16 Recovery Appliance Error Message Reference

This chapter provides details on the Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (Recovery Appliance) error messages, which occur between ranges ORA-45100 and ORA-45299, and ORA-64700 and ORA-64999 up.

ORA-45100: Database incarnation went from string to string. Recovery Appliance repair is required.

Cause: A 'startup resetlogs' command was executed on the Recovery Appliance. This caused old metadata to be used to refer to the storage locations. Before the Recovery Appliance can be started, a repair operation must be run to synchronize its metadata with its storage.

Action: Execute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE. If any incidents are logged during the subsequent repair, they will need to be corrected. Once they have been corrected, repeat the execution of DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE.

ORA-45102: unable to allocate string bytes of storage

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to allocate additional disk space in the storage location of the database for the current allocation. This condition may be due to one of the following reasons:

* Guaranteed copy has been specified for a database and there are too many backups waiting to be copied to tape.

* Nothing can be purged within the storage location of the database.

* There are no purgable backup pieces for the database and the sum of the sizes of the pieces being received by the database exceeds its DISK_RESERVED_SPACE.

* The metadata of the Recovery Appliance is being repaired.

Action: Add additional storage to the storage location of the database. Increase the DISK_RESERVED_SPACE for the database if it has been set too low.

ORA-45102: unable to allocate string bytes of storage

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to allocate additional disk space in the storage location of the database for the current allocation. This condition may be due to one of the following reasons:

* Guaranteed copy has been specified for a database and there are too many backups waiting to be copied to tape.

* Nothing can be purged within the storage location of the database.

* There are no purgable backup pieces for the database and the sum of the sizes of the pieces being received by the database exceeds its DISK_RESERVED_SPACE.

* The metadata of the Recovery Appliance is being repaired.

ORA-45109: metadata for database string; file string has inconsistencies

Cause: Internal self checks found inconsistencies in the metadata used to manage the Recovery Appliance block pool.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45111: Task string is being terminated after string restarts.

Cause: A Recovery Appliance task generated too many errors. Following an error, a task is normally restarted. If it fails to restart after 10 tries, the Recovery Appliance marks the task as broken and no longer tries to restart it.

Action: Correct the error that terminated the task and request the task to be rerun.

ORA-45113: Recovery Appliance internal error string

Cause: An internal error was encountered.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45114: file "string" not referenced by metadata for storage location string

Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery Appliance identified that the file was not being referenced by the metadata of the Recovery Appliance. Without these references, the Recovery Appliance cannot manage the file.

Action: If the file was inadvertently put in the storage location, it should be moved elsewhere. If the file has been separated from its metadata, contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45115: database with DB_KEY string is too big to move.

Cause: An attempt was made to move the specified database to a new storage location, but the database could not be shrunk to within its storage reservation and still preserve its retention window.

Action: Increase the storage reservation for the database or shrink its retention window.

ORA-45116: anomaly detected while reading metadata for backup piece with BP_KEY string

Cause: A transient anomaly was found in the backup data.

Action: If the anomaly persists, find a copy of the backup piece, if available, and reinsert it into the storage location. If no copy is available, generate a new level 0 backup for all data files in the backup piece.

ORA-45118: servlet timeout error

Cause: A restore task was waiting on a servlet process to pass data to a client. The time allotted for responding was exceeded and the restore task was aborted.

Action: This can be a common occurrence if the client cancels the restore request. Reissue the request.

ORA-45119: received a nonexistent operation for privilege change

Cause: An illegal option was specified.

Action: BACKUP, RECONCILE, READ, WRITE, and NULL are only supported values.

ORA-45120: operation failed due to insufficient space

Cause: The storage location was too small to support the new database.

Action: increase the size of your storage location or reduce DISK_RESERVED_SPACE in the protection policy

ORA-45121: received an incorrect value for a privilege change

Cause: An internal error was detected while granting or revoking privileges.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45122: invalid size or number specified

Cause: An invalid size or number was specified.

Action: Use a non-NULL or number greater than 0.

ORA-45123: The name string (string) already exists.

Cause: The object name was not unique.

Action: Specify a unique name for this object.

ORA-45124: Object string (string) is referenced and cannot be deleted.

Cause: The object was in use by a storage location or database.

Action: Delete all objects that reference this item.

ORA-45125: Object string (string) did not exist.

Cause: The object name did not exist.

Action: Specify an existing object.

ORA-45126: failed to delete database string

Cause: The database could not be deleted. An unexpected error has occurred.

Action: Examine the associated messages to determine the cause of the exception.

ORA-45127: Required parameter string must be specified.

Cause: The parameter was not supplied to API routine.

Action: Rerun the command specifying the missing parameter.

ORA-45128: backup piece string in database string is not referenced by the catalog

Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery Appliance identified that the specified backup piece was unreferenced by the RMAN catalog. Without this reference, the Recovery Appliance cannot reclaim space used by this piece.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45129: expected string bytes used by database string in storage location string, but found string bytes used

Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery Appliance identified that the storage usage of the database in a storage location did not match the sum of the size of storage pieces assigned to the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45130: Storage parameter overlaps with storage in string.

Cause: A parameter for a storage location was specified that overlapped storage previously assigned to another storage location.

Action: Reissue the command specifying a different location for the storage.

ORA-45131: illegal or unknown restore compression option specified

Cause: The specified compression option was not supported on either the Recovery Appliance database or the database providing the backup.

Action: Query V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM view to ensure the algorithm name matches one of the algorithm names in that table and that the option has IS_VALID = 'YES' and that the INITIAL_RELEASE column is less than both the Recovery Appliance and the database providing the backup. Reissue the command specifying a valid compression algorithm name.

ORA-45132: corrupt block detected in backup piece

Cause: A corrupt block was detected in a backup piece when populating the Recovery Appliance block pool.

Action: Perform block media recovery on the corrupt blocks of the database and do a cumulative level 1 backup.

ORA-45133: expected string byte allocation by database string, but found string bytes allocated

Cause: A consistency check performed by the check files task of the Recovery Appliance found that the storage allocations of the database did not match the sum of the size of allocations for that database in all storage locations.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45135: request terminated by the Recovery Appliance

Cause: A request was holding resources needed by the Recovery Appliance and was terminated to free those resources. This can be the result of a lack of disk space or some other resource.

Action: Check available disk space, as well as for errors on the Recovery Appliance database.

ORA-45136: invalid value for parameter string

Cause: The value supplied for the specified parameter was invalid.

Action: Check the Recovery Appliance documentation and rerun the command with a correct value.

ORA-45137: unknown platform

Cause: The Recovery Appliance has not received any backups from System Backup to Tape (SBT) or through polling. This is necessary for the Recovery Appliance to learn about the protected platform of the database and for the current operation to succeed.

Action: Backup a small archived log or other backup using SBT or by sending it to the polling location. Then retry this operation.

ORA-45138: Backup not found.

Cause: The specified backup could not be found in the catalog.

Action: Please check and specify the correct backup piece key or backup set key.

ORA-45139: A useful backup could not be found to correct this corruption.

Cause: A virtual backup piece key was provided, but there was no known backup on tape or disk to correct this backup.

Action: If the broken backup is the oldest virtual backup for the data file, sometimes an even older backup will have the data needed to correct the catalog. Find and specify that older backup directly.

ORA-45140: cannot insert backup into catalog

Cause: The specified backup was either not an incremental or not in the proper SCN range to correct problems in the catalog.

Action: Make sure you have provided the correct key value and find a proper incremental backup piece.

ORA-45141: File "string" was missing from storage location string.

Cause: During recovery of the Recovery Appliance, the specified file was referenced by the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, but was not found in its storage location.

Action: The file should be recovered from a replicated Recovery Appliance if it exists. If the file has been separated from its metadata, then contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45142: The Recovery Appliance prerequisite is already set up.

Cause: The DBMS_RA_INSTALL procedure was executed to set up prerequisite objects for creation of a catalog schema for the Recovery Appliance. This error is reported because there can be only one user schema that manages the Recovery Appliance for the database.

Action: To re-create the Recovery Appliance schema in another user schema, uninstall the earlier Recovery Appliance schema setup.

ORA-45143: The Recovery Appliance prerequisite setup administors user name is mismatched.

Cause: The DBMS_RA_INSTALL procedure was executed to uninstall the Recovery Appliance prerequisite object for the wrong user name.

Action: Correct the user name parameter for DBMS_RA_INSTALL and reexecute the procedure.

ORA-45144: Undefined initial replication type for protection policy.

Cause: The initial_replication_type was undefined for the protection policy.

Action: Update the protection policy initial_replication_type with one of LAST FULL, ALL, or NONE.

ORA-45145: Recovery Appliance user string does not exist.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance user did not exist.

Action: Specify an existing Recovery Appliance user.

ORA-45146: Storage location string needs string additional bytes of storage.

Cause: The metadata of the Recovery Appliance was being repaired following a database open with the 'resetlogs' command and the storage allocated in the specified storage location was insufficient. This may be caused by either an 'update_storage_location' call being lost due to the 'resetlogs' command or the storage location becoming very low on free storage when the resetlogs command was executed.

Action: Update the storage location with the specified values and try the repair again by executing DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE.

ORA-45147: Database string and database string are both moving.

Cause: The metadata of the Recovery Appliance was being repaired following a database open with 'resetlogs' and two databases were found to be moving between storage locations. The Recovery Appliance will only function correctly when one database is being moved. This may be caused by an 'update_protection_policy' or 'update_db' call being lost due to the 'resetlogs' command.

Action: Determine the storage locations used by each database and repeat any database movements that may have been lost.

ORA-45148: must fix string errors before restarting the Recovery Appliance

Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, errors were found that precluded the restart of the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Fix the identified errors and execute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE to retry the repair.

ORA-45149: unknown task type: string

Cause: The Recovery Appliance tried to execute a task with an unknown task type.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45150: File string references unknown DBID string.

Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, the specified file was found that referenced the specified database which was unknown to the Recovery Appliance. This may be caused by an 'add_db' call being lost due to a 'resetlogs' command.

Action: Repeat the lost 'add_db' call.

ORA-45151: bad locking protocol for lock string

Cause: An internal error caused locking to be used incorrectly.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45152: bad backup piece format for string

Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, the specified file was found whose type could not be determined.

Action: Remove the corrupted file and reexecute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE.

ORA-45153: unknown data file string for DBID string

Cause: During repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, data for the specified database was found whose data file could not be found.

Action: Using RMAN on the specified database, use the 'resync' command to refresh the metadata on the Recovery Appliance and retry the restart of the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45154: bad Recovery Appliance format found in file string

Cause: During a repair of the metadata of the Recovery Appliance, a file was found in a storage location that was neither a chunk file nor a backup piece.

Action: Remove the offending file from the storage location of the Recovery Appliance and retry the restart of the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45155: The Recovery Appliance has not been installed.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was never installed on this database. The requested procedure is only supported on the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Do not attempt the procedure except on the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45156: SBT job string not found

Cause: The specified SBT job was not found.

Action: Check if the SBT job has been deleted by user. If so, then drop the scheduler job.

ORA-45157: Parameter value string (string) is invalid.

Cause: The specified value for the parameter was invalid.

Action: Specify a valid value.

ORA-45158: SBT library string is not ready.

Cause: The specified SBT library was found to not be ready.

Action: Check if the library has been paused by user. If so, then resume the SBT library.

ORA-45159: RECOVERY_WINDOW_GOAL is lost for database string.

Cause: A low space condition forced the deletion of backups needed to support the recovery window goal for the named database.

Action: This is a warning and no action is needed. However, you may use DBMS_RA.UPDATE_PROTECTION_POLICY to increase the DISK_RESERVED_SPACE value of the database to ensure additional backups are saved. Select SPACE_USAGE from RA_DATABASE to see how much space is currently in use. You should also check for KEEP backups consuming space on disk and decide if they should be moved to tape or other disk storage. See DBMS_RA.MOVE_BACKUP_PIECE for more details.

ORA-45160: Incremental forever strategy is lost for database string.

Cause: A low space condition has forced the deletion of backup data needed to generate the last remaining virtual LEVEL 0 of one or more data files. The next client backup will be a full LEVEL 0 backup, even if LEVEL 1 was specified.

Action: This is a warning and no action is needed. However, you may use DBMS_RA.UPDATE_DB to increase the RESERVED_SPACE value of the database to ensure additional backups are saved. Select SPACE_USAGE from RA_DATABASE to see how much space is currently in use. You should also check for KEEP backups consuming space on disk and decide if they should be moved to tape or other disk storage. See DBMS_RA.MOVE_BACKUP_PIECE for more details.

ORA-45161: The backup piece size cannot exceed database DISK_RESERVED_SPACE.

