Enclaves and Interfaces

From a cloud user perspective, the Private Cloud Appliance Compute Enclave offers a practically identical experience to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. However, the appliance also runs its own specific and separate administration area known as the Service Enclave. This section describes the boundaries between the enclaves and their interfaces, which are intended for different groups of users and administrators with clearly distinct access profiles.

Enclave Boundaries

The Compute Enclave was deliberately designed for maximum compatibility with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Users of the Compute Enclave have certain permissions to create and manage cloud resources. These privileges are typically based on group membership. The Compute Enclave is where workloads are created, configured and hosted. The principal building blocks at the users' disposal are compute instances and associated network and storage resources.

Compute instances are created from a compute image, which contains a preconfigured operating system and optional additional software. Compute instances have a particular shape, which is a template of virtual hardware resources such as CPUs and memory. For minimal operation, a compute instance needs a boot volume and a connection to a virtual cloud network (VCN). As you continue to build the virtual infrastructure for your workload, you will likely add more compute instances, assign private and public network interfaces, set up NFS shares or object storage buckets, and so on. All those resources are fully compatible with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and can be ported between your private and public cloud environments.

The Service Enclave is the part of the system where the appliance infrastructure is controlled. Access is closely monitored and restricted to privileged administrators. It runs on a cluster of three management nodes. Because Private Cloud Appliance is operationally disconnected from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, it needs a control plane of its own, specific to the design and scale of the appliance. The API is specific to Private Cloud Appliance, and access is very strictly controlled. Functionality provided by the Service Enclave includes hardware and capacity management, service delivery, monitoring and tools for service and support.

Both enclaves are strictly isolated from each other. Each enclave provides its own set of interfaces: a web UI, a CLI and an API per enclave. An administrator account with full access to the Service Enclave has no permissions whatsoever in the Compute Enclave. The administrator creates the tenancy with a primary user account for initial access, but has no information about the tenancy contents and activity. Users of the Compute Enclave are granted permission to use, manage and create cloud resources, but they have no control over the tenancy they work in, or the hardware on which their virtual resources reside.

Access Profiles

Each enclave has its own interfaces. To access the Compute Enclave, you use either the Compute Web UI or OCI CLI. To access the Service Enclave, you use either the Service Web UI or Service CLI.


You access the graphical interfaces of both enclaves using a web browser. For support information, please refer to the Oracle software web browser support policy.

The properties of your account determine which operations you are authorized to perform and which resources you can view, manage or create. Whether you use the web UI or the CLI makes no difference in terms of permissions. All operations result in requests to a third, central interface of the enclave: the API. Incoming requests from the Service API or Compute API are evaluated and subsequently authorized or rejected by the API service.

Different categories of users interact with the appliance for different purposes. At the enclave level we distinguish between administrators of the appliance infrastructure on the one hand, and users managing cloud resources within tenancies on the other hand. Within each enclave, different access profiles exist that offer different permissions.

In the Service Enclave, only a select team of administrators should be granted full access. There are other administrator roles with restricted access, for example for those responsible specifically for system monitoring, capacity planning, availability, upgrade, and so on. For more information about administrator roles, see Administrator Access. Whenever Oracle accesses the Service Enclave to perform service and support operations, an account with full access must be used.

When a tenancy is created, it has only one Compute Enclave user account: the tenancy administrator, who has full access to all resources in the tenancy. Practically speaking, every additional account with access to the tenancy is a regular Compute Enclave user account, with more or less restrictive permissions depending on group membership and policy definitions. It is the task of the tenancy administrator to set up additional user accounts and user groups, define a resource organization and management strategy, and create policies to apply that strategy.

Once a resource management strategy has been defined and a basic configuration of users, groups and compartments exists, the tenancy administrator can delegate responsibilities to other users with elevated privileges. You could decide to use a simple policy allowing a group of administrators to manage resources for the entire organization, or you might prefer a more granular approach. For example, you can organize resources in a compartment per team or project and let a compartment administrator manage them. In addition, you might want to keep network resources and storage resources contained within their own separate compartments, controlled respectively by a network administrator and storage administrator. The policy framework of the Identity and Access Management service offers many different options to organize resources and control access to them. For more information, refer to the chapter Identity and Access Management Overview.

When creating scripts or automation tools to interact directly with the API, make sure that the developers understand the authentication and authorization principles and the strict separation of the enclaves. Basic API reference documentation is available for both enclaves.

To view the API reference, append /api-reference to the base URL of the Compute Web UI or Service Web UI. For example:

  • Service Web UI base URL: https://adminconsole.myprivatecloud.example.com.

    Service Enclave API reference: https://adminconsole.myprivatecloud.example.com/api-reference.

  • Compute Web UI base URL: https://console.myprivatecloud.example.com.

    Compute Enclave API reference: https://console.myprivatecloud.example.com/api-reference.