Configuring the Replication Server

This task configures the replication server that sends the database backups from RAHADR1 to the RAHADR2 Recovery Appliance.

The operations and naming conventions used here are equivalent to those in Enterprise Manager when there is no dedicated replication network. For more information, see Replicating Backups with Recovery Appliance.
The replication server between RAHADR1 and RAHADR2 has not already been created.
  1. If a replication wallet does not exist on RAHADR1, create a replication wallet that points to RAHADR2.
    $ mkstore -wrl file:/dbfs_repdbfs/REPLICATION -createALO
  2. Add the credentials to the wallet. On RAHADR1, add the credentials for logging into RAHADR2.
    $ mkstore -wrl file:/dbfs_repdbfs/REPLICATION 
    -createCredential <rahadr2-scan>:1521/rahadr2 REPUSER_FROM_HADR1 my_v3ry_c0mplex_pa55w0rd
  3. Create the Recovery Appliance replication server on RAHADR1.
    $ sqlplus rasys/ra
    SQL> exec dbms_ra.create_replication_server( 
    replication_server_name =>'RAHADR2_REP', 
    sbt_so_name => '', max_streams => 8, 
    catalog_user_name=> 'RASYS', 
    wallet_alias => '<rahadr2-scan>:1521/rahadr2',
    wallet_path => 'file:/dbfs_repdbfs/REPLICATION');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.