


Create a new volume in the specified compartment. The default block volume size is 1024 GB. You can specify a size of 50 to 32768 (50 GB to 32 TB). A volume and instance can be in separate compartments.

You may optionally specify a display name for the volume. The display name does not need to be unique, and you can change it. Avoid entering confidential information.

Synchronous Write Bias and Secondary Cache properties can be set by using defined tags. These values can be changed with UpdateVolume. Specify the OraclePCA tag namespace.

  • To set a value for the Synchronous Write Bias, specify logBias for the tag key, with a value of either LATENCY or THROUGHPUT. If this value is not set, the value LATENCY is used.
  • To set a value for the Secondary Cache, specify secondaryCache for the tag key with a value of ALL, METADATA, or NONE. If this value is not set, the value ALL is used.
  • Request

    Supported Media Types
    Header Parameters
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 64
      A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request may be rejected).
    Body ()
    Request to create a new volume.
    Root Schema : CreateVolumeDetails
    Type: object
    The details of the volume to create. For the CreateVolume operation, this field is required in the request.
    Show Source
    • autotunePolicies
      Unique Items Required: true
      The list of autotune policies to be enabled for this volume.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The availability domain of the volume, which is AD-1. This parameter is not needed to clone a volume.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      If provided, specifies the OCID of the volume backup policy to assign to the newly created volume. If omitted, no policy will be assigned.
    • blockVolumeReplicas
      Maximum Number of Items: 1
      Unique Items Required: true
      The list of block volume replicas to be enabled for this volume in the specified destination availability domains.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume.
    • definedTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
    • freeformTags
      Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
      . Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. The volume block size can be set by using the PCA_blocksize free-form tag. The default block size is 8192 bytes. To specify a different block size, specify a value in bytes for the PCA_blocksize tag. Supported values are a power of 2 between 512 bytes and 1 megabyte. The block size cannot be modified once the volume has been created.
    • Specifies whether the auto-tune performance is enabled for this volume. This field is deprecated. Use the DetachedVolumeAutotunePolicy instead to enable the volume for detached autotune.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the Key Management key to assign as the master encryption key for the volume.
    • The size of the volume in GBs.
    • The size of the volume in MBs. The value must be a multiple of 1024. This field is deprecated. Use sizeInGBs instead.
    • VolumeSourceDetails
      Discriminator: type
      Specifies the volume source details for a new Block volume. The volume source is either another Block volume in the same Availability Domain or a Block volume backup or a disk image in Object Storage. This is an optional field. If not specified or set to null, the new Block volume will be empty. When specified, the new Block volume will contain data from the source volume or backup.
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The OCID of the volume backup from which the data should be restored on the newly created volume. This field is deprecated. Use the sourceDetails field instead to specify the backup for the volume.
    • This is an optional field. This value indicates whether the volume is AD-local or Regional. Oracle Private Cloud Appliance has one region, named pca_name.domain (for example,, and one availability domain, named AD-1.
    • The flag indicating the given source volumes will be used for producing a thin clone or full clone.
    • The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service's elastic performance options. Allowed values: 10 - Balanced option, 20 - Higher Performance option. For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB.
    Nested Schema : autotunePolicies
    Type: array
    Unique Items Required: true
    The list of autotune policies to be enabled for this volume.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : blockVolumeReplicas
    Type: array
    Maximum Number of Items: 1
    Unique Items Required: true
    The list of block volume replicas to be enabled for this volume in the specified destination availability domains.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : definedTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : freeformTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    . Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. The volume block size can be set by using the PCA_blocksize free-form tag. The default block size is 8192 bytes. To specify a different block size, specify a value in bytes for the PCA_blocksize tag. Supported values are a power of 2 between 512 bytes and 1 megabyte. The block size cannot be modified once the volume has been created.
    Nested Schema : VolumeSourceDetails
    Type: object
    Discriminator: type
    Specifies the volume source details for a new Block volume. The volume source is either another Block volume in the same Availability Domain or a Block volume backup or a disk image in Object Storage. This is an optional field. If not specified or set to null, the new Block volume will be empty. When specified, the new Block volume will contain data from the source volume or backup.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : AutotunePolicy
    Type: object
    Discriminator: autotuneType
    An autotune policy automatically tunes the volume's performace based on the type of the policy.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : BlockVolumeReplicaDetails
    Type: object
    Contains the details for the block volume replica
    Show Source
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      The availability domain of the block volume replica. Example: AD-1
    • Minimum Length: 1
      Maximum Length: 255
      A user-friendly name. Does not need to be unique, and it is changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.
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    Supported Media Types

    200 Response

    The volume is being created.
    • For optimistic concurrency control. See if-match.
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Volume
    Type: object
    A detachable block volume device that allows you to dynamically expand the storage capacity of an instance. Avoid entering confidential information when you supply string values using the API.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : autotunePolicies
    Type: array
    Unique Items Required: true
    The list of autotune policies enabled for this volume.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : blockVolumeReplicas
    Type: array
    The list of block volume replicas of this volume.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : definedTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : freeformTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. Example: {"Department": "Finance"}
    Nested Schema : VolumeSourceDetails
    Type: object
    Discriminator: type
    Specifies the volume source details for a new Block volume. The volume source is either another Block volume in the same Availability Domain or a Block volume backup or a disk image in Object Storage. This is an optional field. If not specified or set to null, the new Block volume will be empty. When specified, the new Block volume will contain data from the source volume or backup.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : systemTags
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : AutotunePolicy
    Type: object
    Discriminator: autotuneType
    An autotune policy automatically tunes the volume's performace based on the type of the policy.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : BlockVolumeReplicaInfo
    Type: object
    Information about the block volume replica in the destination availability domain.
    Show Source
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    Additional Properties Allowed
    Show Source
    Key-value pair representing a defined tag key and value, scoped to a namespace.
    Nested Schema : additionalProperties
    Type: object
    The value of the tag. Only the String type is supported.

    400 Response

    Bad Request
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    401 Response

    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    404 Response

    Not Found
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    409 Response

    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    500 Response

    Internal Server Error
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source

    Default Response

    An error has occurred.
    • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. Provide this request OCID if you need to contact Oracle about this request.
    Body ()
    Root Schema : Error
    Type: object
    The properties that define an error.
    Show Source
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