Adding Cloud Location

This task configures a cloud bucket location for archive-to-cloud.

Creation of a cloud_location requires that a cloud_user object has already been created. Each cloud_location creation is tied to a singular, specified cloud_user. Resulting object name translates to cloud sbt_library name, such as bucket_cloud_user. In this model, each cloud location is one-to-one cloud_user to cloud_location.

The options given to RACLI are passed to the installer, which handles setting lifecycle management for the bucket.

When completed, Object Storage is authorized to move backups to Archive Storage, as per Configuring Automatic Archival to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

  1. Add cloud location to the Recovery Appliance. This creates a sbt_library for archive-to-cloud.
    [root@myComputeNodeX ~]# racli add cloud_location 
    [--enable_archive |  --disable_archive]
    [--archive_after_backup=NUMBER:{DAYS|YEARS}  --streams=NUMBER --proxy_host=HTTP_SERVER
    --proxy_port=HTTP_PORT  --proxy_id=HTTP_USER --proxy_pass=HTTP_PASS
    --import_all_trustcert=X509_CERT_PATH  --retain_after_restore=NUMBER:HOURS]
    Tue Jun 18 13:30:51 2019: Using log file /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/log/racli.log
    Tue Jun 18 13:30:51 2019: Start: Add Cloud Location <OCI_BUCKET_NAME>_<CLOUD_USER_NAME>
    Tue Jun 18 13:30:57 2019: End: Add Cloud Location <OCI_BUCKET_NAME>_<CLOUD_USER_NAME>

    The name of the bucket where the backup will go. Note that the install tool will create the specified bucket if it does not exist.

    The bucket name is the directory which will be created in the --compartment_ocid ZFS share in step #2.

    Bucket names are case sensitive, allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, /, -, _ and period (.), other special characters are not allowed. Bucket name max length is 255 characters (one less than OCI 256).


    Previously configured cloud_user object with all authentication requirements. This is the same logical name used for the cloud_user creation in step #2


    Host name for the Oracle Bare Metal Cloud account. This is the ZFS hostname or IP address always followed by /oci - Do not use https.


    The maximum number of streams used during data send/receive operations between the ZFS and Recovery Appliance. The specific stream count will be configured when defining the copy job template in a later step below. It is not recommended to exceed 256 total open connections to Object Storage on a single ZFS appliance.

    • Just like OCI public cloud buckets, the cloud_location will be used as a Media Management Library (MML) in the ZDLRA. The MML will appear as <bucket_name>_<user_name>.

    • Attribute sets will be created on the Recovery Appliance based on the number of --steams specified above


    Validating that the cloud object was created properly is critical. If --enable_archive=TRUE (listed as Archive: TRUE), the cloud bucket can perform archive-to-cloud operations. If --enable_archive is not provided, the default is FALSE, which means the created cloud location cannot perform archive-to-cloud operations and becomes cold storage.
  2. List cloud_location object(s) to verify they were created correctly.
    [root@myComputeNodeX ~]# racli list cloud_location --location_name=<CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>
    Fri Oct 25 06:27:18 2019: Using log file /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/log/racli.log
    Fri Oct 25 06:27:18 2019: Start: List Cloud Location
    Cloud Location <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>
               Location Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>
                     Archive: TRUE
        Archive After Backup: 7:Days
                        Host: https://<HOST_URL>
                      Bucket: <OCI_BUCKET_NAME>
                 Location ID: 21
                  Proxy Host:
                  Proxy Port: 80
        Retain After Restore: 1:Hours
                     Streams: 6
                     User ID: 1
                 SBT Library: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_1
               Backup Stream: 1
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_2
               Backup Stream: 2
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_3
               Backup Stream: 3
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_4
               Backup Stream: 4
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_5
               Backup Stream: 5
          Attribute Set Name: <CLOUD_LOCATION_NAME>_6
               Backup Stream: 6
    Fri Oct 25 06:27:18 2019: End: List Cloud Location

    If the cloud location was created improperly based on this verification step, use racli remove cloud_location and run with the correct arguments racli add cloud_location.

In later steps, you need the name of the attribute set to create a sbt_job_template. This can be derived from the "racli list cloud_location --long" output. The SBT library and attribute sets created by racli can be displayed using dbms_ra, but should not be modified.