Cause: An individual backup piece exceeded the database protection policy DISK_RESERVE_SPACE value. A safe DISK_RESERVED_SPACE value would exceed the size of the database.

Action: Use DBMS_RA.UPDATE_DB to increase the DISK_RESERVED_SPACE value of the database.

ORA-45162: System global area memory is configured incorrectly.

Cause: Check initialization parameters LARGE_POOL_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE. The Recovery Appliance will use all of LARGE_POOL_SIZE or 20% of SHARED_POOL_SIZE to restore virtual or tape backups. The actual space needed is NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE * 2 * (number of concurrent restore channels) where NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE is set using DBMS_RA.CONFIG. Use DBMS_RA.CONFIG to lower NETWORK_CHUNKSIZE or preferably, increase either LARGE_POOL_SIZE or SHARED_POOL_SIZE.

Action: Check initialization parameters LARGE_POOL_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE and set it correctly.

ORA-45163: operation is only supported for user string

Cause: An attempt was made to start the Recovery Appliance by a user other than the Recovery Appliance administrator.

Action: Only start the Recovery Appliance as the user specified at installation time.

ORA-45164: The Recovery Appliance is not running.

Cause: An attempt was made to use the Recovery Appliance, but the Recovery Appliance has been deactivated by the administrator.

Action: Have the Recovery Appliance administrator execute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE and retry the operation.

ORA-45165: Recovery Appliance backup piece with BP_KEY string is corrupt

Cause: Corruption was found in the backup data.

Action: Ensure that you have a functioning backup of the affected data file. Then delete the corrupt backup piece to clear the condition.

ORA-45166: unable to access file string

Cause: An attempt was made to access the specified file which resulted in an error. An explanation of the error appears in the following messages.

Action: Verify the correctness of the file. If it is corrupt, either delete it or replace it.

ORA-45167: unable to validate backup piece with BP_KEY string

Cause: An attempt was made to validate the specified backup piece which resulted in an error. An explanation of the error appears in the following messages.

Action: Verify the correctness of the backup piece. If it is corrupt, either delete it or replace it.

ORA-45168: unexpected executer exit while processing task ID string of type string

Cause: A task failed with an unexpected error code in the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45169: unexpected timer process exit

Cause: The timer process failed with an unexpected error code in the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-45170: Storage location string is too full.

Cause: Purging the specified storage location would result in the loss of the recovery window goal for one of its databases.

Action: Add more storage to the storage location or remove some databases from the storage location or reduce the recovery window goal for some of the databases in the storage location.

ORA-45171: The chunk optimization task has not run recently for one or more databases.

Cause: The background chunk optimization task had not been performed recently for at least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.

Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the databases from the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45172: The validation task has not run recently for one or more databases.

Cause: The background validation task had not been performed recently for at least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.

Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the databases from the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45173: The checkfiles task has not run recently for one or more storage locations.

Cause: The background checkfiles task had not been performed recently for one or more storage locations. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.

Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the databases from the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45174: unable to use replication server string

Cause: While using the Recovery Appliance, either a backup failed to be transmitted to the target replicated Recovery Appliance or a restore request failed to complete on the replicated Recovery Appliance.

Action: Check the following error messages to diagnose the actual error.

ORA-45175: unable to use SBT library string

Cause: While using the Recovery Appliance, a request failed to complete while using the specified System Backup to Tape library.

Action: Check the following error messages to diagnose the actual error.

ORA-45176: Replication server string is not in the paused state.

Cause: An attempt was made to update information for a replication server that was not in a paused state.

Action: Pause the replication server on this Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45177: unable to find file string previously found while polling

Cause: A backup piece file previously found in a polling location was later not accessible to the Recovery Appliance.

Action: If the file was unavailable due to network errors, the file will be found again once the network is available. If the backup piece was deleted, create a new backup.

ORA-45178: The allocation unit size cannot be changed.

Cause: An attempt was made to move one or more databases into a storage location with a different allocation unit size. This value comes from the ASM disk group allocation unit size specified when creating the disk groups referenced by the storage location.

Action: Use a storage location with the same minimum allocation size as the source. If necessary create new disk groups with a matching size before creating a new storage location.

ORA-45179: The reconcile task has not run recently for database string.

Cause: The background reconcile task had not been performed recently for the specified database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.

Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the databases from the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45180: The crosscheck task has not run recently for database one or more databases.

Cause: The background reconcile task had not been performed recently for at least one database. This may happen if the Recovery Appliance is too overloaded with foreground activities to have time to do background tasks.

Action: Remove some load from the Recovery Appliance by reducing the frequency of backups by protected databases or by offloading some of the databases from the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-45182: database access cannot be granted or revoked using catalog owner or sys

Cause: The catalog owner or SYS was specified as the user in the DBMS_RA.GRANT_DB_ACCESS and DBMS_RA.REVOKE_DB_ACCESS procedures. This is not allowed.

Action: A different user should be created and granted the necessary access.

ORA-45183: request is blocked by session string on instance string

Cause: An API request was made to the Recovery Appliance while another API was in progress. Only one API may be performed at a time.

Action: Wait for the other API to complete or kill the identified session before repeating the failed API request.

ORA-45184: ORA-string occurred during wallet operation; WRL string

Cause: An operation on the wallet failed due to the indicated error.

Action: Refer to the indicated Oracle message for more information.

ORA-45185: alias string not found in string wallet

Cause: The specified WALLET alias did not appear in the wallet.

Action: Check the WALLET alias or create an alias in the wallet for the specified attribute and retry the command.

ORA-45187: storage location string is unusable; container repair key is string

Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, fatal errors were detected while rebuilding the specified storage location.

Action: Inspect the alert log for the instance upon which the repair command was issued for the errors detected. If you detect that the errors are caused by missing disk groups, add those disk groups and execute the STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API. If you decide that the missing data cannot be restored, execute the REPAIR_STORAGE_LOCATION API with the REPLACE option prior to executing the STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API.

ORA-45188: storage location string requires repair; container repair key is string

Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, consistency errors were detected while rebuilding the specified storage location.

Action: Inspect the alert log for the instance upon which the repair command was issued for the errors detected. If you detect that the errors are caused by missing disks or disk groups, add those disks or disk groups and execute the STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API. If you decide that the missing data cannot be restored, execute the REPAIR_STORAGE_LOCATION API with the REPLACE option prior to executing the STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE API.

ORA-45189: repair failed because storage location was renamed from string to string

Cause: During a repair of the Recovery Appliance, a storage location was found whose name was different from the name originally used to define the storage location.

Action: Delete the bad storage location and re-create it with the proper name.

ORA-45190: anomaly detected while reading metadata for database with DB_KEY string

Cause: A transient anomaly was found in the backup data.

Action: If the anomaly persists, generate a new level 0 backup for all data files in the database.

ORA-45191: no suitable SBT library was found for the Recovery Appliance backups

Cause: Recovery Appliance could not find a suitable System Backup to Tape (SBT) library for performing the Recovery Appliance metadata backups.

Action: Create an SBT library that can be used for the Recovery Appliance backup.

ORA-45192: reservation already exists for the Recovery Appliance backup

Cause: An attempt was made to create a new reservation to perform a Recovery Appliance metadata backup when an unexpired reservation exists.

Action: Remove the existing reservation and then create a new reservation.

ORA-45193: multiple SBT libraries are present

Cause: More than one System Backup to Tape (SBT) library was found that can be used to back up the Recovery Appliance metadata.

Action: Specify a name while reserving the SBT library.

ORA-45194: Recovery Appliance metadata backup to SBT library failed

Cause: An error occurred while backing up the Recovery Appliance metadata to the System Backup to Tape (SBT) library. The error could be caused by the SBT library configuration or an internal Recovery Appliance error.

Action: Check the SBT library configuration or RA_INCIDENT_LOG view.

ORA-45195: reservation wait time exceeded

Cause: A timeout occurred while waiting for the system backup to tape (SBT) library reservation.

Action: Increase the wait time for the reservation by modifying the '_drive_wait_minutes' configuration parameter and retry the operation.

ORA-45196: failed to unreserve existing reservation

Cause: The existing System Backup to Tape (SBT) library reservation could not be unreserved.

Action: Check the 'ERROR_LOG' table and trace files for information about the cause of this error.

ORA-45197: SBT library string could not be found for reservation

Cause: The Recovery Appliance could not find a System Backup to Tape (SBT) library for the given name.

Action: Check the SBT library name and retry the operation.

ORA-45198: machine is not a physical Recovery Appliance

Cause: Recovery Appliance services were attempted to start on a machine that was not a physical Recovery Appliance.

Action: The Recovery Appliance services cannot be started on this system.

ORA-45199: Error string encountered when executing string.

Cause: An error was encountered when executing PL/SQL code. This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

ORA-45200: HTTP status code: string

Cause: The indicated HTTP status code was received while processing a servlet request,

Action: None

ORA-45201: additional Information: string

Cause: The indicated additional error was received while processing a servlet request.

Action: None

ORA-45202: operation failed, retry possible

Cause: A backup, restore operation failed while processing a servlet request. The operation may be retried.

Action: This message is used by the SBT client to decide whether to retry the operation.

ORA-45203: failed to string backup piece file "string"

Cause: An OS operation on the specified backup piece returned an error.

Action: Check additional messages.

ORA-45210: resource busy, retry possible

Cause: A backup or restore operation failed while processing a servlet request. The operation may be retried.

Action: This message is used by the SBT client to decide whether to retry the operation.

ORA-45211: error encountered while sending data; error code string

Cause: An error was encountered while sending data to the client.

Action: Check additional messages.

ORA-45212: error encountered while receiving data; error code string

Cause: An error was encountered while receiving data from client.

Action: Check additional messages.

ORA-45213: user or role 'string' does not exist

Cause: There was no user or role with the name specified.

Action: Provide a valid user name or role.

ORA-45214: cannot convert 'string' to number

Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, a NULL value was assigned to a variable that was declared as NOT NULL or an integer larger than 99 was assigned to a variable declared as NUMBER(2).

Action: Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate defined constraints.

ORA-45215: cannot delete a replication server that is in use

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a replication server that was actively restoring a backup.

Action: Cancel the restore or wait for the restore to complete before deleting the replication server.

ORA-45216: backup metadata of string (string) for database string was not found

Cause: The reported backup metadata was not found.

Action: This is an informational message. Ensure that you retain the backups until SBT tasks are executed.

ORA-45217: SBT task string is not found

Cause: The specified SBT task was not found.

Action: Provide a valid SBT task identifier and retry the command.

ORA-45264: error encountered during Recovery Appliance test recovery string

Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, test recovery was performed by the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The test recovery uses the image copies, without additional disk space requirement to restore datafiles, to test the database.

Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

ORA-45265: error encountered during Recovery Appliance backup health check string

Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, backup health check was performed by the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The backup health check uses the database 'validate' and 'preview' command to test the backups.

Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

ORA-45266: error encountered during Recovery Appliance database health check string

Cause: As part of Recovery Appliance protection, database health check was performed by the Recovery Appliance metadata protection script. The database health check uses the 'backup validate' command to perform database health check.

Action: Additional information regarding this failure is recorded in the RA_INCIDENT_LOG and is also displayed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

ORA-45267: Inconsistency found while validating db_key %s df_key %s

Cause: Internal self checks found inconsistencies in the metadata used to manage the Recovery Appliance block pool.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45268: Inconsistency found while purging db_key %s df_key %s vb_key %s

Cause: Internal self checks found inconsistencies in the metadata used to manage the Recovery Appliance block pool while purging. No blocks have been deleted and backups are valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files.

ORA-45275: container: 'string'

Cause: This message reports the name of the Recovery Appliance container involved in other messages.

Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.

ORA-45276: could not create container

Cause: A container creation failed. There will be other messages printed in the error stack that show more details about the problem.

Action: Investigate the entire error stack. If the problem is correctable, do so and retry creating this container.

ORA-45277: New AU size string differs from existing AU size string in group string.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a new container that has a different AU size than the other containers that already exist in this container group.

Action: Specify a container with the same AU size as the other containers in the container group.

ORA-45278: Container group string is not empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to drop the specified container group but it is not empty.

Action: Either remove the remaining objects from the group or use the FORCE option. Note that the FORCE option will irretrievably delete all files in the container group.

ORA-45279: Container group string does not exist.

Cause: The specified container group does not exist.

Action: Specify a container group that exists.

ORA-45280: Container group string already exists.

Cause: The specified container group already exists.

Action: Specify a container group that does not exist.

ORA-45281: Size of string bytes exceeds maximum container size of string bytes.

Cause: You tried to create a container greater than the maximum size.

Action: Specify a smaller size.

