Patching the Management Node Operating System


Follow this procedure only when the appliance is running software version 3.0.2-b892153 or later. Otherwise, additional steps are required to move the primary role in the cluster between node patch operations. Follow this procedure instead: Patching the Management Node Operating System with Appliance Software 3.0.2-b852928 or Earlier


Ensure that all preparation steps for system patching have been completed. For instructions, see Prepare for Patching.

The Oracle Linux host operating system of the management nodes must be patched one node at a time; a rolling patch of all management nodes is not possible. This patching process, which involves updating the kernel and system packages, detects which of the nodes in the three-management-node cluster owns the virtual IP and the primary role. When the current primary node is patched, the primary role is first transferred to another node in the cluster. This configuration change occurs in the background and requires no separate or additional intervention from an administrator.


In case the ILOM also needs to be patched, you can integrate it into this procedure by executing the optional steps. The combined procedure eliminates the need to evacuate and reboot the same node twice.

You must patch management nodes one at a time, using each one's internal IP address as a command parameter. The following example uses a Service CLI command that retrieves the management node IP addresses, as well as other information relevant to the patch procedure.

PCA-ADMIN> list managementNode fields hostname,ipAddress,ilomIp,state,firmwareVersion orderby hostname ASCENDING
  id                                     Hostname   Ip Address    ILOM Ip Address   State   Firmware Version
  --                                     --------   ----------    ---------------   -----   ----------------
  22ae47d8-a57a-433c-988d-df62fd3548e1   pcamn01       On
  042693b6-3ddb-4fb0-914d-f3deea838c8f   pcamn02       On
  bd2563b8-e310-4fca-ba1b-0e19b8040fc6   pcamn03       On

You cannot complete all of the patching tasks required in the Service Web UI for this component. Use the Service CLI to patch the management nodes.


In software version 3.0.2-b892153 or later all patch operations are based on the upgrade plan, which is generated when the pre-upgrade command is executed. For more information, see Prepare for Patching. When a component is already at the required version, the patch operation is skipped. However, patching with the same version can be forced using the Service Web UI or Service CLI command option (force=True), if necessary.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Get the IP address of the management node for which you intend to patch the host operating system.

  2. Optionally, patch the server ILOM first.

    1. Enter the ILOM patch command.

      Syntax (entered on a single line):



      PCA-ADMIN> patchIlom hostIp=
        Service request has been submitted. Upgrade Job Id = 1632990827394-ilom-21089 Upgrade Request Id = UWS-1a97a8d9-9f06-a0c0-b972-d093bee40010
      PCA-ADMIN> getUpgradeJob upgradeJobId=1632990827394-ilom-21089
    2. Wait 5 minutes to allow the ILOM patch job to complete. Then proceed to patching the host.
  3. Enter the management node host patch command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):

    patchHost hostIp=<management-node-ip>


    PCA-ADMIN> patchHost hostIp=
    Status: Success
      Service request has been submitted.  Upgrade Job ID = 1632990827394-host-56156 Upgrade Request ID = UWS-1a97a8d9-54ef-478d-a0c0-348a17ba6755
  4. Use the job ID to check the status of the patch process. The job ID is listed in the output of the patch command.

    PCA-ADMIN> getUpgradeJob upgradeJobId=1632990827394-host-56156

    At the end of the patching process, the management node is rebooted automatically. Wait approximately 5 minutes until the management node restarts.

  5. When the first management node host operating system patch has completed successfully, execute the same command for the second management node. When that patch has completed successfully, execute the same command for the third management node.

    PCA-ADMIN> patchHost hostIp=
    PCA-ADMIN> patchHost hostIp=

    When all three operating system patch operations have completed successfully, the management node cluster is up-to-date.


    After patching, if the upgrade plan specifies that the management nodes must be rebooted for the changes to take effect, a reboot is performed as part of the patch process. No administrator action is required.

    If the appliance is running software version 3.0.2-b892153 or earlier, all management nodes are rebooted as part of the patch process.