Upgrading Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Images


Ensure that all preparation steps for system upgrade have been completed. For instructions, see Preparing the Upgrade Environment.

When new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Images become available and supported for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, you can make them available for use in all existing tenancies with a single upgrade command. The images are stored in the /nfs/shared_storage/oci_compute_images directory on the ZFS Storage Appliance.

If you perform a full management node upgrade, the new images are automatically added to your environment, in which case you can skip this procedure. The image versions are tracked through the upgrade plan. Review the upgrade plan to verify if the images need to be upgraded.

An upgrade adds new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Images to your environment, but it never removes any existing images. If you no longer need an image, you have the option to delete it using the deletePlatformImage command.

Using the Service Web UI

  1. In the navigation menu, click Upgrade & Patching.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Upgrade Jobs page, click Create Upgrade or Patch.

    The Create Request window appears. Choose Upgrade as the Request Type.

  3. Select the appropriate patch request type: Upgrade OCIImages.

  4. If required, fill out the request parameters:

    • Advanced Options JSON: Not available.

    • Image Location: This parameter is deprecated.

    • ISO Checksum: This parameter is deprecated.

    • Log Level: Optionally, select a specific log level for the upgrade log file. The default log level is "Information". For maximum detail, select "Debug".

  5. Click Create Request.

    The new upgrade request appears in the Upgrade Jobs table.

Using the Service CLI

  1. Enter the upgrade command.

    PCA-ADMIN> upgradeOCIImages
    Command: upgradeOCIImages
    Status: Success
    Time: 2023-01-18 19:48:41,452 UTC
      Service request has been submitted. Upgrade Job Id = 1680260388058-oci-38288 Upgrade Request Id = UWS-e601b085-d59d-4ae4-82a3-a09b446686ff
  2. Use the request ID and the job ID to check the status of the patching process.

    PCA-ADMIN> getUpgradeJobs
    Command: getUpgradeJobs
    Status: Success
    Time: 2023-01-18 19:58:34,745 UTC
      id                              upgradeRequestId                           commandName   result
      --                              ----------------                           -----------   ------
      1680260388058-oci-38288         UWS-e601b085-d59d-4ae4-82a3-a09b446686ff   oci           Passed
      1641839285475-kubernetes-94665  UWS-778b08bc-f579-492b-993d-915dcf581374   kubernetes    Passed
      1641838937541-platform-56313    UWS-bc4372ae-8f51-4b40-9306-992fb6459878   platform      Passed
    PCA-ADMIN> getUpgradeJob upgradeJobId=1680260388058-oci-38288
    Command: getUpgradeJob upgradeJobId=1680260388058-oci-38288
    Status: Success
    Time: 2023-01-18 20:00:43,804 UTC
      Upgrade Request Id = UWS-e601b085-d59d-4ae4-82a3-a09b446686ff
      Name = oci