ORA-45282: error identifying container

Cause: An error occurred while identifying a container.

Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the problem.

ORA-45283: error writing to container

Cause: An I/O error occurred while writing to a container.

Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the problem.

ORA-45284: error reading from container

Cause: An I/O error occurred while reading from a container.

Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the problem.

ORA-45285: Cannot create more than string container groups.

Cause: An attempt to add a new container group would cause the number of container groups to exceed the system maximum.

Action: Increase the container group limit.

ORA-45286: Cannot create more than string containers.

Cause: An attempt to add a new container would cause the number of containers to exceed the system maximum.

Action: Increase the container limit.

ORA-45287: File name string is not valid for creation.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a contained file name in an invalid format.

Action: Correct the name and retry the operation.

ORA-45289: Cannot reserve string bytes in container group string.

Cause: The specified container group was out of space.

Action: Add another container to the container group.

ORA-45290: Cannot shrink file string because file is busy.

Cause: The specified file cannot be reduced in size because some other process was holding the file open.

Action: Wait until the other process releases the file before attempting to reduce its size.

ORA-45291: Container string is not globally identified.

Cause: An attempt to create or identify a file failed because a required container is not globally identified in this instance. The logs from the GEN0 process will usually indicate the reason why the file could not be identified.

Action: Examine the logs from the GEN0 process and correct the problem that is making some containers inaccessible.

ORA-45292: error during container group rebuild

Cause: An unrecoverable error occurred during container group rebuild.

Action: Review other messages on the error stack for additional details.

ORA-45293: Cannot shrink file

Cause: An attempt to shrink file was requested but this has been prevented because the file has been marked as not shrinkable.

Action: Nothing. File shrink is aborted.

ORA-64700: Recovery Appliance is shutting down

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was in the process of shutting down. This message is recorded in the incident log for the Recovery Appliance. When the shutdown completes, the incident is marked as FIXED.

Action: Wait for the Recovery Appliance to complete its shutdown.

ORA-64701: storage location string can no longer honor its reservations.

Cause: The specified storage location did not contain enough space to fulfill the reservations of all of the databases assigned to it. This error will be seen if a storage location lost part of its disk space and was in the process of being repaired.

Action: Either shrink the reservations for the databases contained within the storage location or add additional disk space to the storage location.

ORA-64702: error repairing container files for storage location string: string

Cause: An error was returned while trying to rebuild or repair the container files used to store data from protected databases.

Action: The subsequent error will identify the error that needs to be addressed before the Recovery Appliance can be repaired.

ORA-64703: resource error detected

Cause: A task needed to be interrupted because it detected a resource limitation such as insufficient temporary table space or a snapshot being too old. It will be retried once the contention for the resource decreases. The secondary messages will identify the resource that has been exhausted.

Action: If this error occurs rarely, no user action is required. If the condition becomes persistent, the Recovery Appliance administrator should increase the resource that is exhausted.

ORA-64705: no destination in "string" at column string

Cause: The storage destination contained a syntax error.

Action: Correct the syntax error and retry the operation.

ORA-64708: more than one polling_location in "string" at column string

Cause: More than one polling_location was specified. Only one polling_location is allowed.

Action: Specify only one polling destination directory and retry the operation.

ORA-64709: ASM polling_location is not supported in "string" at column string

Cause: The polling_location specified an ASM-based location. Only non-ASM-based polling_locations are supported.

Action: Specify one non-ASM polling destination and retry the operation.

ORA-64711: storage destination do not reference an ASM diskgroup

Cause: The storage destination referenced a non-ASM storage location. Only ASM-based storage destinations are allowed. The operation has been rolled back.

Action: Correct the syntax error and retry the operation.

ORA-64713: requested size string for string was too small; already using string

Cause: The size requested for the storage destination was smaller than its current size.

Action: Increase the requested size and retry the operation.

ORA-64714: requested size string for string was larger than total available space string

Cause: The size requested for the storage destination was larger than its current used space plus its current free space.

Action: Decrease the requested size and retry the operation.

ORA-64715: instance string is not available to Recovery Appliance

Cause: The Recovery Appliance is not utilizing the specified instance due to its absence from the Oracle RAC.

Action: Restart the specified instance or repair any connectivity issues with the specified instance.

ORA-64716: storage location string allocation size string does not equal diskgroup string allocation size string

Cause: The minimum allocation size of the specified storage location was not the same as the specified diskgroup allocation unit size.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup or a different storage location and retry the operation.

ORA-64717: network chunk size string is not a multiple of diskgroup string allocation size string

Cause: The configured network chunk size was not a multiple of the specified diskgroup allocation unit size.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup or reconfigure the network chunk size and retry the operation.

ORA-64718: diskgroup string allocation size string is not a power of two

Cause: The diskgroup allocation unit size was not a power of two.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup and retry the operation.

ORA-64719: diskgroup string allocation size string is less than two megabytes string

Cause: The diskgroup allocation unit size was less than two megabytes.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup and retry the operation.

ORA-64720: no containers were created for storage location string

Cause: No storage was allocated and initialized for the specified storage location.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup for the storage location, increase the size of the diskgroup, or reduce the size of the storage location and retry the operation.

ORA-64721: reserved space string is less than the minimum reservation string

Cause: No storage was allocated and initialized for the specified storage location.

Action: Specify a different diskgroup for the storage location, increase the size of the diskgroup, or reduce the size of the storage location and retry the operation.

ORA-64722: number of drives must be greater than zero

Cause: The specified number of tape drives was NULL or was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Specify a number of tape drives greater than 0 and retry the operation.

ORA-64723: number of drives reserved for restore operations must be greater than or equal to zero

Cause: The number of tape drives reserved for restore operations was NULL or was less than zero.

Action: Specify a number of tape drives reserved for restore operations greater than or equal to zero and retry the operation.

ORA-64724: number of restore drives string too large; must be less than string

Cause: The number of tape drives reserved for restore operations was at least as large as the total number of drives available. The number of tape drives reserved for restore operations must be at least one less than the total number of drives available.

Action: Specify a number of tape drives reserved for restore operations less than the total number of drives available and retry the operation.

ORA-64725: number of streams must be greater than zero

Cause: The number of streams was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Specify a number of streams greater than zero and retry the operation.

ORA-64726: number of streams string too large; must be no larger than string

Cause: The number of streams was larger than the total number of drives available. The number of streams must be no larger than the total number of drives available.

Action: Reduce the number of available streams and retry the operation.

ORA-64727: number of copies string not in the range 1 through 4

Cause: The number of copies was either NULL or not in the range 1 through 4 inclusive.

Action: Specify a number of copies in the range 1 through 4 and retry the operation.

ORA-64728: replication server name length string is too long

Cause: The replication server name was longer than 128 characters.

Action: Specify a replication server name shorter than 128 characters and retry the operation.

ORA-64729: replication server proxy port string must be greater than zero

Cause: The replication server proxy port number was less than or equal to zero.

Action: Specify a replication server proxy port number greater than zero and retry the operation.

ORA-64730: replication server proxy URL provided but proxy port is NULL

Cause: A replication server proxy URL was provided but a proxy port number was not. If either a proxy URL or a proxy port are specified, both must be specified.

Action: Specify both a replication server URL and a replication server proxy port number and retry the operation.

ORA-64731: replication server proxy port provided but proxy URL is NULL

Cause: A replication server proxy port number was provided but a proxy URL was not. If either a proxy URL or a proxy port are specified, both must be specified.

Action: Specify both a replication server URL and a replication server proxy port number and retry the operation.

ORA-64732: HTTP server not configured at replication host

Cause: The HTTP server at the replication host site has not been configured.

Action: Configure the HTTP server at the replication host site and retry the operation.

ORA-64733: unable to move individual backup piece with BP_KEY string; not a KEEP backup

Cause: An attempt was made to move an individual backup piece, but the backup set of which this backup piece was a member was not a KEEP backup.

Action: Specify a backup piece key that is a member of a KEEP backup set and retry the operation.

ORA-64735: unknown incarnation detected at Recovery Appliance, need catalog resync

Cause: A new archived log or backup set belonging to the new incarnation was received at Recovery Appliance.

Action: Using RMAN, connect to the Recovery Appliance as a recovery catalog, primary database as target database and perform the resynchronization operation using the RESYNC CATALOG RMAN command. If this error occurred at downstream of the Recovery Appliance (in a replicated Recovery Appliance setup), the reconcile operation fixes this error automatically when the same error is fixed at the upstream Recovery Appliance.

ORA-64736: Task ID string of type string has been interrupted string times.

Cause: The specified task was restarted an unexpected number of times. Tasks get interrupted when there is competition for resources. This is only a warning. It does not necessarily indicate a problem with the Recovery Appliance.

Action: If these problems persist for long periods, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64737: unable to copy a full backup for database string because of missing data files

Cause: While creating a full database backup to tape or to a replicated Recovery Appliance, level 0 backups of one or more data files were missing.

Action: Query the RA_SBT_TEMPLATE_MDF view to determine the data files for which backups are missing. If using the "incremental forever" backup strategy, perform a level-0 incremental backup for the given database and retry the operation.

ORA-64738: guaranteed copy suspended for database string

Cause: One of the following operations was performed resulting in the database using more than its allotted disk space:

- UPDATE_DB lowering the DISK_SPACE_RESERVE value.

- UPDATE_PROTECTION_POLICY setting the guaranteed_copy parameter to YES

- DELETE_SBT_LIBRARY where backup data for the given database existed. New backup requests may be stalled until the system can recompute the safety of allowing additional backup data or backup data may be lost.

Action: This event can be avoided by ensuring backups are written to tape in a timely manner. Conversely, one should avoid the activities listed in the Cause statement when backups are not being written to tape in a timely manner.

ORA-64740: Redo and backups from database string have not been seen for more than UNPROTECTED_WINDOW period

Cause: An UNPROTECTED_WINDOW parameter in protection policy has been specified and the Recovery Appliance has not received sufficient on-line redo, archive log backups, or data file backups from the given target database for at least that period.

Action: Ensure that backups are being performed in a timely manner and that, if set up, redo logs or backups are being sent to the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-64741: Scheduler string running task string of type string did not stop after string requests.

Cause: The specified Recovery Appliance scheduler process could not be stopped.

Action: If these problems persist for long periods, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64742: database (string) is in state string which is unsupported for ( string).

Cause: An operation was attempted on a database that was in a state precluding the operation being performed.

Action: The operation should not be tried on databases in an incompatible database state.

ORA-64744: Argument string is null, invalid, or out of range.

Cause: The argument was expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value passed in was null, invalid, or out of range.

Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine to not pass a null, invalid or out-of-range argument value.

ORA-64745: Name length is string characters; maximum length is string characters.

Cause: The length of the name exceeded the limit.

Action: Specify a shorter name and retry the operation.

ORA-64746: Name contains invalid characters.

Cause: The name incorrectly started with "_", "-", ":" or digits or contained non-alphanumeric characters. Verify that all other double quotation marks, if any, in the string are adjacent pairs of double quotation marks. Double quotation marks must not be used in the middle of the name.

Action: Change the name and exclude the invalid characters.

ORA-64747: Name contains invalid character "string" at the position [string].

Cause: The name incorrectly started with "_", "-", ":" or digits or contained non-alphanumeric characters. Verify that all other double quotation marks, if any, in the string are adjacent pairs of double quotation marks. Double quotation marks must not be used in the middle of the name.

Action: Change the name and exclude the invalid characters.

ORA-64748: trace file writing initiated using string

Cause: The configuration of the Recovery Appliance was modified to enable the producing of trace files. Trace files have the capacity to exhaust disk space on the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Turn off the tracing when it is no longer required.

ORA-64750: Instance string is unable to access string.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to find a file that is required for its operation.

Action: Ensure that the file system of the specified file is available on the specified instance.

ORA-64751: Replication setup error during string. replication server:string database:string.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to complete the configuration and setup of replication for the database specified.

Action: Validate that the downstream replication server is properly configured and all network communication paths are valid.

ORA-64752: storage unavailable for new redo or backups for database string

Cause: There was a failure while backing up redo or copying backups from a polling location. This condition may be due to one of the following reasons:

* An individual backup piece exceeded the database protection policy DISK_RESERVE_SPACE value. * Guaranteed_copy is enabled but not enough data has been spooled to tape. * Misconfiguration of the storage location size.

Action: Check for the value of DISK_RESERVED_SPACE and storage location uses.

ORA-64753: Incorrect object type specified; specified string, expected string

Cause: An incorrect object type was given to an API command.

Action: Use the object-specific API. For example, use 'resume_replication_server' instead of 'resume_sbt_library'.

