Updating an OKE Cluster

When you update a cluster, you can change the cluster name, Kubernetes version, and tags.

Using the Compute Web UI

  1. On the dashboard, click Containers / View Kubernetes Clusters (OKE).

  2. Click the name of the cluster that you want to update.

  3. At the top of the cluster details page, click the Edit button.

    Do not specify values for the OraclePCA-OKE defined tag or for the ClusterResourceIdentifier free-form tag. These tag values are system-generated and only applied to nodes (instances), not to the cluster resource.

  4. When you are finished making changes, click Save Changes.

  5. If a Kubernetes version update is available, a link labeled "Upgrade Available" is displayed next to the Kubernetes Version number on the cluster details page. Click that link to display a drop-down menu of versions that you can select.

Using the OCI CLI

  1. Get the OCID of the cluster that you want to update: oci ce cluster list

  2. Run the update cluster command.

    If you specify the --defined-tags or --freeform-tags options, do not specify values for the OraclePCA-OKE defined tag or for the ClusterResourceIdentifier free-form tag. These tag values are system-generated and only applied to nodes (instances), not to the cluster resource.


    $ oci ce cluster update --cluster-id ocid1.cluster.unique_ID \
    --kubernetes-version newer_kubernetes_version --name new_cluster_name

    For the value of the --kubernetes-version option, check Supported Versions of Kubernetes.