Optional Response Headers and Metadata

When you upload objects, you can provide optional response headers and user-defined metadata. Response headers are HTTP headers sent from Object Storage to Object Storage clients when objects are downloaded.

User-defined metadata are name-value pairs stored with an object.

You can use the Compute Web UI, Compute API, or OCI CLI to provide these optional attributes.


No validation is performed on the response headers or metadata you provide.

You can specify values for the following response headers:

  • Content-Disposition

    Defines presentation only information for the object. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to let users download objects with custom file names in a browser. For Example:

    attachment; filename="fname.ext"
  • Cache-Control

    Defines the caching behavior for the object. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to identify objects that require caching restrictions. For Example:

    no-cache, no-store


You specify user-defined metadata in the form of name-value pairs. User-defined metadata names are stored and returned to Object Storage clients with the mandatory prefix of opc-meta-.