ORA-64754: unable to perform operation with associated tape or replication objects

Cause: An attempt to execute 'update_db' or 'update_protection_policy' and change storage locations with a replication server or tape job associated with the protection policy failed.

Action: Create a temporary protection policy that has the same storage location as the current protection policy with the tape and replication attributes of the target protection policy, Update to the temporary protection policy then finally update to the target protection policy.

ORA-64755: failed to delete or suspend database string; the Recovery Appliance is not running

Cause: An attempt was made to delete or suspend a database, but the Recovery Appliance has been deactivated by the administrator.

Action: Have the Recovery Appliance administrator execute DBMS_RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE and retry the delete_db() or suspend_db() operation.

ORA-64757: unable to restore backup piece with BP_KEY string

Cause: An attempt was made to restore the specified backup piece which resulted in an error. An explanation of the error appears in the following messages.

Action: Verify the correctness of the backup piece. If it is corrupt, either delete it or replace it.

ORA-64758: unable to grow delta store metadata in tablespace string

Cause: Additional extents could not be allocated for the tables used to implement the delta store.

Action: Add additional storage to the indicated tablespace.

ORA-64759: Recovery Appliance is leaving restricted resources state

Cause: The Recovery Appliance ended its restrictions on task execution. The restricted resources state was entered when tasks could not run due to insufficient temporary table space or insufficient undo space. At that time, resource intensive tasks were put into RESOURCE_WAIT state.

Action: None. This is only an informational message entered in the alert log.

ORA-64760: Database string has had tasks in ordering wait state for over string days.

Cause: The specified database had an INDEX_BACKUP task that could not be run because the task did not tile against the delta store. An incremental backup piece will not tile into the delta store when the necessary control file information is missing or when the backup that it depends upon is not found in the delta store.

Action: Resolve the warnings for the database. A new full backup for the database should also clear this condition.

ORA-64761: disk group string is not usable by the Recovery Appliance

Cause: A disk group was supplied to either the create_storage_location or update_storage_location APIs that was not previously prepared by the installation software for the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Run the ra_update procedure to process the disk group and retry the API.

ORA-64762: Task string of type string has been running for string.

Cause: The specified task did not complete its execution after a reasonable period. This is only a warning message.

Action: If these errors persist, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64763: Task string of type string was terminated after running for string.

Cause: The specified task did not complete and was presumed hung. Its process was stopped and restarted.

Action: If these errors persist, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64766: backup deletion using RMAN prevented by protection policy

Cause: Recovery Manager was prevented from deleting a backup piece because the 'allow_backup_deletion' parameter of the applicable Recovery Appliance protection policy was 'NO'.

Action: Modify the 'allow_backup_deletion' parameter of the applicable protection policy to 'YES' to allow for deletion of backups.

ORA-64767: restore timed out

Cause: The Recovery Appliance terminated the restore operation due to unresponsiveness of the client database.

Action: Verify the network between the client database and the Recovery Appliance. Also verify the client database I/O performance. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64768: KEEP file size string cannot exceed available DISK_RESERVED_SPACE string

Cause: There was no more space for a KEEP backup piece. The total DISK_RESERVED_SPACE minus the space currently consumed by KEEP backups was less than the size of the current KEEP backup piece. The piece that caused the error was deleted.

Action: Use DBMS_RA.UPDATE_DB to increase the DISK_RESERVED_SPACE value of the database or move KEEP (archival) backups to other storage using the DBMS_RA.MOVE_BACKUP function.

ORA-64771: reconcile error during string; replication server: string; database: string

Cause: The specified database was unable to reconcile with the specified replication server. This is typically due to either a network communication failure, missing or incorrect credentials, incorrect wallet credentials, missing or incorrectly ordered add_db and grant_db_access calls.

Action: Check the incident log for active failures with a component type of REPLICATION_RECONCILE. Resolve the reconcile issues and resume_replication_server or wait until the next reconcile time period. After a successful reconcile all stalled replication tasks will continue and the incident is marked as FIXED.

ORA-64772: downstream replication server: string is not accessible

Cause: The specified downstream replication server was not running, was not accesible, had incorrect credentials for the replication user in the upstream wallet, or was in the process of starting up or shutting down.

Action: If the credentials are incorrect, correct the credentials. Otherwise, the incident is marked as FIXED once the downstream replication server comes back online or is accessible over the network.

ORA-64773: Note: string generated during execution of API command: string

Cause: The specified command was entered correctly but an unexpected event occurred during its processing.

Action: Check the message for further information.

ORA-64774: database string has replication tasks in reconcile wait state for over string days

Cause: The specified database had a BACKUP_SBT task that could not be run because the task was waiting for a successful reconcile.

Action: Check the incident log for active failures with a component type of REPLICATION_RECONCILE. Resolve the reconcile issues and execute a manual reconcile, execute a resume_replication_server, or wait until the next reconcile time period. After a successful reconcile, all stalled replication tasks continue and the incident is marked as FIXED.

ORA-64775: unable to execute required code on the downstream replication server for the specified database

Cause: The specified database could not execute the required code on the downstream replication server. This is typically due to a missing add_db or grant_db_access on the downstream or the commands were issued in the incorrect order.

Action: Ensure that you execute add_db followed by grant_db_access on the downstream replication server. Then reissue the command, execute a manual reconcile, execute a resume_replication_server, or wait until the next reconcile time period. After a successful reconcile, all stalled replication tasks continue and this error is cleared.

ORA-64776: message from downstream replication server during string: string

Cause: An unexpected event occurred at the downstream replication server.

Action: The message includes additional information for further examination on the downstream replication server.

ORA-64777: deletion of polled file failed

Cause: The Recovery Appliance could not delete the file that was backed up from the polling location.

Action: Check if the directory specified in the polling location grants the necessary permission to allow for deletion of files.

ORA-64778: privilege not granted to string for database: string

Cause: The privilege that was revoked was not granted to the user for this protected database, the revoke was not required.

Action: Do not issue the revoke for this privilege for the protected database, it is not granted to the user.

ORA-64779: The catalog is missing necessary control file information for database string.

Cause: A backup arrived before the Recovery Appliance could receive all the necessary control file information. INDEX_BACKUP tasks for these data files remain in ORDERING_WAIT state until the catalog receives all the information.

Action: Use the RMAN command RESYNC CATALOG to fix this issue. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64780: Section 1 of multi-section backup set string of data file string has not reached this Recovery Appliance.

Cause: Section 1 of the multi-section backup did not reach the Recovery Appliance. Without the section, INDEX_BACKUP tasks of other sections of the backup set remain in ORDERING_WAIT state.

Action: This could be temporary because sections of a multi-section backup do not reach the Recovery Appliance in order. If the problem persists, check the status of the incoming backup, as well as status of INDEX_BACKUP tasks for this database.

ORA-64781: Section string of the prior multi-section backup set string of data file string is missing.

Cause: A section of the previous multi-section backup prior to the current backup was missing. Without the section, INDEX_BACKUP tasks for processing the current backup set remain in ORDERING_WAIT state.

Action: An INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE or INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 backup of the data file should clear this condition.

ORA-64782: Missing backups between SCNs string and string for data file string.

Cause: There was a gap in backups provided to the Recovery Appliance. Without the backup, the current backup could not be processed, and the INDEX_BACKUP task remained in ORDERING_WAIT state.

Action: An INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 CUMULATIVE or INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 backup of the data file should clear this condition.

ORA-64783: The backup of data file string is tiling with a backup written to different media.

Cause: The backup on which the current backup piece depends was written to different media and no longer resides on this Recovery Appliance.

Action: The incremental forever mechanism of the Recovery Appliance does not support backups written to disk or other media. Provide an INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 backup of the data file.

ORA-64784: Corruption found in backup string of data file string in Recovery Appliance. New backup cannot be processed.

Cause: A new backup could not be processed because the most recent backup piece of the data file residing in the Recovery Appliance was corrupt.

Action: An INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 backup of the data file should clear this condition.

ORA-64785: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because the Recovery Appliance is not available.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to automatically receive archive logs from the indicated database because the Recovery Appliance was not running.

Action: Execute the startup API on the Recovery Appliance before sending archive logs to it.

ORA-64786: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because the delta store is under repair.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to automatically receive archive logs from the indicated database because the delta store was under repair.

Action: The archive logs are accepted once the repair completes. If the message persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64787: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because the database has been suspended or deleted from the Recovery Appliance.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to automatically receive archive logs from the indicated database because the database was suspended or deleted.

Action: If the database has been deleted, remove the Oracle Data Guard log destination corresponding to the Recovery Appliance from the indicated database; or add or resume the indicated database to the Recovery Appliance.

If the database has been suspended, resume the database in order to restart online redo shipping.

ORA-64788: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because its platform is unknown.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to automatically receive archive logs from the indicated database because an initial backup from the database was not supplied. The initial backup provides the platform identification to the Recovery Appliance.

Action: An initial backup must be sent from the indicated database to the Recovery Appliance using the recovery manager (RMAN).

ORA-64789: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because its storage location needs repair.

Cause: The database for the Recovery Appliance was opened by specifying resetlogs.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64790: Online redo shipping for DBID string cannot be performed because it is not known by the Recovery Appliance.

Cause: The database was not identified in the catalog of the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Execute the ADD_DB API for the specified database.

ORA-64791: DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs have delayed starting on instance string

Cause: Problems on the specified instance are preventing DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs from getting into RUNNING state. Until the backlog is cleared, only jobs essential to the health of the Recovery Appliance are created on the instance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64792: incorrect catalog_user_name parameter specified in create_replication_server

Cause: An incorrect catalog_user_name parameter was specified in the create_replication_server or update_replication_server API.

Action: The catalog_user_name parameter must be the owner of the Recovery Appliance schema.

ORA-64793: unexpected scheduler exit

Cause: The task scheduler failed with an unexpected error code in the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64794: unable to access the encryption HSM wallet or the encryption wallet is not open on the current instance

Cause: Encryption required a Hardware Security Module (HSM) wallet that was open across all instances.

Action: Ensure the following: - That there is a valid connection to the HSM keystore. - That the HSM credentials are correct. - That the wallet is open across all Oracle RAC instances in GV$ENCRYPTION_WALLET.

ORA-64795: unable to access or create the encryption key

Cause: Encryption could not create or obtain the required access to a valid backup encryption key during the copy to tape operation.

Action: This could be due to a network connection issue, missing or incorrect credentials, or a misconfigured key store. Inspect the ERROR_TEXT in the RA_INCIDENT_LOG for additional information.

ORA-64796: unable to create encrypted backup during copy to tape

Cause: During the copy to tape operation, backup encryption could not create or obtain the required access to a valid encryption key.

Action: Check the ERROR_TEXT in the RA_INCIDENT_LOG for additional information.

ORA-64797: waiting for recall of backup piece string from cloud storage

Cause: Restore was waiting for a recall of the backup piece from cloud storage.

Action: None. This is only an informational message. The incident status is changed to FIXED once the backup piece is recalled.

ORA-64798: encryption key does not exist in wallet of executing instance

Cause: The protected databases current encryption key did not exist in the wallet of the Oracle RAC instance or the instance that was executing the copy to tape operation.

Action: Rekey the current database and verify that the RA_DATABASE.ENCRYPTION_KEYID for the protected database exists across all instances in GV$ENCRYPTION_KEYS.KEY_ID.

ORA-64799: System Backup to Tape (SBT) job template requires encryption for the specified library.

Cause: Encryption was not specified for a library that requires encryption.

Action: Use the DBMS_RA.UPDATE_SBT_JOB_TEMPLATE procedure and specify an encryption algorithm for all job templates associated with the specified library.

ORA-64800: unable to create encrypted backup for big endian platform

Cause: Copy to tape operation could not create encrypted backup for big endian platform.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64801: Altering RASYS password in SQL is not allowed.

Cause: RASYS Password modification attempted via SQL.

Action: Use racli alter rasys_user --password.

ORA-64803: failure to get ingest name for archivelog grouping

Cause: The Oracle backup process was unable to get the ingest name needed to connect to the Oracle restore process.

Action: Set the ingest name for the local node in the configuration variable.

ORA-64804: cannot reinsert deleted backup into delta store

Cause: The specified backup could not be reinserted into the delta store, because it either was previously deleted or contained a corresponding virtual backup in the same backup set that was removed from the catalog.

Action: Take a new backup of the data file.

ORA-64805: cannot reinsert virtual full backup into delta store

Cause: Virtual full backups or copies of virtual full backups could not be reinserted into the delta store because it could corrupt existing backups of the database.

Action: Use a virtual incremental backup of the data file.

