTANCE", "STOP_INSTANCE" ]
      The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance. RESTORE_INSTANCE - The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set. STOP_INSTANCE - The instance is recovered in the stopped state.
    Nested Schema : definedTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : extendedMetadata
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in the metadata object. They are distinguished from metadata fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereas metadata fields are string/string maps only).
    Nested Schema : freeformTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    Nested Schema : InstanceOptions
    Type: object
    Optional mutable instance options
    Show Source
    • Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false.
    Nested Schema : LaunchOptions
    Type: object
    Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values.
    Show Source
    • Allowed Values: [ "ISCSI", "SCSI", "IDE", "VFIO", "PARAVIRTUALIZED", "NVME" ]
      Emulation type for the boot volume. See the description of LaunchInstance for descriptions of each possible value.
    • Allowed Values: [ "BIOS", "UEFI_64" ]
      Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system. BIOS - Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders. UEFI_64 - Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for platform images.
    • Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false.
    • Deprecated. Instead use isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled in LaunchInstanceDetails.
    • Allowed Values: [ "E1000", "VFIO", "PARAVIRTUALIZED" ]
      Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC). E1000 - Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver. VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking. PARAVIRTUALIZED - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.
    • Allowed Values: [ "ISCSI", "SCSI", "IDE", "VFIO", "PARAVIRTUALIZED", "NVME" ]
      Emulation type for volume.
    • ISCSI - ISCSI attached block storage device.
    • SCSI - Emulated SCSI disk.
    • IDE - Emulated IDE disk.
    • VFIO - Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images.
    • PARAVIRTUALIZED - Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images.
    • NVME - NVMe disk.
    Nested Schema : metadata
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Custom metadata that you provide.
    Nested Schema : PlatformConfig
    Type: object
    Discriminator: type
    The platform configuration for the instance.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : PreemptibleInstanceConfigDetails
    Type: object
    Configuration options for preemptible instances.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : InstanceShapeConfig
    Type: object
    The shape configuration for an instance. The shape configuration determines the resources allocated to an instance.
    Show Source
    • Allowed Values: [ "BASELINE_1_8", "BASELINE_1_2", "BASELINE_1_1" ]
      The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable with BASELINE_1_1. The following values are supported: - BASELINE_1_8 - baseline usage is 1/8 of an OCPU. - BASELINE_1_2 - baseline usage is 1/2 of an OCPU. - BASELINE_1_1 - baseline usage is the entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance.
    • A short description of the instance's graphics processing unit (GPU). If the instance does not have any GPUs, this field is null.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The number of GPUs available to the instance.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A short description of the local disks available to this instance. If the instance does not have any local disks, this field is null.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The number of local disks available to the instance.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The aggregate size of all local disks, in gigabytes. If the instance does not have any local disks, this field is null.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The maximum number of VNIC attachments for the instance.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The networking bandwidth available to the instance, in gigabits per second.
    • Minimum Value: 0
      The total number of OCPUs available to the instance.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A short description of the instance's processor (CPU).
    Nested Schema : InstanceSourceDetails
    Type: object
    Discriminator: sourceType
    Show Source
    • The source type for the instance. Use image when specifying the image OCID. Use bootVolume when specifying the boot volume OCID.
    Nested Schema : systemTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : pluginsConfig
    Type: array
    Maximum Length: 128
    The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : InstanceAgentPluginConfigDetails
    Type: object
    The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.
    Show Source
    • Allowed Values: [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ]
      Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled. To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the isMonitoringDisabled and isManagementDisabled attributes must also be set to false.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Nested Schema : PreemptionAction
    Type: object
    Discriminator: type
    The action to run when the preemptible node is interrupted for eviction.
    Show Source
    • Allowed Values: [ "TERMINATE" ]
      The type of action to run when the instance is interrupted for eviction.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.

    401 Response

    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    404 Response

    Not Found
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    409 Response

    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    412 Response

    Precondition Failed
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    500 Response

    Internal Server Error
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    Default Response

    An error has occurred.
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source
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