Compute Images

An image is a template of a virtual hard drive. The image determines the operating system and other software for a compute instance. You specify an image to use when you launch a compute instance.

These are the types of images you can use to launch a compute instance:

  • Images provided with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance: Private Cloud Appliance includes some images such as Oracle Linux and Oracle Solaris images. These included images are called platform images. Platform images are available in every compartment of every tenancy. Platform images do not need to be downloaded or imported by a Compute Enclave user in order to access them to create an instance.

    To make platform Images available in the Compute Enclave, a Service Enclave administrator must import images as described in "Providing Platform Images" in the Hardware Administration chapter of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator Guide.

  • Custom images: You can create a custom image of a compute instance's boot disk and use it to launch other compute instances. Instances you launch from your image include the customizations, configuration, and software installed when you created the image. See Custom Images Created From Instances.

  • Bring your own image: You can bring your own versions of operating systems to the cloud as long as the underlying hardware supports it. The Private Cloud Appliance services do not depend on the OS that you run. See Bring Your Own Image (BYOI).


Images for Private Cloud Appliance must have paravirtualized network devices and boot volumes. SR-IOV network devices and iSCSI boot volumes are not supported.