ORA-64806: incorrect or all NULL input parameters specified for reset_error API

Cause: Some or all of the input parameters specified for reset_error API were incorrect or they were all NULL input parameters.

Action: Provide at least one valid input parameter.

ORA-64807: datafile encryption information for database string does not match

Cause: A data file was encrypted or rekeyed on the protected database and now the encryption key for the current INCREMENTAL LEVEL 1 backup does not match the prior encryption key.

Action: An explicit INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 backup is needed for the encrypted data files to maintain recoverability.

ORA-64808: Initialization parameter string has more than one SID value specified

Cause: There were multiple instance settings for one initialization parameter.

Action: Use "racli update parameter -type=db" to update the initialization parameter.

ORA-64809: Initialization parameter string does not match the recommended value

Cause: Initialization parameter did not match the recommended value.

Action: Use "racli update parameter -type=db" to update the initialization parameter.

ORA-64810: Initialization parameter string is not set with the proper value

Cause: Initialization parameter was not set with the proper value.

Action: Set the proper initialization parameter value.

ORA-64811: Initialization parameter string has a non-default value.

Cause: Initialization parameter had a non-default value.

Action: Use "racli update parameter -type=db -restart_db" to update the initialization parameter.

ORA-64812: -force option is required to ignore checking string initialization parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to ignore checking the initialization parameter value without specifying the -force option.

Action: Add the -force option when attempting to ignore checking the initialization parameter.

ORA-64813: Task string is being suspended.

Cause: A Recovery Appliance task generated too many errors. Following an unexpected error, a task will be restarted. If it fails to successfully run after 10 tries, the Recovery Appliance normally marks the task as broken and no longer tries to restart it. However, if a task is important for a database's recoverability, it will not be failed. Instead, the task will be suspended. Suspended tasks will be retried every few days until they successfully run or have an irrecoverable failure.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services if the task remains in SUSPENDED state for more than two weeks.

ORA-64816: Cannot create a replication server to an old version downstream Recovery Appliance.

Cause: The downstream Recovery Appliance was an older version.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-64817: Error interacting with downstream Recovery Appliance during %s; replication server: %s; database: %s

Cause: An error was encountered during communication or conversationwith a downstream Recovery Appliance for the specified database with the specified replication server. This is typically due toa network communication failure, missing or incorrect wallet,credentials, missing or incorrectly ordered add_db and grant_db_access calls. The error could also indicate an issue during the conversation with the remote Recovery Appliance.

Action: Check the incident log for active failures with a component type of REPLICATION_REMOTERA. Resolve the connection issues and execute the resume_replication_server command or wait until the next reconcile time period. After a successful reconcile, all stalled replication tasks will continue and the incident will be marked as FIXED.

ORA-64818: Polling feature not supported for multiple tenants

Cause: Polling feature did not work on multiple tenants.

Action: None.

ORA-64819: Database %s (%s), %s (%s) does not exist.

Cause: The database did not exist.

Action:Specify an existing database.

ORA-64820: db_key %s does not exist.

Cause: No database associated with the db_key specified was found in the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Specify an existing db_key.

ORA-64821: df_key %s does not exist.

Cause: No data file associated with the db_key specified was found in the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Specify an existing db_key.

ORA-64822: Log file cannot be accepted from DBID %s on Tkey %s.

Cause: While performing redo shipping for the specified database, an error was detected that prevented the creation of the log file.

Action: Refer to the other errors in the error stack to determine the cause of the problem.

ORA-64823: Unable to move individual backup piece with BP_KEY %s; backup piece is not ready to move

Cause: An attempt was made to move an individual backup piece, but the move backup operation encountered the resource busy issue for this backup piece. The backup piece still needed to replicate.

Action: Retry the move command.

ORA-64826: filesize mismatch in string for handle string: catalog size=string, but container size=string

Cause: An internal error caused by an inconsistency in the size of the specified file maintained by two different components of the Recovery Appliance.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and provide trace and alert files..

ORA-64827: Database string is not registered and therefore cannot be suspended.

Cause: A database that was not registered could not be suspended.

Action: Choose a database that has been registered.

ORA-64828: Database string is not registered and therefore cannot be resumed.

Cause: A database that was not registered could not be resumed.

Action: Choose a database that has been registered.

ORA-64829: Database string is not suspended and therefore cannot be resumed

Cause: A database that was not suspended could not be resumed.

Action: Use the suspend.db API to suspend the database.

ORA-64830: Incremental backup for database %s is not up-to-date.

Cause: Can be caused by a undersized appliance or indication of problem with backup for particular database.

Action: Run capacity planning report and review sizing of storage location as well as CPU, memory and disk utilization of components to seeif appliance is using more than 80% of resources for extended period of time. Also check for other incidents that may help describe the problem.If the cause is still not clear open a service request for Support.

ORA-64831: No outstanding backups to request for specified group.

Cause: Backup request group is either empty or has requested all backups.

Action: No action is necessary. This is an informational message only.

ORA-64832: error interacting with remote Recovery Appliance: %s; replication server: %s; database: %s

Cause: An error was encountered during communication or conversationwith a remote Recovery Appliance for the specified database with the specified replication server. This is typically due toa network communication failure, missing or incorrect wallet,credentials, missing or incorrectly ordered add_db and grant_db_access calls. The error could also indicate an issueduring the conversation with the remote Recovery Appliance.

Action: Check the incident log for active failures with a component type of REMOTERA. Resolve stated issue and rerun the command.

ORA-64833: Insufficient free space at this time is stopping backup acceptance.

Cause: The Recovery Appliance is experiencing an extreme shortage of free space. To prevent failure of redo shipping, new backups are temporarily being rejected.

Action: Retry operation after purging has caught up and free space has grown to a level that can accommodate incoming backups.

If free space does not recover, consider removing databases or reducing recovery windows on the Recovery Appliance.

ORA-64834: Failed to replicate backup piece with bp_key %s and handle %s.

Cause: An error was encountered while backup pieces was being replicated onto configured replication server.

Action: The subsequent error will identify the error that needs to be addressed.

ORA-65000: missing or invalid pluggable database name

Cause: A valid pluggable database name was not present where required.

Action: Reissue the statement with a valid pluggable database name.

ORA-65001: missing or invalid administrative user name

Cause: A valid administrative user name was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid administrative user name.

ORA-65002: missing or invalid administrative user password

Cause: A valid administrative user password was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid administrative user password.

ORA-65003: missing or invalid XML file name

Cause: A valid XML file name was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid XML file name.

ORA-65004: missing or invalid database link name

Cause: A valid database link name was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid database link name.

ORA-65005: missing or invalid file name pattern for file - string

Cause: Either source or replacement file name pattern was missing or invalid in a SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT or FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

Action: Correct the SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT or FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65006: missing or invalid ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause

Cause: An ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause.

ORA-65007: duplicate ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause

Cause: A duplicate ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause was specified in a CREATE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause.

ORA-65008: missing or invalid SEED clause

Cause: A SEED clause was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid SEED clause.

ORA-65010: maximum number of pluggable databases created

Cause: User attempted to create more than supported number of pluggable databases.

Action: Avoid creating too many pluggable databases.

ORA-65011: Pluggable database string does not exist.

Cause: User attempted to specify a pluggable database that does not exist.

Action: Check DBA_PDBS to see if it exists.

ORA-65012: Pluggable database string already exists.

Cause: User attempted to create a pluggable database with a name that already exists.

Action: Check DBA_PDBS to see if the name exists.

ORA-65013: invalid CONTAINER clause

Cause: An invalid CONTAINER clause was encountered.

Action: Reissue the DDL statement with a valid CONTAINER clause.

ORA-65014: invalid SHARING clause

Cause: An invalid SHARING clause was encountered.

Action: Reissue the DDL statement with a valid SHARING clause.

ORA-65015: missing or invalid container name

Cause: A valid container name was not present where required by the syntax of ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER or ALTER USER ... SET|ADD|REMOVE CONTAINER_DATA statement.

Action: Reissue the statement with a valid container name.

ORA-65016: FILE_NAME_CONVERT must be specified

Cause: Data files, and possibly other files, needed to be copied as a part of creating a pluggable database. However, Oracle Managed Files (OMF) was not enabled, PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT was not defined, and there was a failure to specify the FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

Action: Enable OMF or define PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT system parameter before issuing CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, or specify FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause as a part of the statement.

ORA-65017: seed pluggable database may not be dropped or altered

Cause: User attempted to drop or alter the Seed pluggable database which is not allowed.

Action: Specify a legal pluggable database name.

ORA-65018: FILE_NAME_CONVERT or NOCOPY must be specified

Cause: Oracle Managed Files (OMF) was not enabled and PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT was not defined. The FILE_NAME_CONVERT or the NOCOPY clause was not specified as a part of creating a pluggable database using data files.

Action: Enable OMF or define PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT system parameter before issuing CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, or specify FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause or NOCOPY as a part of the statement.

ORA-65019: pluggable database string already open

Cause: An attempt was made to open a pluggable database that was already opened.

Action: Check the OPEN_MODE column in V$PDBS view.

ORA-65020: pluggable database string already closed

Cause: An attempt was made to close a pluggable database that was already closed.

Action: Check the OPEN_MODE column in V$PDBS view.

ORA-65021: illegal use of SHARING clause

Cause: A SHARING clause was encountered in unexpected context.

Action: Do not use SHARING clause outside of Oracle-supplied scripts.

ORA-65022: CONTAINER clause already specified

Cause: A statement contained multiple CONTAINER clauses.

Action: Eliminate redundant CONTAINER clauses.

ORA-65023: active transaction exists in container string

Cause: A statement attempted to create a new transaction in the current container while there was an active transaction in another container.

Action: Switch to the container with the active transaction and commit, rollback or detach the active transaction before attempting to issue any statement that will attempt to create a new transaction in another container.

ORA-65024: Pluggable database string is not open.

Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not open.

Action: Open the pluggable database using appropriate open mode.

ORA-65025: Pluggable database string is not closed on all instances.

Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not closed on all Oracle RAC instances.

Action: Close the pluggable database on all instances and retry the operation.

ORA-65026: XML metadata file error : string

Cause: An error occurred while trying to parse or write to the XML metadata file.

Action: Check that the XML metadata file exists and is readable.

ORA-65027: XML metadata file error while getting node or value for (string - string)

Cause: An error occurred while trying to parse the XML metadata file.

Action: Check and correct the XML metadata file.

ORA-65028: Unable to open plugin data file at path string

Cause: Error occurred while trying to open the datafile.

Action: Check that the datafile exists at the path.

ORA-65029: a Local User may not grant or revoke a Common Privilege or Role

Cause: A Local User issued a GRANT or REVOKE statement specifying CONTAINER=ALL, which is illegal.

Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.

ORA-65030: one may not grant a Common Privilege to a Local User or Role

Cause: A Common User issued a GRANT statement specifying CONTAINER=ALL and naming a Local User or Role as a grantee, which is illegal.

Action: If trying to grant a Local Privilege, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement. If trying to grant a Common Privilege, remove Local Users and Roles from the list of grantees.

ORA-65031: one may not revoke a Common Privilege from a Local User or Role

Cause: A Common User issued a REVOKE statement specifying CONTAINER=ALL and naming a Local User or Role as a grantee, which is illegal.

Action: If trying to revoke a Local Privilege, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement. If trying to revoke a Common Privilege, remove Local Users and Roles from the list of grantees.

ORA-65032: a Local Role may only be granted or revoked within the current Container

Cause: A user issued a GRANT or REVOKE statement specifying CONTAINER=ALL and listing a Local Role among roles to be granted or revoked, which is illegal.

Action: If trying to revoke a Local Role, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement. If trying to revoke Common Privileges and/or Roles, remove Local Roles from the list of roles being granted or revoked.

ORA-65033: a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local object

Cause: A GRANT or REVOKE statement was issued specifying CONTAINER=ALL and naming a local object on which privileges are to be granted or revoked, which is illegal.

Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.

ORA-65034: PDB describe output file not specified

Cause: User attempted to describe a pluggable database without specifying an output XML file location.

Action: Specify an output file location for describe

ORA-65035: unable to create pluggable database from string

Cause: The pluggable database had ongoing or active transactions that need to be recovered.

Action: Open the pluggable database in read/write mode before cloning again so that transaction recovery can be performed.

ORA-65036: pluggable database string not open in required mode

Cause: Attempted to perform an operation on a pluggable database in incorrect open mode.

Action: Open the pluggable database in the mode required for this operation

ORA-65037: a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local user

Cause: A GRANT or REVOKE statement was issued specifying CONTAINER=ALL and naming a local user on which privileges are to be granted or revoked, which is illegal.

Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.

