This procedure copies a single backup piece from the Recovery Appliance to a SBT destination.


PROCEDURE copy_backup_piece (
   bp_key IN NUMBER,
   format IN VARCHAR2,
   template_name IN VARCHAR2,
   compression_algorithm IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   encryption_algorithm IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,


Table 21-8 COPY_BACKUP_PIECE Parameters

Parameter Description


The unique key of the backup piece to copy. Obtain this key from the RC_BACKUP_PIECE view.


The naming format of the backup piece to create. This parameter follows the same rules as the RMAN FORMAT parameter.

If not specified, default format is RA_SBT_%d_%I_<SBT_job_template_key>_%U_<bs_key>.


The name of the SBT job library template.

The Recovery Appliance copies the backup piece to tape, using the media pool referenced in the SBT template name as the copy destination.


Specifies the compression algorithm. If compression_algorithm is specified, it will override the compression algorithm defined in template_name for this single operation. If template_name is NULL, it defines the compression algorithm for this operation.

BASIC: Good compression ratios with potentially lower speed than MEDIUM.

LOW: Optimized for speed with potentially lower compression raios than BASIC.

MEDIUM: Recommended for most environments. Good combination of compression ratios and speed.

HIGH: Best suited for operations over slower networks where the limiting factor is maximum network throughput. Provides the highest level of compression with the most negative impact on CPU performance.

OFF: No compression.

NULL: (default) indicates that the algorithm defined in the SBT job template should be used.


Specifies the encryption algorithm

If encryption_algorithm is specified, it will override the encryption algorithm defined in template_name for this single operation. If template_name is NULL, it defines the encryption algorithm for this operation.

Valid value are 'AES128', 'AES192', 'AES256', 'OFF' or the constant equivalents ENC_OFF, ENC_AES128, ENC_AES192, ENC_AES256.


A value of CLIENT or ENC_CLIENT requires the client to generate encrypted backups. Failure to do so will result in cloud backup job failures on the Recovery Appliance.


Optional user supplied comment describing reason for executing this command.