What Is In This Guide?

The following table lists the procedures you need to complete to install and configure Oracle Private Cloud Appliance at your site.

Step Description References


Review the product notes for any late-breaking information about Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.

From the documentation home page you can access the release notes for the software version installed on your system.


Review important safety information.

Before performing the installation, refer to the following documents:

  • "Oracle Engineered System Safety and Compliance Guide"

  • "Important Safety Information for Oracle's Hardware Systems"


Complete the site preparation procedures.

Verify all installation requirements. Fill out the initial installation checklist in advance. Make sure that the data center environment is ready for the installation of the appliance.

Prepare Installation Site


Install the appliance rack.

When the appliance is delivered to your installation site, unpack the system, transport it to the allocated space in your data center, and make sure it is ready to be powered on for the first time.

Install Rack in Allocated Space


Power on the appliance.

Connect the appliance to the data center network according to the design you recorded in your installation preparations. Provide power to the appliance, switch on the necessary components in the correct order, and monitor the hardware initialization process.

Connect Cables and Power On


Perform the initial appliance configuration procedure.

Make sure you have your filled-out initial installation checklist available before you begin. Using the configuration information you collected in the checklist, work through the data screens of the initial configuration wizard and enter the required parameters.

Complete Initial Configuration


Proceed with other administration tasks.

Next Steps