ORA-65039: container identifier column missing or is of unexpected type in a definition of a CONTAINER_DATA object

Cause: Table or view whose definition contained a CONTAINER_DATA clause lacked a column used to identify a container to which data belongs or the column was of unexpected type.

Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-65040: operation not allowed from within a pluggable database

Cause: An operation was attempted that can only be performed in the root container.

Action: Switch to the root container to perform the operation.

ORA-65041: CONTAINER_DATA attribute for this user cannot be modified

Cause: An attempt was made to modify CONTAINER_DATA attribute for user SYS or SYSBACKUP which is disallowed.

Action: Do not attempt to modify CONTAINER_DATA attribute for users SYS or SYSBACKUP.

ORA-65042: name is already used by an existing container

Cause: The name was already used by another container.

Action: Specify a valid name.

ORA-65043: TABLESPACE keyword expected

Cause: TABLESPACE keyword was missing.

Action: Specify a TABLESPACE keyword.

ORA-65044: missing or invalid option following STORAGE keyword

Cause: An option other than MAXSIZE or MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE was specified.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-65045: pluggable database not in a restricted mode

Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not in restricted mode.

Action: Open the pluggable database in a restricted mode.

ORA-65046: operation not allowed from outside a pluggable database

Cause: An operation was attempted that can only be performed from within a pluggable database.

Action: Switch to a pluggable database to perform the operation.

ORA-65047: object string.string is invalid or compiled with errors in CDB$ROOT

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a metadata link DDL for an object that was invalid or compiled with errors in CDB$ROOT.

Action: Check the validity of the object in CDB$ROOT.

ORA-65048: error encountered when processing the current DDL statement in pluggable database string

Cause: An error was encountered when executing a statement in one of the pluggable databases.

Action: Examine the cause of failure in the pluggable database.

ORA-65049: creation of local user or role is not allowed in CDB$ROOT

Cause: An attempt was made to create a local user or role in CDB$ROOT.

Action: If trying to create a common user or role, specify CONTAINER=ALL.

ORA-65050: Common DDLs only allowed in CDB$ROOT

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a Common DDL in a pluggable database.

Action: Switch to CDB$ROOT and issue the Common DDL there.

ORA-65051: missing valid container identifier

Cause: A valid container identifier was not specified.

Action: Specify a valid container identifier.

ORA-65052: statement involves operations with different container scope

Cause: An attempt was made to combine one operation that applies to all containers with another that only applies to the local container into one statement.

Action: Execute the operations in separate statements.

ORA-65053: A global user cannot change the container in the session.

Cause: An attempt was made by a global user to change the container using the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER statement.

Action: This operation is not allowed for global users.

ORA-65054: Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode.

Cause: An attempt was made to open a pluggable database in a mode incompatible with that of the CDB.

Action: Open the CDB in a compatible mode first and retry the operation.

ORA-65056: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not used in a pluggable database.

Cause: User connected to a pluggable database attempted to modify a CONTAINER_DATA attribute which is illegal.

Action: User connected to a pluggable database may only see rows of CONTAINER_DATA objects on which he has been granted appropriate privilege and which pertain to that pluggable database or to the CDB as a whole. Ability to see this data is not controlled by CONTAINER_DATA attribute, which is only used to control ability to see rows pertaining to certain Containers while connected to CDB$ROOT in a CDB.

ORA-65057: CONTAINER_DATA attribute must always include the current container

Cause: User issuing ALTER USER ... SET|REMOVE CONTAINER_DATA = ... statement attempted to exclude the current container from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute.

Action: Ensure that a CONTAINER_DATA attribute always includes the current container.

ORA-65058: object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute may only be specified for a CONTAINER_DATA object

Cause: Object referenced in an ALTER USER statement modifying an object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not a CONTAINER_DATA table or view.

Action: Ensure that an object referenced in the statement is a CONTAINER_DATA table or view.

ORA-65059: duplicate container name in CONTAINER_DATA clause

Cause: Duplicate references to a name of some container was encountered in a CONTAINER_DATA clause.

Action: Ensure that no container name appears more than once.

ORA-65060: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not set

Cause: User attempted to add container(s) to an object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT or remove containers from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT.

Action: Avoid adding containers to object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT or removing containers from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT.

ORA-65061: some of specified containers do not belong to the CONTAINER_DATA attribute

Cause: User attempted to remove from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute container(s) which do not belong to it.

Action: Do not attempt to remove from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute container(s) which do not belong to it.

ORA-65062: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is set to ALL

Cause: User attempted to add/remove container(s) to/from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute whose current value is ALL, which is not supported.

Action: Do not attempt to add/remove container(s) to/from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute whose current value is ALL.

ORA-65063: CONTAINER_DATA clause has already been specified

Cause: The CONTAINER_DATA clause was specified twice.

Action: Specify only one CONTAINER_DATA clause.

ORA-65064: incorrect contents of XML metadata file

Cause: The contents of the XML metadata file were different from the actual file properties.

Action: Check and correct the XML metadata file.

ORA-65065: A local user or role can only be altered within the current container

Cause: The ALTER USER or ALTER ROLE statement was issued specifying CONTAINER=ALL and listing a local user or role among the users or roles to be altered, which is illegal.

Action: If trying to alter a local user or role, specify CONTAINER=CURRENT. If trying to alter common users or roles, remove local users or roles from the list of roles being altered.

ORA-65066: The specified changes must apply to all containers

Cause: An attempt was made to apply the specified changes to the current container.

Action: Specify CONTAINER=ALL.

ORA-65067: DEFAULT ROLE clause referencing a local role can only apply to the current container

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a local role across all containers using the DEFAULT ROLE clause.

Action: If you are trying to set a local role as the default role, specify CONTAINER=CURRENT. If trying to set common roles as the default roles, remove local roles from the list of roles referenced in the DEFAULT ROLE clause.

ORA-65068: cannot define a trigger that fires after a pluggable database is unplugged

Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires after a pluggable database has been unplugged. This type of trigger is not supported.

Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires after a pluggable database has been unplugged.

ORA-65069: AFTER DB_ROLE_CHANGE triggers cannot be defined on a pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to create a pluggable database trigger that fires after a role change occurs from a standby database to primary or vice versa. This type of trigger is not supported.

Action: Do not specify AFTER DB_ROLE_CHANGE when creating a trigger on a pluggable database.

ORA-65070: AFTER CLONE trigger can only be created on a pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to create an AFTER CLONE trigger on a schema or a database. This type of trigger is not supported.

Action: Do not specify AFTER CLONE when creating a trigger on a schema or a database.

ORA-65071: BEFORE UNPLUG trigger can only be created on a pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to create a BEFORE UNPLUG trigger on a schema or a database. This type of triggers is not supported.

Action: Do not specify BEFORE UNPLUG when creating a trigger on a schema or a database.

ORA-65072: user must be connected to a pluggable database on which a trigger is being created

Cause: An attempt was made to create a database event trigger on a pluggable database while not connected to a pluggable database. This is not supported.

Action: Connect to the pluggable database on which a database event trigger needs to be created before attempting to create such a trigger.

ORA-65073: cannot define a trigger that fires before a pluggable database is cloned

Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before a pluggable database has been cloned. This type of trigger is not supported.

Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before a pluggable database has been cloned.

ORA-65074: editions not supported for common users

Cause: An attempt was made to support editions for common users.

Action: Do not attempt to enable editions for common users.

ORA-65080: cannot determine pluggable database name

Cause: An attempt was made to map the database ID to the pluggable database name.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-65081: database or pluggable database is not open in read only mode

Cause: An operation was attempted on a database or pluggable database that is not open in read only mode

Action: Open the database or pluggable database in read only mode and then retry the operation.

ORA-65082: cannot add any more pluggable databases: limit of string exceeded

Cause: There was no more room in the control file for adding pluggable databases.

Action: Recreate the control file.

ORA-65083: pluggable database (PDB) shutdown in progress

Cause: The pluggable database is in the middle of shutdown abort

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-65084: object string.string does not exist in root

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common object that does not exist in root.

Action: Invoke the script using catcon.pl to create the object in all containers.

ORA-65085: cannot open pluggable database in read-only mode

Cause: The pluggable database has been created and not opened.

Action: The pluggable database needs to be opened in read/write or restricted mode first.

ORA-65086: cannot open/close the pluggable database

Cause: The pluggable database has been unplugged.

Action: The pluggable database can only be dropped.

ORA-65087: Oracle-supplied operation not allowed from within a pluggable database

Cause: An operation in an Oracle-supplied script was attempted that can only be performed in the root container.

Action: Confirm that the operation is needed in the root container, and switch to the root container to perform the operation.

ORA-65088: database open should be retried

Cause: An inconsistency between the control file and the data dictionary was found and fixed during the database open. The database open needs to be executed again.

Action: Retry the database open.

ORA-65089: pluggable database is not clean

Cause: The pluggable database was not open anywhere but was not marked as clean yet.

Action: Wait until the cleanup is done and retry.

ORA-65090: operation only allowed in a container database

Cause: User attempted an operation that is only allowed in a CDB

Action: Connect to a CDB to perform this operation

ORA-65091: operation on string not allowed in a pluggable database

Cause: An undo tablespace or rollback segment operation was attempted that can only be performed in the root container.

Action: Switch to the root container to perform the undo tablespace or rollback segment operation.

ORA-65092: system privilege granted with a different scope to 'string'

Cause: An attempt to revoke a system privilege that was granted with a different scope has been made. The user tried to either revoke a common privilege in the current container or to revoke a local privilege in a container database (CDB).

Action: Specify the correct value for the CONTAINER clause.

ORA-65093: multitenant container database not set up properly

Cause: An attempt was made to open a multitenant container database without the correct parameter set for a multitenant container database in the initialization parameter file.

Action: Set the 'enable_pluggable_database=true' parameter for the multitenant container database in the initialization parameter file and restart the database.

ORA-65094: invalid local user or role name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a local user or role with a name that was not valid for local users or roles. In addition to the usual rules for user and role names, local user and role names cannot start with C## or c##.

Action: Specify a valid local user or role name.

ORA-65095: invalid common object name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common object with a name that was not valid for common objects. In addition to the usual rules for object names, common object names must consist only of ASCII characters.

Action: Specify a valid common object name.

ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name that was not valid for common users or roles. In addition to the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII characters.

Action: Specify a valid common user or role name.

ORA-65097: Invalid argument supplied to CDB$VIEW function

Cause: CDB$VIEW may be applied to a valid table name of the form <owner>.<tablename>

Action: Correct the statement

ORA-65098: Datatype not supported with CDB$VIEW function

Cause: Column with unsupported datatype was selected from a CDB View.

Action: Remove the column from the select list

ORA-65099: Operation cannot be performed when the CDB is not open

Cause: An operation was attempted inside a pluggable database that requires the container database (CDB) to be open. *Action: Open the CDB and then reissue the operation.

Action: None

ORA-65100: missing or invalid path prefix - string

Cause: Path prefix was missing or invalid.

Action: Correct the PATH_PREFIX clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65101: container database set up incorrectly

Cause: An attempt was made to use a non container database control file to startup a container database (CDB).

Action: Create a new control file for the CDB.

ORA-65102: missing or invalid instance name

Cause: A valid instance name was not present where required by the syntax of a ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

Action: Reissue the statement with a valid instance name.

ORA-65103: UPGRADE cannot be specified for PDBs being open in READ ONLY mode

Cause: ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... OPEN UPGRADE was specified, but the root is open READ ONLY, so the specified PDBs will also be opened READ ONLY, and UPGRADE cannot be specified for PDBs being opened READ ONLY.

Action: Reissue the statement without specifying UPGRADE or reopen the root in READ WRITE mode and then reissue the statement.

ORA-65104: operation not allowed on an inactive pluggable database

Cause: The pluggable database status was INACTIVE. It was still being created or there was an error during the create operation.

Action: Wait until the status is changed to CREATED or, in case of errors, drop the pluggable database and re-create it.

ORA-65105: SYSTEM data file for pluggable database #string not found

Cause: Data files were not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE statement in the SYSTEM tablespace of a pluggable database.

Action: Locate the data files and resubmit the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement.

ORA-65106: Pluggable database #string (string) is in an invalid state.

Cause: Data files were not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE statement of a pluggable database.

Action: Drop the pluggable database or locate the data files and resubmit the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement.

ORA-65107: Error encountered when processing the current task on instance:string

Cause: An error was encountered when executing a pluggable database task on one of the Oracle RAC instances.

Action: Examine the cause of failure on the instance.

ORA-65108: invalid use of a cursor belonging to another container

Cause: An attempt was made to use a cursor that was parsed or executed in a different container.

