


Update the private IP. Specify the OCID of the private IP resource. Use this operation to:
  • Move a secondary private IP to a different VNIC in the same subnet.
  • Change the display name for a secondary private IP.
  • Change the hostname for a secondary private IP.

    This operation cannot be used with primary private IPs. To update the hostname for the primary IP on a VNIC, use UpdateVnic.

  • Request

    Supported Media Types
    Path Parameters
    Header Parameters
    • For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.
    Body ()
    Private IP details.
    Root Schema : UpdatePrivateIpDetails
    Type: object
    Show Source
    • definedTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • freeformTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 63
      The hostname for the private IP. Used for DNS. The value is the hostname portion of the private IP's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) (for example, bminstance-1 in FQDN bminstance-1.subnet123.vcn1.oraclevcn.com). Must be unique across all VNICs in the subnet and comply with [RFC 952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc952) and [RFC 1123](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123). Example: bminstance-1
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the VNIC to reassign the private IP to. The VNIC must be in the same subnet as the current VNIC.
    Nested Schema : definedTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : freeformTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.
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    Supported Media Types

    200 Response

    The private IP was updated.
    • For optimistic concurrency control. See if-match.
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : PrivateIp
    Type: object
    A private IP is a conceptual term that refers to an IPv4 private IP address and related properties. The privateIp object is the API representation of a private IP. Each instance has a primary private IP that is automatically created and assigned to the primary VNIC during instance launch. If you add a secondary VNIC to the instance, it also automatically gets a primary private IP. You can't remove a primary private IP from its VNIC. The primary private IP is automatically deleted when the VNIC is terminated. You can add secondary private IPs to a VNIC after it's created. For more information, see the privateIp operations. Note: Only ListPrivateIps and GetPrivateIp work with primary private IPs. To create and update primary private IPs, you instead work with instance and VNIC operations. For example, a primary private IP's properties come from the values you specify in CreateVnicDetails when calling either LaunchInstance or AttachVnic. To update the hostname for a primary private IP, use UpdateVnic. PrivateIp objects that are created for use with the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution are assigned to a VLAN and not a VNIC in a subnet. See the descriptions of the relevant attributes in the PrivateIp object.
    Show Source
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The private IP's availability domain: AD-1. This attribute will be null if this is a secondary private IP assigned to a VNIC that is in a regional subnet.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the compartment containing the private IP.
    • definedTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • freeformTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 63
      The hostname for the private IP. Used for DNS. The value is the hostname portion of the private IP's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) (for example, bminstance-1 in FQDN bminstance-1.subnet123.vcn1.oraclevcn.com). Must be unique across all VNICs in the subnet and comply with [RFC 952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc952) and [RFC 1123](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123). Example: bminstance-1
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The private IP's OCID.
    • The private IP address of the privateIp object. The address is within the CIDR of the VNIC's subnet. However, if the PrivateIp object is being used with a VLAN as part of the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, the address is from the range specified by the cidrBlock attribute for the VLAN. Example:
    • Whether this private IP is the primary one on the VNIC. Primary private IPs are unassigned and deleted automatically when the VNIC is terminated. Example: true
    • Default Value: false
      True if the IP is reserved and can exist detached from a VNIC.
      The private IP's current state.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the subnet the VNIC is in. However, if the PrivateIp object is being used with a VLAN as part of the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, the subnetId is null.
    • The date and time the private IP was created, in the format defined by [RFC3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339). Example: 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      Applicable only if the PrivateIp object is being used with a VLAN as part of the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. The vlanId is the OCID of the VLAN.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the VNIC the private IP is assigned to. The VNIC and private IP must be in the same subnet. However, if the PrivateIp object is being used with a VLAN as part of the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, the vnicId is null.
    Nested Schema : definedTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : freeformTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.

    400 Response

    Bad Request
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    401 Response

    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    404 Response

    Not Found
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    412 Response

    Precondition Failed
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    500 Response

    Internal Server Error
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    Default Response

    An error has occurred.
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source
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