Action: Check if there are any incorrect uses of the SET CONTAINER statement. Parse, execute, fetch, and close a cursor only all in the same container.

ORA-65109: operation not allowed in CDB$ROOT

Cause: An operation was attempted that is not supported in the Container Database root.

Action: Switch to a pluggable database to perform the operation.

ORA-65110: Invalid instance name specified

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid or inactive instance name in the instance clause to alter the state of a pluggable database.

Action: Specify a valid and active instance name.

ORA-65111: Cannot relocate to the same instance

Cause: An attempt was made to relocate a pluggable database to the current instance.

Action: Specify an instance which is different then the current instance.

ORA-65112: pluggable database string not closed on all instances of the standby database

Cause: Media recovery stopped because the pluggable database was either unplugged, dropped or renamed on the primary database.

Action: Close the pluggable database on all instances and restart the recovery.

ORA-65113: value of MAX_PDB_STORAGE property for the PDB is too low

Cause: The value of MAX_PDB_STORAGE specified in the ALTER or CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement is less than the current space usage of data files and temporary files of the container.

Action: Specify a higher value for MAX_PDB_STORAGE.

ORA-65114: space usage in container is too high

Cause: Space usage in the current container exceeded the value of MAX_PDB_STORAGE for the container.

Action: Specify a higher value for MAX_PDB_STORAGE using the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

ORA-65115: CDB resource plan string has more than string PDB directives.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the specified multitenant container database (CDB) resource plan to use more than the supported number of directives.

Action: Remove the directives for pluggable databases (PDBs) that are not active on this database.

ORA-65116: incompatible database character set

Cause: The database character set of the container database was not a superset of the database character set of the pluggable database being plugged in.

Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having a compatible database character set.

ORA-65117: CONTAINER clause may only be specified when connected to a container database

Cause: The CONTAINER clause was specified when not connected to a container database (CDB).

Action: Reenter the statement without the CONTAINER clause.

ORA-65118: operation affecting a pluggable database cannot be performed from another pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation affecting a pluggable database while connected to a different pluggable database.

Action: Connect to the desired pluggable database and perform the operation.

ORA-65119: incompatible national character set

Cause: The national character set of the container database was not the same as the national character set of the pluggable database being plugged in.

Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having the same national character set.

ORA-65120: illegal character set ID in XML metadata file

Cause: The XML metadata file for the pluggable database being plugged in contained a database or national character set ID that was not valid for the container database. This can happen if the XML file is manually modified, if it is corrupted on disk, or if the set of supported character sets differs between the container database and the source database of the pluggable database because a user-defined character set has not been installed in the Oracle Home directory of the container database.

Action: If you have manually modified the XML metadata file of the pluggable database, restore the original file or re-create the pluggable database from its source database. Manual modifications of the XML file are not supported. If the pluggable database uses a user-defined character set, make sure the character set is installed in the Oracle Home directory of the container database. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-65121: ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER not allowed from this client

Cause: Clients earlier than Oracle Database 12c Release 1 do not support this feature.

Action: Upgrade the client to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 or later.

ORA-65122: Pluggable database GUID conflicts with the GUID of an existing container.

Cause: While creating a pluggable database, the GUID conflicted with the GUID of an existing container in the container database.

Action: Retry creating the pluggable database or consider using the AS CLONE clause for CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE if plugging in a copy of another pluggable database.

ORA-65123: cannot perform a SET CONTAINER operation in this context

Cause: An attempt was made to set the container inside a context where such an operation is prohibited.

Action: Do not set the container from inside a system trigger or a DML context.

ORA-65125: valid XML file name is required

Cause: An attempt was made to provide a file name that did not have an XML extension.

Action: Specify an XML file.

ORA-65126: pluggable database string cannot be unplugged.

Cause: The pluggable database was not closed cleanly and there are active transactions that need to be recovered.

Action: Open the pluggable database in read/write mode before unplugging again so that transaction recovery can be performed.

ORA-65127: PDB recover output file not specified

Cause: An attempt was made to recover a pluggable database (PDB) without specifying an output XML file location.

Action: Specify an output file location for recovery.

ORA-65128: PDB recover data file name not specified

Cause: An attempt was made to recover a pluggable database (PDB) without specifying a data file location.

Action: Specify a data file location for recovery.

ORA-65129: Pluggable database string cannot be relocated.

Cause: The pluggable database was already opened on all instances.

Action: Close the pluggable database without RELOCATE clause or close the pluggable database on another instance.

ORA-65130: cannot relocate more than one pluggable database.

Cause: An attempt was made to relocate more than one pluggable database.

Action: RELOCATE pluggable database one at a time.

ORA-65131: The feature string is not supported in a pluggable database.

Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is not supported in a pluggable database.

Action: Do not use this feature in a pluggable database.

ORA-65134: endian mismatch

Cause: The endian of the container database was not the same as the endian of the pluggable database being plugged in.

Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having the same endian.

ORA-65135: cannot perform ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation in this context

Cause: An ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation was attempted in a context where such an operation is prohibited.

Action: Do not perform the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation from a session that can be migrated or a session from an OCI connection pool.

ORA-65136: SPFILE name cannot be specified for a pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an SPFILE name for a pluggable database.

Action: Remove the SPFILE name and retry the operation in the pluggable database.

ORA-65137: Pluggable database string is in the middle of Pluggable Database RESETLOGS operation.

Cause: The pluggable database is in the middle of a Pluggable Database (PDB) RESETLOGS operation.

Action: If possible, recover the Container Database further so that this Pluggable database is not in the middle of a PDB RESETLOGS operation. Another alternative is to perform PDB point-in-time recovery. A message is logged in the alert log indicating SCN and time until which the pluggable database can be point-in-time recovered.

ORA-65138: Data file string of pluggable database string belongs to an orphan PDB incarnation.

Cause: Either the specified data file was restored from a backup that was taken during a period of time that was discarded by a RESETLOGS operation, or Oracle could not identify which pluggable database incarnation the file belongs to. The alert log contains more information.

Action: Restore a backup of this file that belonged to either the current or a prior incarnation of the pluggable database. If you are using RMAN to restore, RMAN will automatically select a correct backup.

ORA-65139: Mismatch between XML metadata file and data file string for value of string (string)

Cause: Either the XML metadata file or the data file was corrupt.

Action: Verify that the XML metadata file and the data file are consistent as of the point when the unplug was done and retry the operation.

ORA-65140: invalid common profile name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common profile with a name that is not valid for common profiles. Common profile names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII characters.

Action: Specify a valid common profile name.

ORA-65141: invalid local profile name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a local profile with a name that is not valid for local profiles. Local profile names cannot start with C## or c##.

Action: Specify a valid local profile name.

ORA-65142: A local profile can be altered only within the current container

Cause: An attempt was made to alter a local profile using an ALTER PROFILE statement with the CONTAINER=ALL clause.

Action: If attempting to alter a local profile, ensure that you are connected to the correct container and optionally specify CONTAINER=CURRENT.

ORA-65143: creation of local profiles is not allowed in CDB$ROOT

Cause: An attempt was made to create a local profile in CDB$ROOT.

Action: If attempting to create a common profile, do not specify CONTAINER=CURRENT.


Cause: An attempt was made to disable a restricted session while an unresolved error existed in PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS.

Action: Resolve all of the errors before trying to disable a restricted session.

ORA-65145: FORCE open of a pluggable database on more than one instance is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to FORCE open a pluggable database on more than one instance.

Action: Retry the FORCE open of the pluggable database one instance at a time.

ORA-65146: account cannot be unlocked in a PDB while it is locked in the root

Cause: An attempt was made to unlock a common user account in a pluggable database (PDB) which was locked in the root of the container database.

Action: Ensure that a common user account is not locked in the root before attempting to unlock it in a PDB.

ORA-65147: DB_UNIQUE_NAME specified without SPFILE scope

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a DB_UNIQUE_NAME in an ALTER SYSTEM statement without SCOPE=SPFILE.

Action: Use DB_UNIQUE_NAME only with SCOPE=SPFILE.

ORA-65148: cannot FORCE open a pluggable database to or from upgrade mode

Cause: An attempt was made to FORCE open a pluggable database to or from upgrade mode.

Action: Close the pluggable database first and retry the operation.

ORA-65149: PDB name conflicts with existing service name in the CDB or the PDB

Cause: An attempt was made to create a pluggable database (PDB) whose name conflicts with the existing service name in the container database (CDB) or the PDB.

Action: Choose a different name for the PDB.

ORA-65150: unable to start the instance

Cause: An attempt was made to start an instance as a container or a non-container database when at least one of the other instances was started in a different mode.

Action: Start the instance in the same mode as all the other instances.

ORA-65151: invalid tablespace name specified

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid tablespace name or a mandatory tablespace name (SYSTEM or SYSAUX) in the USER_TABLESPACES clause when creating a pluggable database.

Action: Specify a valid tablespace name.

ORA-65152: cannot bring datafile online

Cause: An attempt was made to bring online one or more data files belonging to a pluggable database that is disabled for recovery.

Action: Issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ENABLE RECOVERY statement first and retry the operation.

ORA-65153: cannot bring tablespace online

Cause: An attempt was made to bring online a tablespace that was either missing in the plug XML file or excluded when the pluggable database was created.

Action: Drop and recreate the tablespace to bring it online.

ORA-65154: specified logging attribute for the pluggable database is same as the current attribute value

Cause: An attempt was made to change the default logging attribute to be the same as the current attribute value for the pluggable database.

Action: Change the logging attribute to a different value.

ORA-65155: missing or invalid source file directory string

Cause: Source file directory was missing or invalid.

Action: Correct the SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65156: pluggable database version string not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to plug in a pluggable database with an incompatible version of the multitenant container database.

Action: Plug in a pluggable database with a compatible version of the multitenant container database.

ORA-65157: SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY cannot be specified together

Cause: SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clauses were both specified.

Action: Use either the SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT or the SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65158: could not find a matching file for - string

Cause: A matching file was not found in the directory specified with the SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clause.

Action: Correct the SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clause or check that the file exists in the directory and reissue the statement.

ORA-65159: invalid service name specified

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid service name in the services clause.

Action: Specify a valid service name.

ORA-65160: invalid cleanup task ID

Cause: An attempt was made to pass an invalid cleanup task ID to the DBMS_PDB.CLEANUP_TASK function.

Action: Specify a valid cleanup task ID.

ORA-65161: Unable to create pluggable database with no data

Cause: An attempt was made to clone a pluggable database which contains some clustered tables or index organized tables or advanced queue tables.

Action: Retry the clone operation after dropping all such objects from the source pluggable database.

ORA-65162: The password has expired.

Cause: The user's account expired and the password needs to be changed by connecting to the root of the multitenant container database

Action: Change the password or contact the DBA.

ORA-65164: database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode

Cause: The database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode when pluggable database (PDB) shutdown abort was attempted.

Action: Set the database to ARCHIVELOG mode by issuing the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command.

ORA-65165: missing or invalid path for file creation string

Cause: The path specified in CREATE_FILE_DEST clause was missing or invalid.

Action: Correct the CREATE_FILE_DEST clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65166: cannot run noncdb_to_pdb.sql if PDB's version differs from CDB's

Cause: An attempt was made to run noncdb_to_pdb.sql when the version of the pluggable database (PDB) was different from the version of the multitenant container database (CDB).

Action: Upgrade the PDB before running noncdb_to_pdb.sql

ORA-65167: cannot run noncdb_to_pdb.sql if container database is in upgrade mode

Cause: An attempt was made to run noncdb_to_pdb.sql when the multitenant container database (CDB) was in upgrade mode.

Action: Open the CDB in non-upgrade mode.

ORA-65168: missing PFILE name

Cause: An operation involving PFILE was issued in a pluggable database without specifying the PFILE name

Action: Specify a valid PFILE name and retry the operation in the pluggable database.

ORA-65169: error encountered while attempting to copy file string

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to copy the file while creating a pluggable database.

Action: Check additional error messages for the cause of the failure to copy the file, and resolve the issue accordingly.

ORA-65170: XML file string already exists

Cause: An attempt to create an XML file failed because a file with that name already exists.

Action: Use a different XML file name.

ORA-65171: invalid value for DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a value of FALSE or OFF for the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter in a pluggable database (PDB), when the value of DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter in the multitenant container database (CDB) is neither FALSE nor OFF. If the CDB has enabled the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter, then the PDB cannot disable the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter.

Action: Specify a value other than FALSE or OFF for the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter in the PDB.

ORA-65172: cannot run noncdb_to_pdb.sql unless pluggable database is an unconverted non-container database

Cause: An attempt was made to run 'noncdb_to_pdb.sql' on a pluggable database (PDB) that was not an unconverted non-container database.

Action: 'noncdb_to_pdb.sql' is not necessary for this PDB.

ORA-65173: privilege granted with a different scope to 'string'

Cause: An attempt to revoke a privilege that was granted with a different scope has failed. The user tried to either revoke a common privilege in the current container or to revoke a local privilege in a multitenant container database (CDB).

Action: Specify the correct value for the CONTAINER clause.

ORA-65174: invalid or conflicting name in service string found in the pluggable database

Cause: The service name or network name in the specified service is invalid or it conflicts with an existing service name or network name in the container database.

Action: Use an appropriate SERVICE_NAME_CONVERT clause and reissue the statement.

ORA-65175: cannot grant SYSDBA privilege locally in the root

Cause: An attempt was made to grant SYSDBA privilege locally in the root of a multitenant container database (CDB).

Action: While connected to the root, SYSDBA privilege can only be granted commonly.

ORA-65176: system tablespace block size (string) does not match configured block sizes

Cause: The block size of the system tablespace of the pluggable database to be plugged in did not match the block sizes configured in the container database.

Action: Configure the appropriate cache for the block size of the system tablespace using the DB_<n>K_CACHE_SIZE parameter (where <n> is 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32).

ORA-65177: cannot create common user with the same name as local user

Cause: An attempt was made to create a common user with the same name as an existing local user.

Action: Specify a different user name.

ORA-65178: invalid logging mode specified for the pluggable database

Cause: An attempt was made to either enable a conflicting logging mode or to disable a logging mode when it was not enabled.

Action: Check the current logging modes in DBA_PDBS for the pluggable database and specify a valid mode.

ORA-65179: cannot keep datafiles for a pluggable database that is not unplugged

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a pluggable database without specifying the INCLUDING DATAFILES clause, and the pluggable database has not been unplugged.

Action: Unplug the pluggable database before dropping the pluggable database or use the INCLUDING DATAFILES clause in the DROP PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

ORA-65180: duplicate file name encountered - string

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a duplicate source or target file name for the source file name mentioned in the message. This could be caused by incorrect SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT or FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.

Action: Use an appropriate SOURCE_FILE_NAME_CONVERT or FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause to ensure that there are no duplicate source or target file names and then reissue the statement.

ORA-65181: invalid argument supplied to CONTAINERS function

Cause: An attempt was made to create a multitenant container database (CDB) view with an invalid table or view name.

Action: Specify a valid table or view name of the form <owner>.<table_name | view_name>.

ORA-65182: unable to modify the state of pluggable database string

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the state of a pluggable database which is currently in the middle of a state transition.

Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-65183: FORCE open of a PDB on only a few instances where its open on is not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to FORCE open a pluggable database on only a few Oracle RAC instances where it is currently open.

Action: Retry the FORCE open and include all Oracle instances where the PDB is open

ORA-65184: encountered data files belonging to different PDBs

Cause: An attempt was made to invoke DBMS_PDB.RECOVER() by specifying data files or a directory name containing data files belonging to different PDBs.

Action: Check the paths provided to DBMS_PDB.RECOVER() and retry the operation.

ORA-65185: could not find data file belonging to SYSTEM tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to invoke DBMS_PDB.RECOVER() by specifying data files or a directory name containing data files where no data file belonging to SYSTEM tablespace was found. SYSTEM tablespace is critical to recover a PDB.

Action: Check the paths specified to dbms_pdb.recover() and ensure that it at least contains data files belonging to SYSTEM tablespace.

ORA-65186: The user, role or profile string has sync errors.

Cause: There were pending SQL statements involving this user, role or profile which need to be resolved in order for the pluggable database (PDB) to be synced with ROOT.

Action: Resolve the pending SQL statement in the PDB and retry the operation.

ORA-65400: Table does not have CLUSTERING clause associated with it

Cause: User attempts to modify clustering clause on a table that does not have one.

Action: Create CLUSTERING clause on the table first.

ORA-65402: invalid option on CLUSTERING clause

Cause: Invalid option on CLUSTERING clause. Only [YES | NO ] ON LOAD or [YES | NO ] ON DATA MOVEMENT are valid.

Action: Correct the option on the CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65403: invalid usage of CLUSTERING clause

Cause: Invalid usage of CLUSTERING clause. The clause can be specified only for CREATE/ATLER TABLE/SNAPSHOT/MATERIALIZED VIEW

Action: Don't use CLUSTERING clause in this statement

ORA-65404: CLUSTERING clause specified more than once on a table

Cause: A table can have only one clustering clause. The clause was specified multiple times.

Action: Correct the statement to use only one CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65405: CLUSTERING clause cannot be used with existing table options

Cause: CLUSTERING clause conflicts with other clauses on the table. Clustering cannot be used on IOT, CLUSTERED, GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE, EXTERNAL TABLE.

Action: Correct the statement so clustering clause does not conflict with other clauses.

ORA-65406: invalid option on CLUSTERING clause


Action: Correct the option on the CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65407: CLUSTERING clause already exists on the table

Cause: Add CLUSTERING clause was specified on a table with an existing clustering clause.

Action: If table has clustering, you can only change ON LOAD or ON DATA MOVEMENT options. To change other options, you must first drop the clause.

ORA-65408: CLUSTERING clause has too many columns in BY ORDER

Cause: More than 10 columns were specified in the BY ORDER subclause. You can have at most 10 columns in the BY ORDER subclause.

Action: Lower the number of columns in the BY ORDER subclause to a value of 10 or less.

ORA-65409: CLUSTERING clause has too many MULTIDIMENSIONAL columns or groups

Cause: More than 40 columns were specified in the MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORDER subclause.You can have at most 40 columns in the MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORDER subclause.

Action: Lower the number of columns in the BY MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORDER subclause to a value of 40 columns or less or 4 groups or less.

ORA-65410: CLUSTERING clause can have only scalar columns

Cause: A non-scalar column was specified in the BY LINEAR or MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORDER subclause. Also, virtual or hidden columns are not allowed.

Action: Specify only scalar columns in the BY [LINEAR | MULTIDIMENSIONAL] ORDER subclause.

ORA-65411: CLUSTERING clause does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to modify or drop a CLUSTERING clause in a table that had no CLUSTERING clause associated with it.

Action: Do not attempt to modify a nonexistent CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65412: invalid option on ALTER TABLE .. CLUSTERING ..

Cause: You have specified an invalid option on ALTER TABLE...CLUSTERING. For example, you specified DROP and ADD CLUSTERING in one statement.

Action: Correct the statement.

ORA-65413: cannot resolve referenced object in the CLUSTERING clause

Cause: An object was referenced in the CLUSTERING clause that could not be resolved to a base table reference.

Action: The CLUSTERING clause can refer to base tables only.

ORA-65414: column resolves to multipe tables in the CLUSTERING clause

Cause: A column resolved to multiple tables in the CLUSTERING clause.

Action: Correct the statement. The column should resolve to only one table. Need to qualify by table name.

ORA-65415: wrong join condition in the CLUSTERING clause

Cause: The CLUSTERING clause had an OR condition and the individual join condition on the base table columns was not an equijoin.

Action: Correct the statement. Make sure that join conditions are equijoins and there are no OR conditions, or no expressions in the join.

ORA-65416: multiple mimension tables in the CLUSTERING clause

Cause: Joins in the CLUSTERING referenced a dimension table more than once.

Action: Correct the statement. Remove one of the references.

ORA-65417: illegal dimenstion table in the CLUSTERING clause

Cause: The dimension table in the CLUSTERING clause was illegal. Dimension table cannot be GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE or EXTERNAL TABLE.

Action: Rewrite the statement so it does not use an illegal option on the dimension table.

ORA-65418: primary or unique Key constraint missing in CLUSTERING join

Cause: The join between the fact and dimension tables in the CLUSTERING clause did not have a primary or unique key constraint on the dimension table.

Action: Add a primary or unique key constraint to the join columns on the dimension table.

ORA-65419: columns in a clustering group come from different tables

Cause: Columns in the clustering group did not come from the same table. For example: ... CLUSTERING BY ... ( (t1.c1, t2.c2), (t2.c1, t2.c2) ). Clustering group (t1.c1, t2.c2) must contain references to only one table.

Action: Restructure the clustering group so it contains only references to a single table.

ORA-65420: columns in a join condition in the CLUSTERING clause are not compatible

Cause: The data type of columns in the join condition of CLUSTERING clause were not compatible. They must be of the same type.

Action: Select a compatible data type for the join conditions in the CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65421: The CLUSTERING clause is defined on columns that are to be modified

Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN command was issued on a column on which a CLUSTERING clause exists.

Action: Drop the CLUSTERING clause before attempting to modify the column.

ORA-65422: The CLUSTERING clause already has a zonemap defined on it

Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY CLUSTERING command was issued with the WITH MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP option but the table already had zonemap define on it.

Action: Drop the zonemap associated with the base table before attempting to add zonemap using the CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65423: The CLUSTERING clause does not have a zonemap associated with it

Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY CLUSTERING command was issued with the WITHOUT MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP option but the table did not have zonemap associated with the CLUSTERING clause.


ORA-65424: CLUSTERING clause has too many joins

Cause: More than 4 joins were specified in the CLUSTERING clause. You can have at most 4 joins to the dimension tables.

Action: Reduce the number of joins to 4 or less.

ORA-65425: CLUSTERING clause not supported for table stored in tablespace of this storage type

Cause: An attempt was made to define clustering on a table stored in non-Oracle Exadata storage.

Action: Create this table in a tablespace residing on Oracle Exadata storage or remove the CLUSTERING clause.

ORA-65426: Non-scalar data type is used for a clustering column

Cause: Oracle cannot perform data clustering because an attempt was made to populate a clustering column with non-scalar data values, or a clustering column defaulted to non-scalar values was omitted.

Action: Use only scalar data type for the clustering columns, or disable data clustering with NO_CLUSTERING hint.

ORA-65451: Advanced index compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type.

Cause: An attempt was made to use advanced index compression on an unsupported storage type.

Action: Drop and re-create the index with a compression option that is supported on the current storage type.

ORA-65455: family string is invalid

Cause: An invalid family was used to specify a parameter value.

Action: Use a valid family.

ORA-65456: family string is not valid in string instance

Cause: The specified family could not be used in the current instance type.

Action: Remove the family from the environment variable ORACLE_FAMILY.

ORA-65457: family string is not valid in string instance

Cause: The specified family could not be used in the current instance type.

Action: Use a family that is valid for this instance to set the initialization parameter.

ORA-65458: maximum length of parameter qualifier exceeded

Cause: Too many characters were specified in the parameter qualifier in the initialization parameter file.

Action: Change the parameter qualifier to a valid SID or family.

ORA-65459: family used with a specific system identifier (SID)

Cause: A SID was used with FAMILY.

Action: Use FAMILY without a SID.

ORA-65460: family string is invalid

Cause: An invalid family was specified for this instance in ORACLE_FAMILY.

Action: Use a valid family in ORACLE_FAMILY.

ORA-65461: invalid parameter name specified with CONTAINER clause set to ALL

Cause: The CONTAINER clause was set to ALL in the ALTER SYSTEM SET statement for a non-PDB modifiable parameter.

Action: Retry the ALTER SYSTEM SET statement without the CONTAINER clause.

ORA-65466: family 'string' contains an illegal character or is too long

Cause: The specified family contained an illegal character or the family specified was too long, which cannot occur in an SPFILE setting. Illegal characters include *,#"'=() and whitespace.

Action: Use a family that does not contain a special character or whitespace. Check platform-specific documentation for the maximum length of family.

ORA-65500: could not modify DB_UNIQUE_NAME, resource exists

Cause: DB_UNIQUE_NAME could not be modified, because a database resource identified by DB_UNIQUE_NAME existed in the cluster. To modify DB_UNIQUE_NAME, any resource it identifies must first be removed.

Action: Remove the database resource identified by DB_UNIQUE_NAME before modifying DB_UNIQUE_NAME.

ORA-65501: locator from string container cannot be used in container string for this operation

Cause: In a pluggable database environment, an attempt was made to modify a LOB using a locator which belongs to a different container.

Action: Switch back to the original container.

ORA-65502: cannot access temporary LOB data

Cause: The database did not open.

Action: Open the database before accessing LOB data.

ORA-65535: Oracle client cannot handle error code exceeding 65535. Actual error code and message follow:

Cause: Oracle server encountered an error whose error code exceeded 65535. Older Oracle clients (prior to version 12) cannot handle error codes larger than 65535.

Action: Actual Oracle error code and error message are a part of the error message for ORA-65535. Upgrade Oracle client to version 12 client libraries or higher.